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Posts posted by neK

  1. Anyone seen the movie 'Orgasmo'? What a friggin riot lol

    LOL Is that the movie about a mormon who gets stuck in a porno flick?

    That movie was a crackup. :lol:

    HDache, can you make my car as shiny as yours?

  2. What about that Jock Guy from Xenium the BAD CREDIT EXPERTS? :P

    Hear it on the radio all the time. LOL

    But seriously, it will be hard for your fiancee to get a loan seeing that she is only a temp resident till you guys get married.

    Non of the lending institutions like that idea very much (hell life insurance companies dont even wanna insure temp residents).

    This is because being a temp resident you could be told to go home any time (not saying it happens, but its a possibility) and then who would the lender go to, to get the money back?

    Maybe if you went as a guarantor it would help so that they know they can chase you up in case she ever went back overseas.

  3. muwahahha!!! its all good now...

    colour is even better... fitting... a lot better!!!

    y cant he just do it like this at first!?!?! wasted me and his time...

    i realised i left my stock grille there!!!!

    crap.. have to go back!!!!

    thx for the help guys~!!!!

    good to see its all sorted out.

    How much did he charge you all up anyway?

  4. neK you did the awesome Golf photoshop didn't you?

    No, that was negatron i believe.

    I only wish i could do an awesome job like that :P

    only 2 more posts till we get a new king/queen:D

  5. Pics

    Step 1: The stock Front Grill


    Step 2: Heating the Grill


    Step 3: Pushing out the Badge


    Where I've circled in red is the two points you need to push at to get the grill out.

    The badge is held to the grill by double sided tape so heating the grill with a hairdryer while pushing the badge out helps loosen the bond.

    Woohoo A Toyota Badge

    badgefront8bv.th.jpg badgeback9mc.th.jpg

    Grill with no badge

    grillnobadge13di.th.jpg grillnobadge27jk.th.jpg


    Im planning on putting the badge on my mesh grill (original grill is going back in the box), will post some pics of that when i get around to doing it

  6. you got a pic of how it looks? just for curiosity's sake...

    it looks like a plain toyota badge :P

    I'll post some photos up tonight.

    Im thinking of sticking the Toyota badge in the middle of my aftermarket grill (cos the grill looks kinda bare without anything on it), what do you guys reckon?

    would it be the facelift version or pre??

    Pre facelift.

    To get the Toyota badge off the grill was taken off too, i dont know how i would be able to de-badge it with it still being on the car.

  7. i did it!


    There are two little knobs that poke out at the back of the grill where the badge is.

    Using a hairdryer it heats up that section (hence loosing the glue) and then with some gentle pressure push it out.

    Probably easier with two ppl than one person.

    Took me about 30mins to take it off.

    Whatever you do, dont try to try pry it off from the front, you'll end up damaging it.

  8. Problem going to those Ryda type of stores is that there a quite a few around, therefore meaning theres quite a few ppl who know how to uninstall it too.

    Have a look a Brant, there are a limited number of ppl who know how to install the stuff, the wiring diagrams remain inhouse.


    Little bit more expensive, but probably worth it (Considering Subaru use them - except Subaru now have their own guys fit it, it must say something).

    However it did go under new management, but i would pick Brant over alarm systems i can pick up @ Ryda/Strathfield/etc


  9. about the price ay... i remember i asked IX about the toyota one.. its around $3xx and TRD cost more he said..

    my aftermarket.. 120.. and yes... ITS not the cheapest u can get..

    TRD in hk.. it was like.. 1050 HKD... ==> around 180AUD.... U SEE!!!! thats y i didnt fricken buy the genuine in aus!!!!

    hmmmz, i only paid $195 for my grill @ Toyota Warwick Farm.

    Always call around different Toyotas for pricing, you'll find some charge more than others.

    hahha im gonna try it out on monday.....

    my conclusion.. its just this dodgy job from these people......

    **** painting... dodgy cutting and installing...

    man... i shouldnt take it to them.... but its like.. 30sec walk from my work...

    So where is this place anyway?

  10. ive just got my grille painted and all..

    its f**KING ****!!!

    the colour doesnt look .. well... colour might be.. close.. id say.. like 80-90% identical

    but the shining and reflection and all.. its damn different.... the guy said.. its plastic and aftermarket.. u cant expect much....

    n the worst of all.. it doesnt fit perfectly!!!! the right side is like... 1 cm popping out...

    ok... guys... is this normal?????????

    and plz dont tell me that i should buy the toyota one... i regret now...

    i need to make sure whether this is the painters problem... or its the problem with my grille at 1st

    need to know asap... im gonna bring my car to this guy again tomorrow morning.. he said after the apint is dry and after wax.. it should look at lot better........ TRUE???? or just some covering up business??

    I bought mine off Toyota, initially when it was painted the colour didnt match up 100%, it was slightly off.

    I never bothered to get it repainted (seeing that i only paid $20 to get it done), however when i had to touch up the bumper i got the guy to redo it (the same guy who did it first time - he did it for free).

    Now it matches perfectly, no amount of waxing is going to fix the colour up, your painter needs to get his paint mixing correct, just make the guy repaint it again until you are satisfied. That excuse about plastic and being aftermarket is a load of crap because he doesnt wanna repaint it. Maybe if he did it right the first time he wouldnt have to repaint it :P

    Otherwise you can take it to the DSports place i suggested a while back, ever since he redid my grill its been a perfect match :D

    Where did you get it done btw?

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