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Posts posted by -DAvo

  1. lookin hot lee!

    couple of suggestions from my point of view..

    1. colour code your mud guards. seems like a little thing, but i reckon it totally changes the look imo. was probably the best thing i did for mine :P

    2. tint your headlights

    oh and IMO, the buddy clubs look hot!! for the mods you have in mind, the buddy clubs suit it perfectly :)

    keep it going man! :) HID's are a must! cant believe you havent gotten them yet bro!! :P

  2. Ok so seeing as there are quite a few talented photog's on here that take some awsome shots of cars and driving, lets open up a thread where forum users can post photos they have taken which dont have to be car related. (landscapes/nightscapes... portraits.. anything!!)

    could be used as a space for users to ask photography related questions and get user feedback on their images!!

    would be great to see everyones different shooting styles and generally seeing good phhotos, and hopefully will encourage more people to post their stuff!!

    post away! :)

  3. ... minus the dirty tires (tsk tsk daryl!! :P jk )

    If you were doing a mountain run in the wet, I'm sure that:

    1) You wouldn't want any tire shine near your tires, and

    2) Your tires would look like that afterwards.

    :P :lol:

    point taken :P

    remaining wheels are almost here!!! :)

  4. Go sit it next to your car :D

    cant wait to see them on your car.

    i will tomorrow, cars currently outta action for a few days, giving her a mother of a detail which will span over the next few days :)

    Any luck with the pic Davo, i rang the dealer today and x4 18x7.5 will cost me $1680 :( he said if i rang a few months ago i could have got them alot cheaper as there was a set sitting around that could have got a good deal on.

    sorry been a bit lazy with the car still masked up.

    i did photoshop a pic of what it will look like thou. minus the dirty tires (tsk tsk daryl!! :P jk )


  5. bring this back to life...

    1BXP 800 champagne colour camry sportivo (previous generation)

    your reckless driving last night not only put myself in danger, but the car next to me and it's passengers, and my 6 year old neice.

    you were driving along Marmion Ave at approx 8:10pm when you stupidly decided to wedge yourself between my car and the 4wd which was about 2-3metres ahead on me in the next lane. causing me to brake suddenly.

    i can only pray that you only wrap yourself around a tree and not some poor innocent family.

    {end rant}

  6. ok my take on this:

    you're probably better off getting the black.


    silver is certainly easier to maintain, but fact is; you and 99% of us are car freaks. we look after our cars better than the average joe.

    silver will look nice shined up, but will never give you the "pop" of the black

    if you buy the silver, you will probably regret not buying the black.

    if you buy the black, you may grumble every now and then about the extra upkeep, but when you see the results you can acheive from some time and effort... well lets just say you will feel guilty of ever having a negative thought about her :P

    while i still maintain the white or red is the best colour for the TRD, black certainly dosent look "bad" by any way... (personal pref)

    end of the day - get the black and put in the extra effort, however busy you may be, i believ for us car freaks, we will always find time.

    nothing worse than buying a car and regretting later on. ;)

    my 2c. hope it helps mate :)

  7. Go sit it next to your car :D

    cant wait to see them on your car.

    i will tomorrow, cars currently outta action for a few days, giving her a mother of a detail which will span over the next few days :)

  8. Sweet. You even made a wheel look completely hot by taking a good photo of it. Now I really want an SLR. Ahhh, so good to see a Kappa in great condition considering the last one I saw was split in two.

    I bet you're getting impatient for the others.

    lol thanks daryl :)

    yeah i am getting twitchy for the remaining three, but i have learnt that all good things come to those who wait :P im even more keen for the rubber! gonna be wrapping them in potenza adrenalins :)

    yeah, my heart sank when i saw the pic of your poor aurion up on the truck bed... but up and onwards mate! :)

  9. Plus it helps to hide the inevitable swirls.


    you dont hide them! you remove them!! :P :P :P

    personally i think for the TRD/Sportivo's, black kinda takes away from the darker parts of the bodykits... no offence intended, thats just my opinion. which is why a white TRd/Sportivo makes me blush :P

    id personally go the silver, when buffed correctly, silver can easily hold a pretty outstanding shine and reflection. you probably wont get the depth of a darker colour but the shine is certainly acheiveable..

    glad to see things are moving along mate :)

  10. Nice stuff there man, now come do my car :P :D

    unique: I retract any previous statement I said about my car being clean. I was in well over my head. I vote -DAvo as having the cleanest Aurion around... without a doubt.

    Haha. Really? Why is that?

    And now you know why :P

    yeeoow B)

    unique - your aurion seems pretty well cleaned too man, but yeah id happily have a shot at it :) im one of those weirdo's that enjoy polishing cars.. :P

    in keeping with the thread title, picked up a fairly largeish box the other day... 3 more to come soon :) will post teasers tomorow ;)

  11. just on this topic, my 30,000km service is coming up and last service i asked toyota to use their fully synthetic oil. but this time im looking atg supplying my own oil. will go for the fuchs GTO, but AFAIK it only comes in 5L bottles? I read somewhere on this forum that the Aurion uses 5.7L of oil... what do most people here do? supply the toyota guys with 10L of oil or just give them 5L and they top up the rest??.... :unsure:

  12. Hey all,

    Sorry if this seems a mundane question, but i just realised today that the plastic panel underneath the glove box has come loose? i cant see anyway of "pushing the clips back in"

    i dont have my camera with me at the moment so i cant provide pics until later but can anyone shed some light on this matter? from my un-educated look-see at the area, it appears to be a cover of some sort with maybe a opening for a vent?

    sorry for all the vague descriptions, will follow this up later tonight with some photos, but if anyone can shed some light on this, would be much appretiated... hate having loose "rattlely" items on the car :(



    have attached a p[icture from the toyota website which shows the area which im talking about, havent got a pic of the actual panel but this will have to do for now..


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