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Posts posted by AUR30N

  1. hard to tell those pic's don't do anything for me......its always hard to tell from pics

    But i see dj has always had that sarcastic reply nothings changed from him till date .....just call him toyotaownersclub army official

    Beware cause Iam loooking for double posts to pounce on you to gain post.......maybe forums where designed to get people away from rubbing bunch of twigs and stone even if they were double posts we don't need and army official here...........

    forums been pretty quite without me askin silly questions or double post hehehe or are we all morooning for Bondie and his sale of his beast

    bondie god bless you new skiline looks A1 and Iam considering purchase my self in next 6 months

    not only that you were only member to help newbies without sarcastic useless posts and actually had nice professional manner and responsive to help people out unlike some peeps..... ytou will be missed but please keep in contact with me.


  2. http://www.tempetyres.com.au/gallery_close...ity+Rides+1%2E1

    i think that looks alright but i spose theres not to much gold there hey, and the aurion has alot of black on it so i would probly go black, have alook a 51DER's car its the same rims as u like but black, on a white car also...very nice

    you have link? to 51der's or photo's

    gold might be o.k if all badgeing was removed then only silver would be the side stripe - fog bezels and mud cards and mirror fixture can all be colour coded to white. so the only black would be the grill and door stills.


  3. Iam sorry but part of loving your car is washing it and detailing it early on saturday mornig or sunday morning and then going for nice cruise.

    it spart of the fun and satisfaction of owning your car and admiring it as you do t and seeing the diffrence.

    But Iam sorry I would never never pay a detailer to do what i can with the right knowledge and equipment. unless i was entering a show and shine contest.

    I have very little time but i do make the effort.

    The initial cost might be high but over period of time it pays it self off - yeah sure these's people with no patiants but all that boils down to is lazyness


  4. Hope this will clear things up, but the Extremo kit is actually genuine Toyota Thailand Accessory body kit.

    The Camry Extremo is a Special Edition model, based on the Camry 2.0G (But with bodykit & Black interior from the Camry 3.5V.).

    I could be wrong though, as it could also be an after market bodykit with the same name (Noticed the attached pics were gone, so that makes it harder to figure out.).

    Had to remove the pics so i could post new topic. But you are spot on with this info. Do you know anyone who can get the genuine toyota extremo kit.

    The other kit being sold from accessory shops in thailand looks a bit different and doesnt match the curves of the aurion.

    Yo bondie post those orignal pic so i can have a look



  5. Ive been mucking around with a new boot badge this weekend, guttered the old one, added a new emblem etc etc.

    But now I need to stick it on. What sort of glue do you guys recommend. Im after something like what they stick the factory badges on with, that stuff is pretty sticky.

    Im gonna add a sweet scull into the front grill and go for a bit of a "punisher" theme on my car.

    Pics below, only stuck on with blue- tac for effects.

    Bondie I love your originality.........thats what iam all about being diffrent I just don't want to become a victim of oh that just another aurion that's what i think of all these commodore and wrx going around atm they all look the same don't intrest me anymore too common.

    keep up the good work and keep it reel :toast:


  6. Honestly, you're beating a dead horse here. He's already said he doesn't want to install a cap, or a second battery (both of which will make his problems worse - second battery, especially in the boot, puts a HUGE strain on the rest of his electrical system).

    I've just given up on this thread Drew. It has just turned into a mess.

    So have I Daryl and Drew my pics says it all in my previous post. and if you want me to take more photo's of trophies i can there only 30 of them before they asked me nicely to not enter. since 1998.

    not only that i have also designed the demo audio boards for certian store 150 stores oz wide for Sony Australia & kenwood till i lost the tender beaten by 200 000 by mob in newcastle for the next batch.

    anyway here is pictures of the board i designed and used it was a double sided with pic micro chip controller that I programmed to operate the board and switch the relay on bounch switch



  7. Yes. I'm plannin to Upgrade them means tradin them in with the Stock TRD, not to convert Sportivos to TRD.

    When I say mods, the whole idea is just trying to be different and better than the stock.

    Anw, thanks guys for the comments so far.

    My no 2. question is actually askin how much to trade in my car...Soz for the confusion.

    Supercharger costs 10G?!! Wasnt it 3-4G the last time?

    Look in redbook give you rough indication what you can get as trading or selling private



  8. Put a second battery in the boot with a cap

    Jin you still haven't quoted how big your amps in rms no peak value and brand they are?



    I already have quoted all my amps and watt just above the picture of terminal.

    I don't like the secondary battery idea because I have to get an proper isolator to prevent the first battery getting flat when the car is off.

    The isolator itself costs about $100 and I don't think my setup would need that much of battery power.


