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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. pretty sure kickers solobaric subs are the real deal.. wouldn't say that they are poorly designed at all or have mild chance of failure.. possibly the best sub in terms of SPL at the moment.. if you can show me a sub of a similar nature that is square do it.. the only thing that comes close is dd's and not even solobaric form.. dont get 6x9 unless you want rubbish sound.

    JL all the way... sounds like i have a live orchestra in my car coupled when i had the dual kicker comp subs which have now been replaced with a previous years model pioneer SPL comp TSW1200f sub... drops nuts and hurts the spleen but remains clear


    live orchestra ay? i must say its difficult to really focus on the sound of the speakers in JBhifi considering all the background noise of people talking and moving round the store.. but yea im definately gona take another look.. when i got the cash of course..

    im after sound quality, not after the loudest car in my street.

  2. Dude, that ain't pretty......

    I've never seen them like this before, I have only ever seen the masks like this....

    Rear Mask

    I'd say they'd be aftermarket....

    they look like the booster tail light coverz... peter had them and sold it to some1 didnt he?

    is that where they went?

    not 2 keen on the colour scheme

    so the short answer to my question i guess is...


    toyota doesnt make tail light eyelidz?

  3. Hey team.

    Suppose I choose to mount my Amplifier on the Sub Enclosure... will the contant beating and vibration damage the circuits etc inside?

    I know people do it, but this thought just struck me.

    Cheers guys

    on an mdf box i dont see y not.

    ive done it few yearz back in my landcru23r... screwed it on top of my 2x10" weconic sub box and it had no obvious negative effect on the amp?!

    in fact.. since im dead broke and i cant afford a new amp at the moment, i unscrewed the amp from my old subs and now its powering the lil kicker solobaric in my corolla :)

    and the amp isnt even screwed in anywhere in particular.

    its leaning up against the back of my backseats in the boot.. the anchorstrap from my babyseat is basically keeping the amp vertical along with nonslip mat underneith 2 keep it in place. bootspace is very important 4my situation so yea...

    no problems with it yet!

    as long as theres enough area for the amp 2 sit on i say go 4 it.

    is it ported or sealed box by the way?

    if its sealed, then i would probebly go against using screws that are long enough 2 penetrate all the way through the MDF... since ud wanna keep it airtight and if you were to remove the amp then ull be left with an UNsealed sub box

  4. I want a head unit touch screen so I don't have to worry about the TV and radio accessories not working ideally on the PC like Toms.

    www.brashimports.com.au got heaps 4 a good price 2!

    when i get the extra dosh im gettin the GL701 touchscreen with the tv/radio tuner/amp. was planning 2 place that in the storage space just above the ashtray...

    in the 2din space i was gonna place the MPL6800 to play the dvdz..

    as 4 the actual computer (voompc possibly?) i was gonna hide that in the glovebox or in the boot.. dvd rom in the glovebox.

    and yea 4 that voompc i was gonna get the box only.. (is that what they mean by barebones?).. and yea i got a computer place near my work that can fix up the processor,harddrive,memory etc so if it fcuks up, i can get them to service it instead of dealing with people across town,interstate or overseas if i got a problem with the pc.

  5. Hi,

    I decided to make myself a carputer and I am in the testing stage.

    I have a Via Eden M10000 with a Cubid 3688 Case. This supports PCMCIA, CF, 1394 and the standard stuff.

    I downloaded and installed Centrafuse. I am very impressed with this, and the SATNAV that it can do.

    Mabey we should start a caputer thread or is there already one, I know there are a few writeups of peoples LCD installs and cars, but a thread dedicated to general caputer stuff?

    Now all I have to do is get a LCD, I was thinking a xenarc 1 DIN sized unit. Seems neat and tidy.

    best of luck with your install fad!

    im just so bogged down with uni and a million other things right now on top of the mods i wanna do 2 the car.. so yea my carpc plans are still on hold...

    if only i wasnt studying!!!

  6. thought there was a general consensis that they were going 2 b sent 2 me?! HEHEHE!

    im fine with YDOIT4 recieving em if u are DEFINATELY goign 2 the next meet! PM ur mobile number just in case i need 2 contact u.

    can we get prices on both individual postage and as a group?


