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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. Ok i got my hubcentric rings, but cause i dont have any experience on them i want to know if this is correct? before.. then... front... rear... with hubcentric rings installed? :S There is a gap now between the hub and the wheel. I didnt leave them on because i dont know how comfortable i would feel about the only contact between the hub and my wheel whilst i drive is a piece of plastic Is it safe or not? Maybe wrong size? however they fit perfect on the wheel, and then on the hub as pictured! Any help would be great! Thanks! :D
  2. Anyone wanna recommend some quality branded injectors and quality brake pads? need both changed and i have no idea! LOL thanks in advance!

  3. Wait, thats a photoshop job -.- didnt pick it up on my phone when i was viewing it this morning
  4. Vick. Your set was in and I was not informed? Lmao. Epic mate
  5. Needs ideas for cheap DIY mods whilst im waiting for my next major mod. Suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnnieboi


      air freshener install..

    3. KIRIUS



      decals hehehe, just kidding! :)

      err. how bout.. seat covers?, different steering wheel? or you could replace all the bolts and ***** in the engine bay with titanium alloy washers/bolts, pretty colours and looks kewl, on ebay for like 10 bucks a packet, just look em up.

    4. private number

      private number

      Thanks for your suggestion rolla, but ive already done them all -.- LOL

      Johnnie, i got one on the vent anyway cause i dont want to hang one off the mirror with my crucifixes

      Kirius; That i might do actually. Slowly dressing it up + got a cooling plate coming in too

  6. Dual exhaust finally booked in! Lets hope it doesnt sound shocking

  7. That sounds good. Fish & Chips are pretty epic in a winter
  8. If its anything like the 2007 camry, take the bottom of your seat off (The part where you sit on) and there should be one bolt underneath that part you want to remove. Remove the bolt Then slide the cushion up
  9. Sweet as. the date is slowly creeping up! Attendance list?
  10. Looking great! you have pulled off the angel eyes on the aurion very nicely. Im lovin the 4 foglights on the thai camry. Its got me thinking..............
  11. You guys... LOL free post counts! LOL 1) Private_number +3 2) alistersh 3) lateralus 4) le.vinh.zr 5) Shinboi +3 6) Kenpo (unsure on if mates will be coming along.. yet) 7) kenshin 8) 1st kill 9) dwee. By the looks of this, this is going to be an epic drive. Considering new location for original meet up ahaha. Remember +1s are good too! So not just toyotas!
  12. Cheers tommy! haha if only number plates were cheap, i would. But custom rego is on the agenda Anyway, received custom hubcentric rings + new coilover to replace my seized coilover today! Moarrr lowzzz is on the agenda. The new d2s seem better quality built then my old set made back about 2 years ago btw. Some pics..with sneaky camber specs just to keep my thread going
  13. All good tommy! 1) Private_number +3 2) alistersh 3) lateralus 4) le.vinh.zr 5) Shinboi +3 Still ages away, and numbers are growing :S If it becomes hugeeee, might have to change the original meet up location LOL. Just remember the date is subject to change if weather is shocking.
  14. May sound stupid, but im gonna be going from single to dual exhaust this week. Anything i should tell the shop to do in regards to piping? (y pipe)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. private number

      private number

      even from an i4? :S Was thinking of just going from the res back. not good?

    3. MrRob


      i was just playing. Easiest is axle back then split it and varex mufflers just in case you don't like the sound

    4. private number

      private number

      $$$$$$$$$$ but :( LOL

      thanks for that though. Gives me something to think about! :D

  15. Nice! Whats after the bags?
  16. Date and details is announced! Check first post for details 1) Private_number 2) alistersh 3) lateralus
  17. Has cheers Vinh. Spotted; At uncle crown last night. Carbon fibre wrapped lips and side skirts, dual exhaust with dual tips, black wheels and lowered with custom rego. Looked sweet
  18. In the mean time, gonna work on my sound system now. SOmething im really looking forward too. Heres something im trying to aim for... atm gonna get some decent 6x9s. Lookin into Digital Designs, Crescendo and JL. Can anyone recommend anything?
  19. Time to build my sound system! :D

  20. Ill keep that in mind. Mind need new rotors anyway! Thanks andrew!
  21. Thanks for that. Link saved! Now this is becoming more clear to me and it seems easier than i originally thought. Not saying that this wouldnt be a mission to do. But other things that neeed to be addressed are tougher transmission and bigger brakes. Which wont clear my wheels. All up, looking at about 10k just for turbo, beefier transmission, bigger brakes, new ecu and a tune. So atm, looking into doing a v6 drop. Found an 2gr engine for 5k in the area. What things would need to be changed in the camry ? WOuld it be similar to a turbo? ei new ecu straight out of the aurion, transmission and maybe brakes too? Of course, totally forgot about going standalone If i head down this path, yes i will build the internals. Gonna do it right the first time. (Thats if i end up doing drastic engine mods in the first place haha)
  22. Thanks fellas! Car is being neglected abit lately. Uni has started and havent driven her all week. Replacement coilover and custom made hubrings are on there way here now so cant wait to get them here. On a side note, im getting bored with her again haha. Time to concentrate on my next mods which is sound system. but apart from that, some of you may know that ive been considering turbo. However, whats putting me off is building a tough transmission and bigger brakes. Bigger brakes mean that my wheels wont fit over the calipers. However, now im investigating a v6 drop. Found an aurion engine in the area for 5k. But still need to investigate further on how hard the drop would be.
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