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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. hey im vip over there at spotlight! im down with the ladyz down at spotlight :P

    bought bout 3 metres of red felt to retrim dads freebee pool table over a year ago hahaha!

    shoulda thought of spotlight from the beginning... i was looking clark rubbers direction but yea stupid me didnt think of the spotlight just 5 mins from my house.

    thankx dhc! you actually sound suprised that i made it this far ?!

  2. yea just wondering who amongst us here is part of the SRC?

    how organised are they compared to us here at TOCAU?

    i enjoy the sense of community and mutual enthusiasm & knowledge ive gained (and the mods ive bought) from you fellow TOCAU memberz.. just wondering if its like that over there from people who are already members of that club.

    are most of the sydneysiders in here also SRC members?

    i just registered with them last night btw...

  3. ok today i woke up and took a look at the box... saw that the resin was still gooey!?

    so left it in the sun for 2 hours then it was ready 2 lay a coat of fibreglass onto the front.

    let it dry by the afternoon and spent the last hour sanding out the rough bits and cutting away fibreglass that had air pockets in it...

    then i kinda got a lil 2 excited... and even though im nowhere near where i want to be with the fibreglass i screwed in the kicker to see how it fit...

    forgot to buy hardener with the putty with the fibreglass filler & bondo i bought today. :( all i gotta do is get all those holes and rough edges bondo'd to HOPEFULLY seal all the holes.

    autobarn near my place normally stocks sub woofer carpet... but they had 2 run out of stock when i actually needed 2 buy it! sonofab!itchhh....

    ok heres the pics.

    nowhere near testing it out yet but at least it looks good!

  4. UPDATE!

    so far today... ive done this much....

    after making the fibreglass to a thickness im happy with, i cut the shape of the box out...

    as you can see in this pic, ive cut away the excess and im left with a nice neat edge and it fit better than expected :)

    here you can see that the sub box fits nicely and doesnt interfere with the babyz stroller! YAY!!!!

    also, notice ive already positioned the sub ring in place.

    in these pics, you can see ive just mdf glued the fabric over the sub ring and glued to the back of the fibreglass.

    the angle grinder ring was placed on top to help the fabric stretch, helped me to sort out the creases in the fabric while fixing it into place with the glue.

    after this, ill resin the fabric and begin the final stage of fibreglassing :))

    oh yea if you are wondering bout the cost of this box so far...

    2x size 3 fibreglass kits $103

    3/4 inch mdf $14

    1/2 inch mdf $10

    thick masking tape $5

    fabric $1

    TOTAL = $133 for materials

    filter mask (proper mask)- $27

    goggles (decent pair) - $10

    rotary tools (bunnings generic brand)- $60



    glue gun

    wood glue -$7

    MDF glue - $7

    all these things were not included in the total because ive bought most of this stuff b4 i started making this thing, and obviously theyll still be usefull long after ive finished making the box.

    resin to go on tonight!

  5. called supercheap yesterday bout getting a k&n panel filter for my brothers 98 celica. $124 full price.

    if my memory serves me correctly, this was also the price for the corolla panel filter. so yea if i did my math correctly thatll be $99.20.

    good price.

    but yea i got mine for free so yea HAHAHA!

    sorry but cant help but brag bout bargainz if i get em :P

  6. Your not allowed to upgrade yet anyway Jase, you have to finish your sub box :P

    AND THAT TOO MUTHERF*CKER! hahahaha! yea spend all my time trying 2 mod up this damn conquest and its really not that long until my corolla is old news!

    azza dont get me started up again coz i wanted 2 keep my last post as short as possible :P

    but yea...

    i see the point of refreshing the design, since the other companys would be doing that too for their small cars.

    but doesnt mean i have to like the fact that thats the way it iz.

    im planning on keeping my rolla till its a frikken antique, like the way ppl look at old coronas or gemini's or something... HA!

    just didnt want my car to seem like its ageing so soon. thats all.

    *btw, azza i bought enough fibreglass tonight to cover the whole box :))* yay for austudy!

  7. i like it, but i dont like it!

    yes i like the colour and it looks nice and all... but yea..

    my beef is i just dont like thinking that my current corolla is gonna be referred to as an "old model".

    it frustrated me when the facelift came out,(no offence facelift owners) and now this.

    redesigning the bodyshape every few years gives me the sh!tz!

    its kinda like when i tell people im 26 now and they think i might as well be going through male menopause.

    it makes no sense! doesnt mean i should get a facelift coz im getting a fraction older doez it?

    but yea, corollaz r a damn good car! 1 of the most popular selling cars in the world!

    good things shouldnt have to change every couple yearz like this!

    example - the landcruisers current shape hasnt changed dramatically since 1997-8??!!

    from the time the 80series fell out and the 100 series came in, the corollaz been redesigned over and over again in that same space of time..

    i just dont get it!

    maybe im making something out of nothing, but 4 me - redesigning the rolla over again is like 3 year old kids having babiez. bad analogy but thats the closest thing i could compare it to.

    its just wrong and itz 2 early in my opinion 2 spawn another generation of rolla!

    end of rant.



