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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. ^^^^ haha thanks brother! Trying to keep that VIP feel (in the process) LOL yeah man. cheers bro!
  2. defs man! got a meet in mind cause were gonna have a guest from sydney :D and nah jeffy he wasnt at the meet haha
  3. i actually saw that same car today dan spotted the above around 4pm on the ring road jsut after ring road maccas heading back to the area. was 4pm and had your HID lights on which caught my attention
  4. welcome! Hopefully see you at future meets. that looks like its either coils or chopped springs :S
  5. Hey fellas! Would just like to forward some content and pictures that occurred at a stanceworks meet over the weekend! With over 100 cars, sunshine, rain, cops and music..it was one hell of a day! http://www.stanceworks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15888&page=12
  6. ohh dont know if i should do a black roof or not -.-

    1. Seby123


      leave it just the way it is now ;) perfect!

    2. 1stKill


      +1...perfect the way she is :)

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      yes leave it reece... no ricer stuff :P

  7. Thanks brother! anyway more pics from a StanceWorks meet that occurred yesterday! in reverse order LOL. Obviously stolen! And some n0ob pics of me i took after the meet on the way home!
  8. Recently acquired a DSLR off a friend for the mean time soo.. LOL ^^^^ But anyway, main reason for this post is... For the people who check my thread, got a TOCAU exclusive (teasers)....... Keep your eyes open ;)
  9. Spotted dn again. Going into kfc ballarat road haha
  10. i noticed chamois gets better as age, but too old theyre just useless. i have the maguiars one someone mentioned above and have had it for over a year and its still working perfect. so i bought the same one to dry my wheels!
  11. Haha the weather has been shocking lately so I wouldn't know man. When the weather starts to warm up again then we will come out and play. Anyway, you Guys heard it here first.... Keep an eye out for the events that's gonna take place this weekend ;)
  12. hahaha come anyway bro. my car sits pretty damn low at its lowest point off the ground and i can get into gc. just hit it on a masssiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee angle.
  13. ive seen you around too man parked at cairnlea shops infront of the new restaurant there haha nice! I have a feeling i may know who you are haha. do you know suz? if not disregard LOL spotted a red gen 6 camry on citylink going to the airport today. black rims lowered! Damn it gave me flash backs on how my car was when i didnt have a kit. looked good! yo yeah shes my gf's sister! her mate was showing me your car too. then i realized you were on this forum. ive seen you a few times from afar on the road, but i was never in my car. hahaha thought so. this wouldnt be chris would it?
  14. ive seen you around too man parked at cairnlea shops infront of the new restaurant there haha nice! I have a feeling i may know who you are haha. do you know suz? if not disregard LOL spotted a red gen 6 camry on citylink going to the airport today. black rims lowered! Damn it gave me flash backs on how my car was when i didnt have a kit. looked good!
  15. hahaha nice man! Looked awesome buddy! black on purple was hawtttt
  16. atm saving for a second hand dslr > saving for mods. LOL

    1. flipsta24


      got a Nikon D60 twin lens kit up for sale soon if your keen

    2. private number

      private number

      How much bro? hit me up on fb. might be really keen

  17. spotted black corolla hatch yesterday with purple te37s. slammed on station road at around 1.30pm yesterday
  18. 1) Tash 2) Alistersh 3) 1st kill 4) private_numero tash, ill come until 4pm then boot off to work then meet you all at garage cafe at around 8pm if you guys are still around! hopefully the car will have a few extra goodies on it by then too!
  19. haha no cash for airbags atm. But im happy with coils. However this may change depending what hospital i get a job in next year. 2 out of 4 of the hospitals im applying for have steep multilevel car parks (already sussed it out haha) so if i get a job offer from them 2, i will be 100% getting airbag suspension ^^ this guy, he is going on every car thread and stating the obvious. Like, in the corolla thread, we were talking about a CAI, and he goes. The Toyota COROLLA is a car with high built quality with plenty of features which gives you a very safe, quiet and an enjoyable drive. He is spammin the threads, so hide yo kids, hide yo wives, and hide yo husbands, cause he's trolling everybody up in here! oh. LOL
  20. cannibeat in melbourne? )(*&^%$%^&*()!!!!!!!!!! so excited

    1. juvenile


      Excellent, pics pics pics

    2. private number
  21. wonderful. Sounds like an eventful and successful meet. Defs need to get the lowdown from vinh! haha.
  22. yep you bet me to it dj. Thats how you do it ps dj; your avatar is hypnotizing
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