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Everything posted by Ronnyboy

  1. Welcome, good to see another offshore Toyota Owner :)
  2. Have you ever been pulled over or got defected for any mods on this vehicle
  3. I Suggest you use either Meguiers heavy duty or Mothers Powerball 4 Headlight Headlight restoration kit. :) I know the Meguiars H-D works well as i have seen others use it..
  4. yeah its cooling down after all that rain... its easier to spin the wheels when its raining :P
  5. I dont think trying a cd will make a difference but its worth a try anyway :)
  6. If thats the case, put it lodge a claim through insurance :) let us know how u go
  7. At least its fixed now which is a good thing and it didnt cost you thousands :) Like you said, keep monitoring it for the next few weeks and see how it goes..
  8. like the others have said, its better to lodge a claim through the insurance company. That way you know that you dont have to do much running around. Also was the other persons car damaged? if so then their vehicle will also need to be repaired.
  9. Nice........ Someones going to Jail :P
  10. From what I have seen, WA prices are higher.
  11. Ronnyboy


    Those wheels will look fine. Just make sure you get the correct offsets :)
  12. Hopefully you get the Rav this coming week or next week :)
  13. Other things to add to the list... Drivers doing 10-20 kms below the speed limit in a over taking lane... (especially Taxi's) Slowing down for no apparent reason.. Signaling to turn right at the very last minute in traffic......
  14. This will fly. Cant wait to see the results....
  15. +1 Happy Birthday to you both :)
  16. 10 days left for the release of the FJ Cruiser
  17. Woooohooooooo, what can i say :) Of to Office Works in the morning to get it printed and framed :D
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