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Everything posted by johnnieboi

  1. Silencer? My old celica was 91 or 92db. System was 2inch Xforce catback with 2.5inch tip. the guy who sold it to me gave me a silencer for it. I never put it on though
  2. Update: Tomees CEL came back.. toyota FTL
  3. Dad noticed today.. side mirror mount had lifted off and not aligned anymore.. there goes the seal too. f#ckn ****** off. Should of just got out and decked him New side mirror mod, ductape Mum works at toyota.. said wont be able to play around with the mirror unless you dismantle the whole door. :( Ordering new mirror cover now. Still dont know wat to do with the mis-aligned mount.
  4. Those little model cars are sick pete! i want an AE86 to put on my desk
  5. Tomee just got his exhaust manifold replaced today with new O2 sensor. CEL is off for now. See how it goes. hope it fixes the problem.
  6. No i didnt get his rego. The police got all those details down. It was either blue or purple colour. Natio was caucasian, dont know.. wog? Happened around ur area too Rowell. Hope you and tomee and hong never get the same experience.
  7. I dont know mate. Probli drunk and on drugs or something. It wouldnt have just been road rage, because i merged into the left lane, then he followed, then back to right and he followed again. I dont know. If only i had sportivo.. wouldnt of been way outta there hella fast.
  8. Yes get injen cai. But make sure you read that thread first! Be prepared....... for suction
  9. I know man. After telling my entire story like 6times already.. (shutup tomee! =P ) i think maybe i should of called the cops while he was tailing me. But its hard to say in that situation. Sometimes you do things differently, i couldnt imagine how different it would of been if i got out and we punched on.. very messy it'd be. I think i did the right thing. Something i will learn is that i should try and call the cops next time, but then again i had adrenaline running through me. i dunno
  10. Survived a close call last nite guys. I went out with tomee a.k.a shinobi last nite, picked him up and went to city to kick back a bit and wateva. On the way home to drop him off at broady, there was a supra with HID's following closely behind me and highbeaming me constantly and beeping at me. I didnt know who it was or what was happening, seriously, i thought it was some supra owner from the forums who recognised my car. Who kept at it constantly, im like what the? who is this supra? I was on the right lane and he'd been doing that for a while so i moved to the left lane so he could pass me, but all he did was move to the left lane too. Then i moved back to the right and he moved too then left and again he moved too. All the while maintaining probli a distance of less than 1metre behind me. I could see how this was going to turn out so i speed off, i really didnt want an accident to top off my night. I thought i lost him in traffic wen i sped off and while glancing in my rear view mirror, i saw him zip out of traffic and began to chase me. This was residential streets, i probli shouldnt had sped off but seriously thought he was going to smash into my car. I was outta of there pretty fast, then i hit the brakes and slowed down and saw that he had passed me and took the turn off going left, but as i passed him i saw that he just sat there and waited till he saw that i was going straight still and drove over the island and started to chase me again. At this point im getting scared, thinking the worse. I sped off again trying to lose him in traffic but it was like 2am and almost no other cars around. I was going to run a red light but tomee told me not to and to just stop. I was like omg omg, hes gonna hit me man! he pulled up to a quick stop behind me, got out of his car, i was like SH#T! wen he almost made it to my door i just took off again, he swore something at me, hit my driver side window and kicked my side mirror real hard. Side mirror was full facing forward and the mirror cover broke off. I was in utter shock. Didnt know wat to do. I was so angry and swearing and almost tempted to pull over and punch on with him. As i kept driving cars started appearing so i just kept driving, another car moved in behind me so i was like good, hes not gonna see me now. I pulled up to the intersection to turn right to tomees house and stopped, and i saw in my rear view mirror he was still fanging it down and even though it was a red light he went straight through it, i was like 'omg hes gonna kill someone!' Surely enough a guy was driving through in a ford falcon and the supra smashed straight into him front on, spun 360 about 3times and ended up on the kerb about 20metres away. The falcon was gone from the moment of impact, and slid softly into a pole. He's whole front end was smashed in and engine was smoking, pieces of plastics, metals, bumper was everywhere. I quickly told tomee to call the police but within 5mins there was ambulance, police and the fire brigade and shortly after many many more. The guy came out swearing and bleeding, refusing help from paramedics and even pushed him. Two police officers were trying to assess the situation and see if he was injured badly, still swearing and being non-cooperative, started swearing at everyone around the scene, the police sprayed him with pepper spray. He was obviously drunk. I stayed around for about an hour till the scene was cleaned up so i could tell my story to the police. They did a report and got our details. He will be charged with assault on us and criminal damage plus many many other charges for speeding, drink driving and causing the accident, assaulting police officers. He was thrown in the police car and was still swearing and kickin around in the back. Me and tomee spoke to the falcon guy, poor guy, right place at the wrong time. He was bout 30seconds from his house. And if he had hit that pole, would of been a fatality. In some ways, i feel sorry for the guy because hes really gonna be in for it now, but in some ways it could of been much worse, could of been me and tomee, could of been game over ZRE and me or tomee too. Now to sort out a new mirror cover. Mirror electrics work ok. Sighhhhhhhh So wasnt asking for this. Me and tomee were singing in the car and doing 60km for ages before it happened. Bad way to end the nite. Then driving home, thinking, maybe i shouldnt mod my car.. grabs the wrong attention. :(
  11. Just read all the posts. LOL All i can say is epic fail. And im +1 on andys post.. an AE82 SX would be awesome. (after having seen one leave us all behind around the mountain) Your old corolla although old, has a lot of potential. Many of the older players here are ditching their Stivos and getting older cars like the AE82 You just have to be patient and do a lot of research on it, im sure you could transform ur old rolla into a neck-snapping ride. Thats my 2cents
  12. Hi guys. Spontaneous meet up tonite again. Meeting place Sunshine Plaza Carpark at 9.30pm We'll go for a carwash (my car so dirty!) and if ppl are hungry.. we can grab a bite to eat. If weather permits. we'll go for a run at Yarra Blvd, near Kew. See how we go See you there if you can make it. Johnnieboi
  13. Not sure. Have to check and let ya know. My engine is still off. Shinobis is still on. Mines been off for about 2weeks now.. with mixed driving conditions.. the last meet mountain runs, and pushing it hard here and there. Shinobi is getting his exhaust manifold + O2 sensor replaced for free by toyota. See wat that does.
