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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. used genuine spoiler $99 from ebay :) (still havent installed it after over a year).. but ill get around to it!
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Dension-ICE-Link-Ip...1QQcmdZViewItem check it!
  3. www.brashimports.com.au any other places similar to this?
  4. faulty batch??? they should do a recall then!?!
  5. over a week later and the stereo still wont play anything. tried the cd cleaners... no luck. ive resorted to getting a $9 fm transmitter for my ipod that plugs into the cig. lighter. not particularly happy with the results with this either.
  6. id imagine my rolla would look something like that too if i lived closer to the beach :P would like to see the airbrush job in detail! b4 enlarging the pic, the front end looked a lot like a commodore for some reason.. think it was the headlights
  7. i couldnt be prouder to promote the site, but then again, i never liked those "sponsor" type stickers that people like to put down the sides of their car like a damn shopping list. its one thing to promote the forum but i dont want a huge ***** sticker to dramatically change the way my car lookz. thats why i came up with a happy in between.
  8. this problem occured coincidentally while you were modding your stereo?
  9. are you drivin auto? oh yea 4got to mention the long ***** tool to reach the 2 screw things in the back of the head unit
  10. SPOTTED 2 TODAY! around 1pm, coming out of Plumpton shops - looked like mish n marks old rolla!? white, black altezza tail lights.. and another white rolla... this time on the greatwesternhighway round doonside/blacktown area, going east round 5.30-6.. this time with black hood with hoodscoop, bodykit... not sure what else since i was goin bout 75km/h the opposite direction.
  11. me better half told me to stay home. :/ yea was p!ssing down and thunder coming at me from every angle! and yea the dodgy concrete work done in my backyard causing flooding through my carport and water seeping through the wall into my garage.. SUCKs.. sorry but me and the dogg r stayin home 2nite :(
  12. ive seen on various tv shows (on discovery channel) where the designers of custom bodykits used some sort of foam that they can place on the car and cut/mould the required shape, then fibreglass over it to make a new panel to make parts such as wheel flares etc. anyone know the name of this specific foam and where to get it? i know they also use a certain clay, but id rather find the foam. anyone know what im talking bout?
  13. eww.. check the users manual hopefully a code will be in there! otherwise, gotta go pay a visit to the toyota dealership and pay them to fix it 4 u
  14. id love foglights.. prefacelift.. just now is not a good time 4 me.. should just change my nick to lowcash... flat broke now
  15. there is a screw in mine?! my usb cables r chewed - so only pics i can share atm is from my mobile. if you were to open your passenger door, open your glove box and hunker down for a better look, you would most probebly see the pic ive just taken from my car. its on a plastic hinge thing... its not IN the glove box, its along the side of it.
  16. geez id love to get those silver knobs on the airvents... :)
  17. i could use one of those ipod connectionz... how much did it cost?? ive taken out my stock head unit several times... doesnt have a security code on it... i didnt experience any difficulties whatsoever. only realised that there MIGHT be a problem only after i took out the head unit the first time, so shouldnt be a worry. i dont remember having to disconnect the battery 2 do that.. just as long as you dont have your car running while youre trying to take it out hahaha! but yea, in general dont keep the key in the ignition if yourgonna do work on the car.. yea.. in this case i think its safe to leave the batt. on. i could be wrong - forum please tell me if i am, but in my personal experience i havent had 2 take off the battery connnections to do a small job like that. oh yea, you may want to check behind the glove box for the extra space you are looking for. the glove box is easy to take out. there should only be one screw in the way of you litterally pulling the glovebox off its hinges. just the right pulling pressure would cause the glove box to SNAP off. to put the box back, simply snap it back on, replace the screw. jase
  18. the 1 in my avatar :P brought him 2 d last meet i went 2 last yr... oct or november?
  19. found it on ebay - by way of italy.. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Monitor-LCD-touchsc...1QQcmdZViewItem damn that thing is beautiful. no australian suppliers though?
  20. im gonna try 2 make it... kinda dont wanna show up without having the runx grille fitted :( so if im not there, im probebly at home still spraying it up :P warning - i may bring the dog again... where do you ppls go after villawood???
  21. blue stivo parked outside plumpton hotel round 2pm yesterday number plate BE33ST
  22. I um.. I was just curious coz i saw DBA 4wd slotted break rotors for $129 in the supercheap auto catalogue. its a "direct replacement" guess by that they mean its bolt on with no modifications required. just wondering if it would mean the same thing if i bought these for my corolla. just took a look at it again - 129 EACH... so x4 = 516?? RME1 of course my wife isnt gonna agree! we supposed 2 be saving! Aussiecamry - its not really for looks, id rather slow down better than i speed up :P and yea with my wife and kid in the car, i dont wanna take any risks. but my car is due for service soon so whether i like it or not, $$$ out my pockets.
  23. interested in upgrading my breaks. since ive had no previous experience in anything to do with the breaks, i would like to know: what particular brands are best? how much? where to get them? (sydney area) easy DIY install or does it require a mechanic? thanks jase
  24. hehe yea its good as long as your out of the way of the lifeguards trying 2 scoop some kids poop outta the wave pool! :P too many people there and parking is hectic too.
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