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Everything posted by thegourou20

  1. I must say that your Aurion looks so hot Lee. I love your wheels too as it suits the car beautifully. :)
  2. I think Rui Costa was a really good portugese player in the late 1990's. He was so skillful with the ball almost like an artist on the field. :) Rui Costa Demo!
  3. I like Ribery but I don't know i reckon it is not worth it getting him @ 27 for the price they are asking. :-/ I know it is the peak of a footballers career but yeah. I would not mind Schweinsteiger i reckon he is really good and relatively young as well (and quick) . We really need some good midfielders who can make the difference and i don't think Nani or even Anderson got what it takes especially Giggs and Scholes are getting old. :( Carrick has not been able to fit the role of being the leading midfielder like a Frank Lampard in Chelsea or Messi in Barcelona. So I wonder who can fit into that role? :-s
  4. If you want to reset your ecu, just disconnect your battery for 30 mins and plug it back on. You should be live! :-D For more info you can refer to this link: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=2020
  5. Why do some ppl always gotta whinge just for the sake of whinging? :-/ Just get over it and keep rollin' :-D
  6. No clue man. What sus is like a few years ago they were struggling against bankruptcy and the government had to buy their stadium and now they are spending heaps again. :-/ So much money is involved nowadays and I don't think any soccer player is worth that much. Having said that, that's why I always admire Ar$enal as a team even though I am a man utd supporter. It is definitely going to be an interesting season in the Premier League. It will actually give a chance to those young liverpool fans see their team win a premier league trophy... :-D Lol
  7. Oh Nooooo Not Ronaldo... :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  8. It was my first cruise and I was real happy with the overall outcome. It was almost like a Fast & Furious Episode... ;)
  9. Why bother if you can do it in real life scenario anyways? :P :P Btw if there is heaps of free spots left, I might convert myself into an entrant closer to the deadline.
  10. I know I know Guan... ;) A wind tunnel is not cheap as chips :P 1. GUNI - Entrant 2. SIMON - Entrant 3. ALEX - Entrant 4. KENNY - Entrant 5. DWEE - Entrant 6. TASH - Spectator 7. BOWLER - Spectator 8. Gourou- Spectator
  11. I doubt it. It was leaning towards Sydney during the meet... :-D
  12. I will come as a spectator if you guys don't mind. I am not interested at the moment in getting my car on the dyno because I want to put a few more stuff in before getting some graphs printed! :-D atm the aerodynamic package of the car is not the best! :P :P :P :P LoL
  13. Niceeeeee Pics Mick. Oh yeah I just wanted to say that the sound of all our exhaust systems united together in the burnley tunnel was so cool....but may be it might just be me being a kid! :-l
  14. Great pics guys. :) Good Times... :-D Evan you took quite a fair few pics. When you told me you took a lot I did not think there were that many. Top Stuff though. Looking forward to see the pics that John took on the cruise. ;)
  15. was such a good weekend and now i am so sad it is over. :( It is also the first time i pushed "the boat" a bit too :-D lol I got the message guys...haha...apart from that many thanks to all those involved in organising that national meet and special thanks to Andy. :) Hopefully we can do those type of cruises with the locals more often and I really enjoyed the company and rides of everyone. ^_^
  16. Lol...with this Sh!t weather I will just drive to the car wash early morning and do the basics interior and exterior clean because 1) I know the weather is not the best and if it rains after I have put in so much effort in cleaning i will be angry and 2) I don't think i will win any award because there is heaps better than mine at the moment. Having said that my top 3 guess for the show n shine competition would be: 1) Alex (favorite for looks i would say) 2) Guan (if he can be stuffed cleaning it a bit but performance wise got some goodies :P ) 3) Peter (the dark horse...lol ) just a random guess...so yeahhhhh! :-D
  17. Yeah slowly I am getting there :) Thanks mate. CES CAI is awesome. :) With the CAI only I could feel it definitely from around 3000+ rpm and yeah the sound of it @ cold start and when you hit lift is so cool man...lol Yeah Andy I know i know but it is a bit too expensive for me atm because i can get new king spring lows for $200 cash and KYB shocks for $612.95 delivered. :-l I would buy may be if.... :P Thanks mate...yeah bad Simon but I still think you are ahead of me ;) I still got boring calipers atm :( Btw no pics yet because it has been raining lately :-l
  18. Turkish GP Team: Brawn Drivers: Button & Massa Pole: Button Fastest: Button
  19. Just a quick update guys before the national meet....did the JDM tail light mod during the weekend, put the TRD rear strut in the car as well and also got the varex installed(havent hard wire it yet though :( ). Beautiful sound. I am so happy with everything really. :) Will post pictures later.
  20. Why do you absolutely need to know who the 5th one is? Can't those who already put their name down and paid get their item posted? :-s
  21. I want my sway bar....lol :-D
  22. Coz you are not picking on him anymore? :( LoL Jk =-]
  23. I like no. 2....payment sent as well :)
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