    Yes definetley you will need isolator jin but will keeep your amps happy you willk possibly need biiger alternator too then "not sure what amps the standard one pumps out you may get away with it as you don't want your alternator working overtime or it will prematurely fail working hard to charge up all the time. - yup missed that post - what amp rating fuses have you got on each amp i assuming rounghly 50 to 60amps

    4awg wire will handle 125 - 150amps

    8awg wire will handle 75amps to 100amp

    keep in mind too that the longer the run the less amps it will handle. and also remember not all wires have the same copper surface area some are all show and just insulaician hence why there cheap.


  9. Good day guys

    I ma need some reasons on why should / shouldn't I upgrade my Aurion a ZR to TRD (SL). Maybe some of u guys had consider this before, share the thoughts please. :)

    Before any harsh comments popped up, I should tell u guys that I'm just fond of looks and not too much to the performance, but if it's possible to enhance them, yea why not.

    Been considering this heaps since the news of 'TRD ceasing its production in 2009' popped up and the fact that TRD prices had been reduced greatly.

    I reckon TRD has the looks, and performance that no major mods would be needed IMO apart from rims and other small things.

    With My ZR,

    I was thinking, If i wanna change the look on front and end to an extent of the thai Extremo Kit that has been discussed pretty often by Bondie and TRDLover, I ma spend quite the sum of money, effort and time while the outcome of this is still questionable.

    I was also plannin to change the stock brakes to those like the TRD, which will cost me another fortune.

    I might also do stuff to the engine as to increase the performance [i still dont know what to do thou]

    With TRD,

    I'll do none except replacin the rims & spring with my current ones.

    Brakes would be there already.

    Engine... Dun think will do anythin else, 'SuperCharger' is there already.

    Now to some pros & cons.

    Assuming the cost of modding the ZR and upgradin it to TRD is close.

    Let's say I'll sell the car someday with all the mods to save the hazzles of selling them separately.

    Basically, the mods will be valued close to 0 [Through dealer] or maybe 2G [if sold separately] while the TRD has higher value coz they are originally there to begin with and it's a TRD!

    1. Need some advices of what u guys think, whether It's worth it or not.

    2. How much u reckon it's gonna be to upgrade? My current ones has full options and i wanna get a TRD with full options as well.

    3. Other things U'd like to add on anything.

    Thanks for reading guys...I know it's long but I just dunno how I could've made it shorter.

    Another Thanks for adding some comments.

    Soz if double postin same thread, I didnt find any before.

    Dood be honest with you save your time & hassel & $$$$$ - It would be cheaper to sell your zr and buy TRD

    1. motor will set you back over 10 grand then all other conversions needed. You can pick up a used TRD for about $36000 upward with 35 000 km

    2. Only time it will be become cheap is when motor wreckers start selling half cut cars cause that what you will virtually need to convert your zr6 to trd

  10. here is website which could be one of the members here on forum on how to install hid witth lotsa pics


    And with that, my thanks go out to 'Aurion ZR6', who also did a writeup on the gear selector mod and reversing camera install. Probably some of the first Aurion DIY's posted here.

    Thanks Aurion ZR6 great tuturial

    Dj how about you add it to your The TOCAU Aurion FAQ ? or even make it sticky


  11. The only benefit you will see going with a grounding wiring upgrade will be seen if you are running the ground from the amps directly to the chassis of the car. If you are running a direct ground line back to the battery, there is no need for this as the car is so new that the condition of the grounding wires will be very good.

    Headlights dimming is simply a sign of excessive current draw that the battery and alternator are struggling to cater for. Remember that car manufacturers design the electrical system to simply cope with the stock car requirements and not much more. Upgrading an alternator will help the issue, as will upgrading the battery - although both may be unnecessary for the relatively minimal power of the amps you are talking about (400W RMS is quite small in the scheme of things). If you look at things above about 1000W RMS, then this is where you start becoming really concerned about batteries and alternators and may consider an upgrade.

    For your situation, a standard capacitor will help control the power spikes. These spikes (which are causing the dimming of headlights) will eventually damage the alternator and possibly components such as the ECU. The capacitor provides that "reserve" capacity that will be used by the amp during sudden loads, and will recharge when the load from the amp reduces again. Think of it like a water tank really.

    Thanks for your input.

    Well, I wouldn't say the condition of the grounding is good although it's a new car.

    The reason is that I upgraded 2 of engine block ground cables and I saw the ground points were not even sandpapered.

    The bolt was just sitting on the thick painted chassis.(you would know what I am trying to say if you know about what the real grounding is.)

    From the studying of audio by myself, I found making the ground well is quite important for both sound quality and good electirc flow.

    I am not denying the capacitor would solve my problem and I know how the capacitor works with the power spikes so you don't need to explain what the capacitor is..

    However, what I want to do is, as explained above, making the ground really strong and good enough to make the electric flow well.


    Please don't get confused why I am doing the grounding.

    Once, the grounding is done,I am installing another amp for front speakers, then I will think about either upgrade the battery or getting the capacitor if my headlights are dimming.


    Put a second battery in the boot with a cap

    Jin you still haven't quoted how big your amps in rms no peak value and brand they are?



