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Everything posted by cruzer

  1. I just re did the bearings last weekend they were crushed :/
  2. sutututututu

    1. 4ABHGE


      Kool VL turdbro bro. Duz it rip gud skidz?

    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      LAWL. "honderp" and now "VL turdbro" :D

    3. jeffy
  3. stupid assed car pos -.- worst day ever

    1. 4ABHGE


      Must be an 82 thing...

    2. cruzer
  4. haha , had a bigger one all of last Month, must take you ages to get home, traffic was sh!t all day yesterday Yesterday was alright got home in half an hour
  5. John in his truck holy shiiit you dnt lie when u say its big ahaha
  6. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150701672893808.419627.546718807&type=3&l=091352d384 Link to all the pics i took just straight off cam sorry dnt know how to edit yet
  7. Photo i took at jdmst eomm meet (straight off camera don't know how to edit yet)
  8. On Canterbury road ? if so i was at work :D
  9. 1. m.C 2. flipsta 3. ZR63XY (still a maybe) 4. ohy34h (maybe) 5. Noodlez 6. Suter 7. Seby123 8. Ben Yip 9. Ronny (Maybe) 10. Brendan 11.fangteo 12. Gazza2010SX6 13. juvenile 14. jaay (maybe) 15.cruzer Ill come out :P
  10. Yeah :D that woulda been me i was at the skatepark all day :D
  11. Lol thought it was you that guy was a schlong was behind him on city west he was doing 40 -.- in a 70 zone then pulls over without a blinker
  12. We sent your invite to you on facebook .....
  13. Botany is a cool location/backdrop and all but it is cop central and there are a lot more d/h's there then at greenacre
  14. Great meet :D good to catch up with everyone sorry for hurting everyone's eyes with my terrible commo :( aahaa, lol at that fail fto
  15. i'll probs come for a bit tonight have to wait and see - _ -
  16. will depend on how my week goes ahead so i'll be a maybe 1. m.C 2. (reserved for John) 3. VF-X 4. ZR6XY 5. Brendan 6.Seby123 7.cruzer (maybe)
  17. So awesome :D watched this like 1000000000000000000 times :D
  18. word to your mother

  19. soooooooooooooooooooooooo shiny
  20. Its drilled, locked on by screws and double sided tape on. 30min job no more no less ;) Lololololololol
  21. Just get urs to sit like that and ull be cheerin (maybe a lil lower then that) :P
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