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Everything posted by KaZe-

  1. put a flat head behind the emblem and flick it out i think from the bottom right or left doesnt matter really and the whole badge itself should just pop out and just pop back in ive done it a few times get so many stone chips on it lol
  2. omg this ***** should be shot i swear if he done that to my car i'd kick his fking head in!! poor victims omg!!
  3. hey mate, i got a rear trd sway on my stivo and it made it very stiff for me thats just me i loved it but in saying that i also have a front and rear trd strut so yerh maybe all 3 of them would help ya and some coils lol but one at a time ahaha
  4. i reckon at that price its ok in the end if you tell them you want it done "asap" they can do it but really do you want them to rush on somthing so important like a clucth/gearbox thats just me sinan but yerh "Toyota" claim 8 hours to take on and off a gear box thats just plain BS!! i work on the aurion and camry engine everyday for 8 hours and takes me 1 min to put it on or take it off lol we only have 1min and 30seconds to do the job ahahah but thats just the gearbox still if it was in the car it still wouldent be that long but i just say wait paitiently and just let them do the thing that there best at just think of how good it would be to land lift after all that ;) Steven
  5. ohhh im interested in this one will let you guys know closer to the date :D
  6. well joke or not lol i wouldent want my nick up on theard about speeding and other ***** even if it wasent saying it was me i wouldent like it
  7. good work mate looking good!
  8. oh lol mzz sportivo i just pm'd you about these ahahah i didint know you already post but yerh you can still get these in the group buy just PM EVO he will send you payment details ;) Steven
  9. you got that right there all dynos i have ever been to have only been in 4th gear and its all about the dynos some read higher then others and some read lower also with different weather temps air temps aswell but in the end no point being a dyno queen i say =P but good to have a result none the less Steven
  10. lol thats not nice guys you cant asume it was her and i think she hasent even turned 18 yet if im right ashley??
  11. *copys steves bankai sticker* lmfao :P i shall kill you brett if you do ahahaha
  12. yup im still in has everyone paid yet so when the suppiler does get back you can pay him straight away or we still waiting on a few people?? Cheers Steven.
  13. KaZe-

    im new

    welcome mate a name would be nice eh? ;)
  14. ohhh very sleeeek looking man nice!! you dont need a hairdryer to get rid of it just turn on your lights for a few minutes =] you might wanna chuck them in the oven again to warm it up then rubber clamp it again to make it tighter mine hasent fogged up since day1
  15. bump for people that forgot about this =]
  16. fark thats dangerous ***** drive safe peoples down here in melb also got some freak rain after work today lol
  17. just out of curiosity... what did you do with your Black stivo rims? still got them at home man there my spare track wheels =]
  18. hrmm looking hot as man yerh paint them black ftw!! powder coated of course ehh but either way both colours hot!!
  19. i think were all set for this!!! :D
  20. Hey guys, Kinda new here but they look awesome, I'm in if your still gonna buy 'em. I've never installed anything like this before, can I get a lil help with the install ppl in Melbourne. When will we know the final figures with shipping costs? PM me anyone. Thanks! Oliver (aka Uplift) yerh welcome to toca mate i think we have enough soon yerh i dont know how to install them also so should be easy group install!! woooo lol where abouts in melb are you from? Steven Hey, Thanks Steve, I'm from Deer Park in the western suburbs. About 35 mins from the city roughly. How about you? Group install would be a great idea. How many ppl in Melb do you know in TOCA? Oliver oh i know a few but none of them are getting any lol they all got them already from the previous group buys im from ardeer mate so yerh were pretty close =] rest of the melb people getting these are from east side Steve.
  21. i was just messing with you lol i think theres a diy around somwhere shouldent be that hard ;)
  22. loooking good bill its research and development i think ;)
  23. loool looking good mate yerh i notcied also it was such a tight fit for the trd pod but you can put it if you move it around a little but it would be touching the foggie gw guys i like to see diy's yoooo
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