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Kenshin X

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Status Replies posted by Kenshin X

  1. “@HAL9000_ You can't really appreciate porn until you've seen it in binary form”

  2. where can i get a decent strut bar from?

  3. Having one of those AE82 emo moments again....

  4. Having one of those AE82 emo moments again....

  5. Cheaters like Toyotas and Hondas: report http://t.co/JAGyiPtC via @smh

  6. looking for recommendable sydney smash repairers/workshops that will be able to repaint my rear bar.

  7. paint blistering... FML WHEN WILL THIS EVER END???

  8. paint blistering... FML WHEN WILL THIS EVER END???

  9. Where can i buy a new battery for my zre? repco/supercheap.autobarn dont ahve the right size.

  10. Just removed my Facebook account………..

  11. Just removed my Facebook account………..

  12. Fooking useless truck drivers! Almost got ran off the highway cause the stupid ***** swerved into my lane!!! Drive safe everyone and have a safe Easter :)

  13. Is hiding the Celica until all the holiday cops have gone away.

  14. Fooking useless truck drivers! Almost got ran off the highway cause the stupid ***** swerved into my lane!!! Drive safe everyone and have a safe Easter :)

  15. Considering actually getting the plates "4ABHGE" in the not too distant future LOL

  16. Wants a 2ZZ bad... I now crave lift!

  17. Wants a 2ZZ bad... I now crave lift!

  18. Wants a 2ZZ bad... I now crave lift!

  19. be careful folks, double demerit points in force...

  20. finally drove my car with its new exhaust!

  21. OMG! i just realised the petrol spiked up AFTER i filled up 2 cars and a 20L jerry can! FML! <_< 1.75/L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! efgvsdlfhgdskljfhvlahfva;jdfv;a

  22. yeah mate, i get ur sh#tty 6.0L engine can kill me on the straights now hope u enjoy paying the impound fee and the hoon fine on top of that u piece of sh#t :)

  23. Almost ran over some huffy sliders tonight while on the local touge... also anyone notice the eleventy billion police on our roads recently? drove through 2 defect stations and a booze bus in the last few days, thank God i got the wave through!

  24. some people.....

  25. I got an itch

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