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Everything posted by Ronnyboy

  1. You got yourself a bargin. Especially with the 7 Seater... Just to confirm is it 2010 or 2011?
  2. Unbelievable.....How did he/she pull that off....
  3. Havent heard or come accross this problem yet.. Could be a few things, battery, starter motor, fuel line, spark plug etc..... Have you also tried starting it up in "Neutral"? I know some of the Gen 5's have had issues with the alternator frying around about the 100K mark... Best thing to do is take it to a mechanic and get it checked :)
  4. Not sure about this one... Normally wreckers do give some form of warranty, usually 3-6 months. Maybe call the wreckers in the morning and ask them if it doesnt fit, is it possible to return it....
  5. Anything else you wanna add to the list :P Airbag suspension, sunroof, road sweepers
  6. 41 would be kinda bouncy mainly when turning corners??????? Atleast it will make the Power steering feel lighter. :D
  7. It all comes down to if you really need a Towbar. If your not going to be doing any towing at all, then you may aswell drop it from the list. :)
  8. Yeah leave the sunroof for now, save the $2K for now If your keen in a few years time get it then... Its a good accessory to have on the Aurion :D
  9. Nice wheels.... :) It sucks they sent you the wrong offset size, hopefully the turn around time isnt too long for the replacement....
  10. Welcome to the club... When i was searching for a sunroof, most of the installers did mention that some Car Dealers do send new cars to their stores for sunroof installations.
  11. This is what someone emailed me, thought id post it here :) What would you do in this scenario.... It's raining and your sitting in your 98 Model Toyota Camry at the Liverpool train station car park waiting to pick someone up. While waiting in the car, you notice a female in her mid 20s slip and fall while she is walking down the steps. Will you either; A) Do Nothing B ) Laugh, yell out the window and beep the horn C) Get out of the car and help her get up D) Get out of the car walk up to her and ask her if she needs a hand, if she says yes then help her up. E) Find a female who can lift her up to her feet
  12. You can use the pink one for your Screensaver Dale :P
  13. Ouch - Looks like he almost hit his head first on the ground.
  14. The more i see it the more i want it.........
  15. ouch,,,,, he got slammed..............
  16. Sounds good man, you just need a blow off valve now :P
  17. You may want to check with the dealer. your order may have already been shipped prior to the earthquake...........
  18. I think i heard on the news that Japan may have another earthquake..............
  19. Ronnyboy

    Rav4 V6

    Call these people, see if they can help Toyota Customer Experience Centre - 1800 869 682
  20. It all depends if they can order it in. Call toyota spare parts in the morning and see if they can still get it.
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