  7. spotted @mtdruitt westfield, carpark in front of autobarn/kmart round 12-1pm.

    shiny black corolla(cant tell if it was sportivo) but had full sportivo kit, tinted, altezza tail lights...

    MONSTA numberplate i think? cant remember? but it was a custom plate.

    think it was an asian dude driving too.


  8. im ASSuming that u remove a couple screws/bolts, lay the cooling panel down and replace screws/bolts...

    am i wrong anyone?

    i havent looked at the instructions but it shouldnt be that difficult yea?

    from the looks of the pic, part of the panel goes just under the grille... not sure if grille requires removing but thats an easy job as well.

  9. i remember last year in a special toyota edition of hot4z (i think that was the mag), there was a blue corolla (not sure if it was a sportivo or othewise) that was done up real nice... think custom cream or white interior...

    since i cant find that mag anywhere in the house i was wondering if any of you remember the mod im talking bout.

    i may be wrong, but im pretty sure the owner of this rolla added DOWN LIGHTS inside the hatch door, so when you open the hatch the downlights would shine straight right down into the boot space.

    im really looking 4 a way 2 brighten up the bootspace coz that stock boot light just isnt doing it 4 me at night!

    its useless!

    so if any1 is happens 2 have this particular magazine and is able 2 scan the pics... or if you even know the guy and the corolla im talking about, it would help me out a lot in figuring out what 2 do.

    thanks in advance.


  10. the cooling panel



    In [rajieta]=(RADIATOR?) fresh the cooling panel which leads the air.

    As for the engine cooling panel you send to [rajieta] the fresh air which enters from the grille, without wastefulness, improvement the cooling effect. It is the necessary part in the high rotary type engine and the turbo engine where we would like to pay attention to water temperature rise. In addition not only the functional aspect and lux of aluminum make produces the engine compartment in the Spartan

    OK my translation of this translation:

    cooling panel makes use of the air which enters through the grille by directing it into the radiator. installing this results in a cooler radiator, which means lower water temp. also makes the engine compartment look good, or spartan! spartan = less cluttered appearance or minimalist... ever learnt bout the spartans in greek history?

    translation of that translation:

    cooling panel good.


  11. umm..

    yea umm.. rig?

    dont know if you noticed the date of the first post... almost a year ago now hehehe!

    where you getting your flares from by the way?

    if you are in western sydney i know of a few places in blacktown you should check out.


  12. i was only asking bout petes 6x9s out of curiosity.

    yea im aware that 6x9s sorta negate the need 4 subz...

    previously installed 2x sony xplod 6x9s in my old landcruiser... plenty of bass for the money i paid 4 it :)

    i was looking in a caraudio place the other day (not sure which 1 coz theres at least 4-5 near my house that i regularly check out) and found SOUNDSTORM speakers... logo looked very similar 2 SOUNDSTREAM... had them confused!

    thankx 4 ur input people!

    will keep your thoughtz in mind next time i go audio shopping.

  13. oh and jase the dvd is still here when u gonna get it?.........:D

    yea i waNNA watch it but im in no big rush 2 get that dvd... cant u drop it off at my work on the weekend?? :P

    anywayz back 2 the topic.....

    originally i wanted it silver, and i did paint it silver at 1 point but i sanded it all back down again...

    i thought y not change it to something else.

    badboyz u got a good point bout it being a moulded wing instead of a being a T-wing... that was kinda my logic as well... since those spoilers could be a differnt colour, y not mine?! but yea totally different lookz.

    but yea i dont want my car 2 look tacky. thats the last thing im after.

    just as long as it looks better than stock, but at the same time not over the top.

    ill figure something out anyway.

    thankx 4 ur input people.

  14. i think ill definately go with the black then.

    some1! please gimme the 3 digit code 4 the metallic black!

    was planning on buying the paint 2 day 2 get startd on sprayin my spoiler

    reason 4 dumping the red idea is that if i make the spoiler red... im gonna have 2 paint other stuff on hte car red 2 go with the spoiler... frekken colour coordination :/

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