  8. im sure it can be done..

    i think silvabullit was selling a-pillar gauge thingys not long ago. it fit 3 guages if my memory servez me correctly... so yea they are around if you looked 4 em...

    but your only after 2 guages yea? i guess you can cut holes into your existing pillar and bondo the gauges on, sand it and paint it 2make custom gauges... similar job 2 the diy tweeter install i saw somewhere online. same principal, but your putting guages - not tweeterz.. both require some wiring, so same diff?! definately not impossable. other cars on the street have got em,... seen a swift and i think a pulsar with huge gauges on the pillar so yea if it could be done on those cars, y not a rolla?

    good luck

  9. YEP!

    austudyz heaps good 4 putting food on the table and subs in my boot :)

    thats only until i graduate... then ill be earning casual teacher money!

    havent u ppl noticed that most of my most recent mods have been freebeez in 1 form or another?!

    just lucky that fathers day and my bday happen in the same month!

    oh yea the mdf sub ring was trimmed this morning to properly fit the dimensions of the box.

    i only noticed this morning that with the rear tyre bumpy thingy taking up almost a quarter of the space, i couldnt position the rings properly without having to make the box bigger.

    so yea im still working on making the perfect balance of sound quality, proper fitting, appearance and space saving.

    was heaps challenging since i was adding layers of fibreglass in the back of my boot while we had that wild sydney wind yesterday... gumleaves and branches falling everywhere @ like 100km/h winds apparently?! (thats what the news said)...

    and yea that didnt help with the dust of the mdf and the electric saw... i got a proper dust filter mask and safety goggles but still sh!t got in my eyes.

    also i think that the wind is to blame for the rapid drying of my fibreglass resin.. damn it blame the wind 4 everything!

    one of my main problems now is that after peeling as much of the masking tape off the back of the box, its all really sticky/tacky! the inside of the box is nice and dry to touch though. is it the resin or the masking tape thats left the whole back sticky? should i just leave it out? ive left it in the garage coz i dont want the wind blowing dust and **** on it like when i was inspecting the box this morning.

    also what do you think i should do with the back of the box? obviously its gonna be heaps tight if i carpet it. carpets gonna be thick so im considering an alternative for the back. just spray paint it in matt black?

    also with the front of the box... might consider covering it in something OTHER than stock black/grey carpet.

    i was thinking along the lines of some sort of acrylic material (anything that looks similar to the material on the dash?) with the KICKER logo embossed (saw how they do that on pimp my ride or funkmaster flexs show or something like that...) :) possibly some combination of black or grey or orange or red. kinda hard 2 visualise what im trying 2 get at but yea... anyone got ideas on how to colour this thing??

    another option im also considering painting the front of the box the same silver as the rest of the car.. itll look strange though i think... nothing really coloured silver on the inside.

    but yea SUGGESTIONS PLEASE?! then you can be credited 4 helpin me create this thing :) (that is if you havent already given me advice so far :P) thanks 4 ur help so far !

  10. gday people...

    after returning from melbourne... this is what ive got so far.

    so far so good! ran out of fibreglass though :/

    still want to make the fibreglass box THICKER. suckz... fibreglass isnt cheap so yea dont waste it!

    ill get more next week when centrelink comes in HA!

  11. ummm.. yea guys i was only curious 2 see what others have done with their subs to get the best sound as well as save space! i think ive been saying that from the start!?!

    yea nunga i think i have some of that foam sticker stuff lying round... will consider doing that once i get the sub cranking! wont know if thats necessary until i got the sub operating already. nice idea there!

    obviously dhc'z install wouldnt suit my needs but yea its nice 2 discuss this kinda stuff n see that other people are doing DIY stuff like me :) when it comes to the wiring, ill come to that bridge when i saved up enough money for that kicker mono amp i been lusting after at jbhifi. gotta get the kicker amp if im installing a kicker sub! call it coordination or attention 2 detail or rice or wateva... but yea, obviously itll look better showing that they are both of the same brand!

    but the amp can wait 4 now. once again i know that dhcs install isnt practical, but its nice 2 see what other people have done to improve their ridez.

