LOL when they pay for the fuel do they go "******en, that one over there mate" and point at there car??
Seeing as Jimmy hasn't replied yet.... YES, we get that a lot. Furthermore, it is usually followed by " Aw, I need a receipt with that too" in a half aggressive tone. They then read the receipt on the way out, and chuck it out at the door... yeah right they "need" one. They are checking to see if we ripped them off or not at the counter.... haha, peasants.
And Suprathai, whats with the no searching for hookers? :P
haha, yeah i get that alot too, i also work in a petrol station, so many people are thinking we ripping them of "that price is not right, did u give me the 6 cents/L discount?" reads the receipt for 2 minutes and say" now, where's my discount!? it dont seem right"
i found that the people who complaint about the petrol prices are the middle age group, p platers dont really care they will put 20bucks worth of fuel regardless of the fuel price
and Leory dont think too much about all the math thing man, just add fuel in and enjoy, otherwise u mind as well ride a bike like mr2zz