  12. Hey D00d if your lights are dimming when sound is pumped up then it drawning big load of current.

    This is due to your amplifier drawing more power than your electrical system can handle. A capacitor fixes this problem, it job is too keep a reserve of power, whenever your amplifier tries to draw a ton of power it supplies that power instead, keeping your electronics running smooth.

    Jaycar sell these capacitors and so does Strathfeild car radios or any car audio place. 1uf,3uf,5uf.

    More earthing points of diffrent guage will only eliminate engine noise from your alternator that you hear sometimes when engines running.some time you have to put a suppressor to eliminate it.

    PS Capacitor will definately fix your problem I used install custom sound system and have won some tropheys :toast:



    Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Don't post if you don't know what they hell you're talking about.

    how about you explain your self champ.....! with some facts instead of just posting useless post with no answer to it....... and dj no need for appriasel to useless reply with no explanasion :rolleyes:


  13. Thanks guys for your input.
    ..A capacitor fixes this problem, it job is too keep a reserve of power, whenever your amplifier tries to draw a ton of power it supplies that power instead, keeping your electronics running smooth...

    ..PS Capacitor will definately fix your problem I used install custom sound system and have won some tropheys :toast: ...

    Yeah I know capacitor may solve my problem easy.

    What I am thinking to do is, capacitor could be a resistance in the middle of the way to amp and it still draws the power.

    I just wanted to make sure all the power lines, especially the grounding, work properly to pass the electric flow nicely before I do the capacitor.

    Actually, capacitor is my last option because capacitor with poor power lines does not make sense to me.

    I would just get the basic tight then go other options.

    If the grounding does not solve my problem, then I will go for better battery, alternator upgrade then capacitor.

    It sounds like I don't even need to go for capacitor once I change the alternator with bigger amp.

    Thanks for your advice anyway.



    It all depends on your setup etc

    1. what amps are you running brand?

    2. how many of amps?

    3. How many watts rms each amp?

    4. how many subs and brand & wattage?

    5. what guaged wire?

    by putting more earths will not fix your problem i can tell you now.

    depending on how big your setup is I'd be Put a fuse into 12v wire in the engine bay no more than 0.5m away from battery running 4awg from battery to capacitor then from cap to a power block from distrubution power block i'd be running 8awg to amps.

    biiger battery and alternator $$$$$$ can all be voided by cap - Its the low frequency in bass that draws the current

    also allot of cables look fat and mean but are all just insulation and standard copper core thinkness all decieving what you need is quality brand with lotsa copper cores (copper is expensive) hence cheaper cable advetised as monster cable have less copper cores and thats why there cheaper than good brand names.

    also cheaper cables have higher resistance & capacitance than better quality cable which mean power loss etc you get what you pay for.....

    you can have best subs available on the market but without the right enclosure and ports etc will sound like 20 dollar sub there is so man factors to take into consideration when designing sound system for car. every cars diffrent its a complex system shapes boot spaces that act as enclosure diffrent volumes etc

    just cause you have the best stuff on the market doesn't mean you will have the best sound if not installed and designed properly.

    I been involved in few project like the starthfeild car radio bedford van back in 1996 which consisted

    9 x 12 inch subs

    9 x rockford forsgate amps

    etc etc

    pulling 160.5db in sound offs

    just remember every 3 db is double the loudness - also what kill speakers in not over powering them its cheap amps that don't have clean sine wave as power and tend to clip its the clipping that kills speakers. dirty sine waves

    here couple trophies i won back in 98 there to many to take pics of lol






  14. Hey guys.

    Just wondering, anyone did earth kit on your Aurion?

    I am having headlights dimmed when the volume goes up a bit so I am planning to do the ground cable upgrading since I have some left over from amplifiering kit.

    As I know, the original ground cables are in mix of 8 gauge and 16 guage(correct me if I am wrong), so I would like to upgrade those in 4 and 8 gauge.

    The question is, how many points of ground just under the bonnet(roughly)?

    how many metre of cable I would need for the job done?

    I've read through the Electirical Wiring Diagram from sticky post but it only shows rough cable points etc..

    Any comments would be appreciated in advance.


    PS. where do you normally buy the ring terminals from??

    Hey D00d if your lights are dimming when sound is pumped up then it drawning big load of current.

    This is due to your amplifier drawing more power than your electrical system can handle. A capacitor fixes this problem, it job is too keep a reserve of power, whenever your amplifier tries to draw a ton of power it supplies that power instead, keeping your electronics running smooth.

    Jaycar sell these capacitors and so does Strathfeild car radios or any car audio place. 1uf,3uf,5uf.

    More earthing points of diffrent guage will only eliminate engine noise from your alternator that you hear sometimes when engines running.some time you have to put a suppressor to eliminate it.

    PS Capacitor will definately fix your problem I used install custom sound system and have won some tropheys :toast:



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