    by the way i only had 2 hours sleep b4 my flight coz i was up late sitting in my boot doing the fibreglassing @ my parents house.

    slept @ 2, woke up @ 4.

    must say i did rush it and im afraid it wouldnt turn out as well as it could have been if i had the proper time and sleep coz i was tired az... i only layed 1 layer of fibreglass and im pretty sure i missed a spot or 2.. but since its gonna end up being like 4 layers thick or more 2 get it nice and solid, if anything was missed i can always go back, cut off the problem areas and continue building on top of the parts that did turn out nicely.

    now my car and my parents garage stinks to high heaven with the resin fumes!

    so... yea... its a work in progress! as long as i covered everything in the boot properly i got problem with the smell.

    get back2 u'z later!


  12. yea that makes a lot of sense. the diy tutorials i been reading bout doing the fibreglassing all are based on sedans. different sound quality issues with our hatches ay? oh well so i guess the silvabullit sub position is the way 2 go. im sure itll be loud anyway. just as long as it works!

    dad borrowed the electric saw thingy (im fully technical with the tool namez ay?!) so i didnt finish making the mdf rings where the speaker will be screwed into. gonna look nice with the sub kinda sinking into the wall of the box instead of sticking out by bout 1.2cm if i didnt do otherwise.

    but yea im heading off 2melbourne on friday morning, returning saturday morning... so dont think ill really have the time to continue with this install until sunday (day off).

    might just do the fibreglassing tonight though...

    by the time i get back from melbourne the glass would have hardened already :))

    nice 1!

  13. nice 1 dhc!

    if i didnt need all the space i could get in the rear, id go and get a 2nd solobaric and fix the amp into the floor kinda like you did.

    but yea.. baby needs a stroller and its already a struggle 2 get it into the boot.

    took out the parcel shelf long time ago to make it easier on myself but still... boot space is 2 much of a necessity.

  14. gday again.

    ive decided to go with placing the box to the side ALA silvabullets, but still tossing up whether i should do the same thing as SB's or do the 45 degree angle pointing towards the rear door idea. looks wise im leaning towards the 45 degree idea.

    if sound quality is gonna be compromised then so be it. id rather have it to the side then take up the much needed middle part of my bootspace.

    see pic of work in progress here-

    BTW im planning on fibreglassing the back wall of the box and screwing & silicone sealing it to the mdf base.


    after some measurements quick calculations i have found that if i built the box with the base ive already made, thatll be equal to slightly less than 42.4Litres.

    that kinda size is equal to a 10 or 12 inch solobaric subwoofer... 2 damn big!

    the maximum sealed space my sub requires is 21.24Litres!

    so this box is gonna be much smaller than expected!

  15. thankx azza.

    yea im actually looking for the best solution as far as space saving as well as sound quality. so im still leaning towards position 1 coz of the space aspect

    i do like silverbullets custom sub box but his sub points towards the center of the boot and yea ive been told that it wont sound as well as having the sub pointed towards the rear door.

    ok, what if the sub was still placed at position1, but instead pointed at a 45degree angle so its aimed towards the back door and not aimed towards the back of my tail lights?

    im guessing thats still be not as good as the position2 of the diagram, yea?

    Just to add a lil something i found with my own setup:

    If you want extra thump from the sub make a custom cut boot floor without carpet.

    I have recently carpeted my custom boot floor made of hard plywood without carpet and its not as loud and cant "feel" the bass as much ;)

    do you have pics of your subs?

    id very much like 2 take a look at your box :)

    ok that sounded wierd..

    i checked your registry and didnt see a pic of your subs

  16. ok so im trying 2 figure out the best sub placement and since my sources have told me 2 position a subwoofer is rearward facing for the best sound. this has 2 do with the soundwaves bouncing towards the rear and rebounding to the passengers in the front.

    with that being said...

    my question is referring to where in the boot do i place the speaker?

    does this really matter or is this a non issue?

    im not factoring in the size of the sub box, ill worry bout the variables (sealed vs. portted) of that later.

    as you can see on the attached image, its more or less a floorplan of the boot.

    one idea im considering was to build a custom box that squeezed into the right corner (POSITION1), with only 2-3 inches of space between the face of the sub and the back door. this only partially exposes the face of the subwoofer when the boot is opened.

    the other option,(POSITION2), which ive noticed is more popular in general, is to place the subs directly behind the rear seats, whether its in the middle or slightly to the side like my diagram. this leaves at least a foot of space between the face of the sub and the back door.

    ive only got an 8inch sub... but its a solobaric so its square which means bigger sound 4 less space than a round sub of the same size.

    would there be any sound variation between the two positions?

    your input is much appreciated.


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