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Status Updates posted by -DAvo

  1. Angled muffler tips, or Straight tips??

    1. VF-X
    2. 1stKill


      angled...they look better IMO

    3. Seby123
  2. Never thought I'd say this, but AG Extra Gloss Protection pwns NXT 2.0!!

    1. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Welcome to the Autoglym Club :D

    2. ImPulse


      oh wow, didn't think you'd swap haha. Isn't it cheaper too?

  3. is happy with his new suspension settings :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1stKill


      would you like to share those settings with the rest of the class?

    3. -DAvo


      chicken: i wil update when its done :) will be great very very excited about it

      lee: 15 front and 9 rear, works well for comfort and handling IMO..

    4. -DAvo


      oh and with 40 psi all round, with UR bars front and rear

  4. To eyelid.. or not to eyelid?... hrmmm

    1. Kenshin X
    2. Tash


      Do it :) I want to, just gotta import mine from the States...

      If you don't like them you can always take them off too.

    3. private number
  5. can finally say his finished his major clean/detail of the car... my door jams have a double coating of wax on them..... :S

    1. Silver-Aurion


      ahaha, far out man. Pics are in need :D

  6. Loves the feeling of satisfaction when I see a cockroach unable to climb up my freshly waxed car panels.. ahhh meguiars how i love you so... :)

  7. *knock knock* hello club 19, may i please enter? :)

    1. 1stKill


      yes you may...and show us some pics.

    2. -DAvo


      pics are up :)

  8. gearing up for a mini photoshoot. Any perthies around S-Perth area tonight feel free to drop on by..

  9. Hey mate,

    sorry my inbox is full :p

    anyway the LED globes i had in my fog lights look awsome, i keep them for summer time purely for the looks... they matched my 6000k HID perfectly, but beware, the light output in terms of illumination on the road is basically non existent... hence why i went back to my 4300k globes for winter...

    but if your purely after the lo...

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