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Everything posted by MT

  1. how much does it pull to the left? if its only a tiny bit, then dont stress out because the car will never go directly straight so it is as close as possible but somewhat to the left so if u fall asleep or what not u wont go straight into the path of an oncoming car also please check where u are posting stuff cos its really annoying to have something like this in the buy and sell section, thanks
  2. Indecent Proposal haha you've probably all seen this, but its still funny
  3. MT

    Number Plates....

    seen 2 cars together, one said INDEBT the other was ONCOMPO, one was a merc the other a BMW
  4. edited cos rob thinks he's quicker than me
  5. nah its all good mate, if i was that keen i would have started it myself but... im lazy :D
  6. haha yeah well there's always that problem. thanks anyway mate i'll check what this guy says and then if not i'll PM u.
  7. MT

    Number Plates....

    there's a few in canberra atm... bright orange S2000 - S2SEXY, used to be RFUGEE Daihatsu Sirion - WLD48U (Wild 4 ate u) also saw a lancer with similar - THE48U cant remember but a chick driver - FROMYX (From my ex) BMW M3 with BYOBMW (i asked him if it was bring your own BMW or buy your own BMW, he laughed and said either! he was an old bloke) im so gonna be keeping my eye out now lol
  8. tried that... went back in a bit, but not too much really btw Grey-rolla, someone has recommended a guy here just now, rang me after i posted that dang, and yeah im gonna take it to him first and see what he can do... still s**ts me though
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