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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. Yeah that spoiler is a fail vick. But I don't know... Having the is-f tips is like having a chevy badge or your Holden. Or having an m3 body kit on your 3 series. Vick, your dual tips is sex. Would look a lot better with that rear (minus the spoiler/lip) and your tips instead of the is-f like tips.
  2. Them gtrs are beasts! Your lucky to drive one! Need to cross that one off my list lmao
  3. Defs my friends amg merc. (well technically it's her dads Amg whom went over seas at the time). damn. So fun to drive however I didn't push it. To scared I may scratch it lmao
  4. Haha soon lee soon. Insurance and rego is emptying my bank account ATM haha. Chicken, you are a legend. Deadset
  5. wow now thats baller spec hahaha and smoked tails? mmmmmmmmmmmm was thinking more black roof and black rear valence ........ but i dont have photoshop so i have to use my imagination -.-
  6. actually the cop who first defected me actually loved it. he commented about the car and then paused and said "...but its just too low mate! LOL" and yes he laughed. people wanted pictures of my rear. so there you go. IMO something is missing...not really happy with how it looks yet...
  7. Agreed chicken! Lee, wow that's a very expensive addiction lmao. I always love lookin at people with mad watches, I Just think "damn that's sick" As for the guard. My rear tyres scrub the guard, my front tyre clears it but scrubs in the inside. Lee is correct, this look isn't for the faint hearted. I've had defects happen, getting stuck at places, undercarriage scraping and also bumpers and lips falling off while driving. But it's all apart of the game. I'm just fortunate that the camry undercarriage is really Good. It seems that Toyota tucked away everything so the only thing that scrapes over speedbumps is 2 horizontal rails that run the undercarriage of the car I have no oil pan and very minimal exhaust damage. So your wondering why rock this look? Well why do girls spend x amount of money in expensive heels? Gotta pay to play and the look > defects or scrape. I'm only 20 and on my p plates so IMO this type of style modification is perfect. You won't see me drag racing, speeding or hooning at this ride height and with these wheels on my car haha
  8. Yep, hook me your number for westside carwash meets! LOLOL Anyone else collect kicks here? My second addiction........
  9. I'll sell you mine if you want!
  10. Damn didn't see you man. Was in a rush to eat though so was completely oblivious. Hahaa. I'll hear it Saturday ;)
  11. Thought about it Mick. And if I do and I know they already seen me I would leave it as is. If they know I got air suspension then I would definitely need a rwc and therefore pull it all out (wiring and all) as it would not be engineered. Therefore I'll get a bigger fine. Only benefit for me with bags is if the cops don't know I have it I would just inflate the bags and put stock wheels back on to pass vic roads standards and they would never know... Would be an easy fix. Next year though. But I may be getting rid of the car End of next year or the year after that so it may not be worth it...
  12. 7 days bro. Ends on Sunday. But got uni on monday. Hopefully I'll have it back to it's slammed glory by friday. Alignment or no alignment haha
  13. Exacty right dutchie! Style is > defects. It's kind of like why girls where high heals Hahaa if a girl ever asks why we spend so much effort to make our cars have the perfect stance lmao. Yeah man. Rolling hard. Went to the airport and had a car full of stuff and when I turn the corner my tyres would smoke. People probs thought I was drifting hahaha
  14. Haha thanks man. And yeah I know -.- realized when I got home. The cable ties that's holding that side of the front bar was shaven off by my wheel! But it's all good now thanks for that!
  15. Hey brother. Yep i believe that was me. Should of beeped or waved or something ! haha
  16. nice man! i saw a pic of you and 2 other cars on facebook i think (or somewhere on the net atleast) and damn all of your rides look so similar yet so so so so dope. the three triplets! love it. Whats next?
  17. depends bro. cops make up fines and laws on the spot depending which cop you can get they can either; - screw you up the ***** with no lube making you get a tow truck home. I know someone who had to pay nearly 800 bucks all up due to a defect. All of which is regarding his stance - fine you x amount - make you get a RWC which costs money to get. - or none of the above. the cop delightfully gave me the last option. he stated he rather see my money being spent on wheels that were of legal specifications for my car. i thanked him cheerfully.
  18. LOL bad but theyre just doing their jobs. Defects dont phase me. all apart of the scene. I really should put together my stock shocks and stock springs again, so i can just swap the suspensions over and wa-la legalised. Saves some time as i wont need to measure and adjust my coils rararar.
  19. Actually there is a lot of information regarding turboing the 2az-fe. If you are serious i am very keen to follow your plans as i have been playing around with this idea for a bit now actually. Someone has turboed the 2az-fe here in australia however i havent been able to get in contact with him yet. However, there are about a handful of people who had turboed the 2az in the camry over in the states. click the links below; http://www.toyotanation.com/forum/showthread.php?t=315212 http://www.toyotanation.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-318497.html hope this helps
  20. 1.5 months ago -.- I seem to be getting defected on sunday mornings -.- recently acquired a new toy, so heres some new snaps. still learning haha
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