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Everything posted by MT

  1. happened to all 03/04 models, go open the drivers door, and underneath the hinge there should be a silver sticker with the date the recall was completed and the new ecu code. good choice of car though, hope its blue!
  2. hey mate! good to hear from u! nice work with the course, Tayles and i did one a while ago now, man its lots of fun trust me! and dont stress, $145 is about average for these courses, but its definatly worth it! it'll be good to finally meet u on sunday, but your gonna be scrubbing your car sat night, the skid pan isnt the cleanest place in the world! cheers for replying
  3. upgrade to 17's! looks a whole lot better and rubber isnt much more expensive than those shocking bridgestones
  4. ...yeah just ignore this post guys
  5. Richo, my friend, we will be so fully sick we could almost be lancer drivers! :P no no really, none of us are that sad! anyways people, this is all sounding real good! 12 is fine with me mick, only time its not fine when we're talking about meeting at 12 when its 11:30!!!!!! haha but when there is notice its fine! food doesnt bother me either way, im good with anything boys we can work it out on the day or something really i guess. and reid cit carpark sounds great too, i reckon i should be able to find it and its dam close to the carillion as well! this is sounding real good guys!! there should be a few of us there too which is good, so far confirmed is... Me, Rob, Mick, Jimmy and Richo... and i've sent emails to anthony (2 beers), sheldon (order last 1 - and told him to invite red sportivo ozzy girl) and also Fad, who has a 1ZZ. waiting for replies now... and richo will invite glenn... man we will confuse canberra, jimmy's loud 1ZZ, the growling of the 2ZZ's on lift, and then a blow off valve... this is sounding more and more like fun guys!!!!!!!!! mick, u gonna bring your missus and her rolla along to this one? or is she not interested in this kinda stuff, just like mine?
  6. huzzah for mario! huzzah! :P
  7. MT

    Promote the club

    i like the business card idea too... very subtle, not really intrusive on the person either... by the way this is real good stuff though, i'm very impressed with the quality of these things! keep up the good work mate!
  8. evening all! i've been thinking (yet again) and discussing with rob and we reckon we should have a photo shoot for our meet next sunday (9th) and we've decided we should head out to the carillion on the lake, cos there is a mad carpark (dont stress mick, its only hard gravel, no dirt!!!) in the arvo, take a couple of photo's and then go for a cruise somewhere. any thoughts? get posting people! Micky T
  9. nice work robbie, finally got an answer out of him, can we expect the red rocket to be scraping the speed bumps soon? :P BTW micky, bought eggberts UHF radios, so now jimmy and i have one each, so i think u'd better buy one lol!!! and yeah all, i got an idea about next sundays meet, but u all gotta go to the other thread cos its the official one, this is the one where we can all chat and our posts dont get lost by everyone elses posts!!! yay!
  10. no photo's yet, by the time we got there it was all dark, plus certain people didn't have there cars (richo) :P so yeah next time hopefully photo's galore. make sure u come along mate, we need another 1ZZ!
  11. hey guys, thanks for a good night!!! had a mad time, good to meet other corolla drivers in canberra (even if 2 of u didnt have your cars!!!!) i think u all should check out THIS thread, and if we all be really nice XOOM is going to pin it for us along with the syd and bris meets. thanks again fellas, cant wait till the next one!
  12. Edit - Check last post for recent details
  13. looks to much like a golf to me esp rear
  14. WOO!!!! one hour guys!!!! the overtaking of canberra by TOCA is about to begin!!! :P
  15. I am selling the same CB's !!!! .... but only $50 for the pair (i'll throw in shipping to canberra) ! .. sorry for the hi jack ... check buy n sell carry on ! haha nice work jase!!! u just wanna make sure your balls dont get cut off by your wife dont ya!!! well here u are, a big BUMP from me for u!!! nice at least there is a few of us now anyway! so its all going ahead? come on mick come out just for a little while, u know u want to lol! yeah we can do whatever, doesnt bother me, we can go sit in the servo and eat or something... i guess lol
  16. are we still gonna go ahead with this fellas? cos at the moment its sorta pouring.... and im not too keen on getting drenched all night... i'll be back from uni at 7:30 so should be able to check this then, but if u guys make a decision beforehand, throw me a sms robbie so i know! cheers fellas P.S. had a mad run with a fully sik SSS before, will have to tell u all later, man i p1ssed him off!
  17. ahhh gotcha! well, send me down one, i'm more than happy to test it out for you :P
  18. yeah, tick me off the list mate, i'm still keen for a set
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