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Everything posted by Andrew357

  1. Nothing wrong with the Gen5 Camry at all :D Looks like it's in mint condition too! Before I did any work on mine, I was doing a 3:1 (regular to premium 98) fuel fill.
  2. Broke the right hand door handle assembly removing the inner door panel. Doh.

  3. TOCAU sends out Snorlax Snorlax used rest! Snorlax is fast asleep! Good meet tonight, enjoyed that one. Nice to meet 2XS as well, hopefully we didn't scare you too much.
  4. Some of the Gen5 Camrys come with the strut brace. From memory, the Altise and Ateva do not and the Sportivo does. I can't recall if the Azura comes with one or not. Hrmmm... I swear there was a 4-cyl Whiteline strut brace...
  5. ^ That's not cool. I'll be out tonight and The Viking has told me he'll be out tonight as well. In something quite large and it's not his Vito. edit: We may have a suprise visitor as well, in the form of a Gen6 Camry.
  6. Sounds delicious. Hating the heat at the moment, definitely can notice a difference. I wonder if I can find a sandwich intercooler...
  7. *selects lazy skirt option* But with decent tyres and the Konis I feel I am ready for QR + Willowbank
  8. Turns out I was misinformed. These shocks are Koni Yellows (Sport) not Koni Reds (Special). The sports are externally adjustable while the specials are adjustable, but you need to remove the strut setup in order to do so. I'd say thats... 95kW extra at the wheels, right?
  9. LOOK HERE: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=30413 Gen 4 owners should be very happy with this one.
  10. Alright, all the following information that I provide as always has come from the Camry King SupaTouring Dave (aka The Viking). The testing + troubleshooting + speculation came from him, the irritation + annoyance to drive me to buy an ACV36R strut brace came from you guys and the brace came from me. I've noticed alot of you Gen4 boys (especially the v6 owners) are having issues as to finding a suitable strut tower brace for your Gen4 and 4.5 Camrys. So far, I've seen 3 braces that have been linked but obviously have their downfalls: 1) Ebay strut brace - Pro: V6 and 4 cylinder compatible, provides some stiffness Con: unknown quality + longevity, most likely CCS (Cheap Chinese... Stuff) 2) TRD strut brace (PTR06-06991-01) - Pro: V6 and 4 cylinder compatible, clears TRD supercharger setup, very stiff, TRD quality Con: No longer in production, hard to find, cannot be found unused, expensive (initial 2nd hand cost + shipping) 3) Whiteline strut brace - Pro: very stiff, Whiteline quality Con: 4 cylinder only The Gen5 is essentially a rebodied Gen4 Camry and it is well known that the TRD strut tower brace will fit the Gen5 as easy as it will the Gen4 (with no clearance or bonnet issues). For reference, the standard Gen5 strut brace will fit on the Gen4 chassis but suffers from bonnet clearance issues as it sits too high. Here is where UltraRacing comes into play. They make a great strut tower brace for the Gen5, which sits lower than the TRD + standard Gen5 strut braces. As seen below, the predictions that the UltraRacing ACV36R strut brace fitting the Gen4 V6 Camry were correct: There is one issue however with the Clutch fluid reservoir as it needs to be unseated in order for the brace to fit. Using something like cable ties would probably keep it in place, you can see in the last photo where the black clip should fit in the reservoir. This problem only exists for MANUAL owners ONLY. For those looking for a less ghetto way to permanently fix this issue would be to source a brake fluid reservoir from a Gen5 Camry (MANUAL ONLY) as the brake fluid and clutch fluid reservoirs are in the same unit. I believe the fittings are the same so it should be a simple, low-hassle switch. So in summary: The UltraRacing strut tower brace for the ACV36R will fit the Gen4 (and 4.5) V6 Camrys with little or no fuss (especially if you drive an auto).
  11. The Living End - All Torn Down (Live, Enmore Theatre 2008) One of my favourite songs to hear live.
  12. makes sense, will probably leave it at zero. Now to find out which bloody terminal on these tweeters are what. They are unmarked <_< One cable is red, one is black. edit: Thanks Daryl
  13. I have a crossover here. I have no idea what the inputs mean (manual isn't much chop): IN+ IN- W+ W- T+ -3db 0db +3db What in the name of jesus do I put into what and what does the 'xx db' ones mean?
  14. By the gods that is low. Any shots showing the full stance? Bet it looks good!
  15. Where are you going with this? Patience my son. Will report back tomorrow.
  16. Sounds like a good idea to me, what is wrong with it? <_<
  17. Might as well post in this thread Gen 4 owners keep an eye out. I won't say anything else until I get the work done.
  18. Peoples opinions... How 'bad' do the roof + bike racks look on the car?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -DAvo


      are you talking bout hydro disc bakes for ur bike? get the plastic blocks.. i can get u heaps! and no the racks look great, even better if there is a colnago C59 with superecord thou :)

    3. Andrew357


      Yeah, I use the plugs but for some reason the pads keep closing on their own when I take the wheel off. I can't afford a Colnago, so my Argon18 will have to do.

    4. Ronnyboy


      Its bearable :)

  19. I really need to get the Sonax rim wax. I use this mag cleaner that I got from Supercheap then I get on my hands and knees and cleans the damn things with a rag and this cleaner wax spray. Meguiars Endurance tyre gel is ok, but it doesn't has much in terms of shine; I should try the double coat. Car wash + dry = 20minutes. Car wash + dry + alloys = 35-40minutes
  20. The KTFL-103 and KTRL-61's I had for the Lows didn't drop the full 30mm and I didn't get much in the way of settling (I lost about 27mm though) and I'm not holding my breath with regards to settling with these either (KTFL-63, KTRL-61SL). You can notice the drop though, which is good enough; any extra drop from settling will be a bonus.
  21. Prayers answered.. no need to thank me I'm not man. Thank the LORD! Huzzah! But talk about doing a 180 on your signature man, we just wanted a reduction.
  22. Another small update: when replacing my struts this weekend, I thought it would be a good time to test (more so to confirm) whether the UltraRacing strut brace fits with the supercharger installed. Unfortunately the brace does not clear the supercharger belt. I was hoping it might sit underneath the belt but this is not the case as it sits on top of the belt. So in summary go custom or the TRD brace.
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