  14. I originally hated those rear reflectors.. but i dunno.. sometimes.. it looks okay.. accepting it more now. Feel like it ruins the lines of the zre body, IMO anyway It doesnt look so bad on the navy blue zre with facelift rear bar. Facelift rear lights look quite nice on the pre-facelift zre. The gap and difference doesnt seem so bad.
  15. Hrmmm.. quick launch.. double clutch.. right timing of gear shifts.. both same cars with almost same specs. Tomee is about 100kg lighter than me with his model zre, so if it goes right.. he should win.. but you never know Luckily.. we've both played Need for Speed Underground back in the day.. and practiced perfect shifting.. Just dont hit redline = rev limiter = fail
  16. Firstly.. not young driver. Been driving manual for about 7 years and yes i can feel my car and i know how to change gears at the right revs. Let me word this right. Wat i asked in the original post was out of interest to see what revs/speed people change gears at, and what gears they run at what speeds. Just out of interest to how i drive. What im also asking is that is it okay to drive for eg. 60km/h or 70km/h in 6th gear? Being low speed, would it be damaging to the gearbox or engine. I've never been in 6th gear at 60km/h. I know the car Manual gives you an indication but im just wondering in your opinions. It seems everyone drives around the same range as me.. at cruise levels. Not like you Prozak-123.. your just crazy ;)
  17. OMG! Wheres tomee? Lets go launch our zres against each other man! For a laugh! quarter-mile time of high 18s? Lol!
  18. OMG MAN! LMAO!! yea i wan tu bai da chopdik wun fowsan? so i hab da bic muscal u no? :P
  19. If superlow rears drops it a further 20mm from what it is now, i'll be happy as larry.
  20. Hey guys, just interested in what gears you guys choose at what speed? sorry if its been covered. Talked to kenshinx about it before too. Is it okay to go 60km/h in 6th? i always thought that would hurt your gearbox and engine? Because the revs are down lower and engine sounds like its struggling? Correct me if im wrong For all the vehicles that i've driven over the years. For the most part its: (speed is just rough estimate) 1st gear: 0km-25km/h 2nd gear: 25km-45km/h 3rd gear: 45km/h-60km/h 4th gear: 60km-80km/h 5th gear: 80km-100km/h 6th gear: 100km/h + Obviously sometimes the varying factors and conditions will change your choice in gears. This is driving in normal conditions and grandma shifting. Not spastic revving and racelike
  21. Your ascent read 700-800km range on a full tank? damn man! wat ascent prototype do you drive? most of us zres show under 600 or around the 500km mark. Back wen i was stock rocker, it showed 540-550ish.. i'd make it to 580-590 once.. and filled up. Best to fill up. Unless you want to completely run out and use that as a gauge, probli not too healthy for the engine to drive around low on fuel. Depends how you drive and wat mods you have. if you grandma drive, you should get around 550km on a full tank. Hope that helps
  22. When i first joined i wasnt really active because noone had really modded a zre corolla yet. Then about a year later.. randomly went back on one time, BANG! ZREs getting modded left right and centre. This site has been great for me and has helped out my modding process a lot! everyone here is friendly and very helpful. I 2nd wat mick.wheelz said. I've met so many great people from this forum, some guys i talk to and regularly hang out with these days. I've made some great friends here. And its not all about being the sickest car with the phattest wheels or the fastest or hottest. Just a bunch of guys/girls who share a common interest for the love of their cars. oh.. and being toyota too! :)
  23. That would look retarded. rear slammed and front still way up high. you want even stance. guys are resetting their rears because they're current lowered springs like mine (king springs low) in the rear sits slight higher than the front. Which gives ur ride a forward 'dipped' stance. from side on view.. it looks uneven.. and the more you look at it.. the more you notice that big gap where ur whole fist can go through. i think im guna just go superlows on my rears. then i'll be happy.
  24. i concur. and let me know wen u do it. cuz i wanna do my rear badge
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