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Posts posted by neK

  1. Oil companies want the monopoly so it seems we are slaves to them at the moment…… Whatever happened to the orbital engine, why are there not ethanol powered engines and distribution points ?

    You answered your own question at the begining of your sentence. :D

  2. Great work Arron!!!! :P

    been meaning to install my deck, i got as far and removing the vents, didnt have the balls to go any further incase i cracked/broke anything else...

    but after reading your ste by step instructions i feel more confident. thanks very much!!

    Hey Mario,

    When are you changing your deck? Maybe you can help me out with changing the deck too.

    Just waiting on 76ACC to change his deck across and ill be buying his stock mp3 deck.

    Hey Northy, is the deck straight plug and play with the cable connections if its changing from one stock console to another? And seeing my car is auto, is there a different way to pry open the gear box?

  3. ewww subway... i cant eat subway.... try owning one... itoo much free subway puts u off it completely

    we finance Subway stores !!! ...

    hmmmm ...

    its a bit nippy outside .. so I might go the pumpkin soup route !!

    hey who do you work for anyway eggbert?

    And was that you that Pm'ed me on Whirlpool forums?

  4. No need to make things so complicated and snob off new sellers. It is buy/sell afterall, you gotta consider the buyers too. They may not see it as "using" our forum, but the oppourtunity to score a good deal. In fact giving TOC members a good deal is a contriubtion itself ;) no one is making you buy it so i cant see how they are using us, I see diet coke ads very day and I never bought any.


    Both sides can benefit from this, a seller gets to sell their item, a buyer gets to get something they want for cheaper than expected.

    Just need to take the necessary precautions, and as i said above, if you dont trust the seller, dont buy it.

  5. Pho 54 is the best.......maybe we should cruise to a pho place oneday for a snack keke :D

    i like that idea, we'll go cruising for pho places....

    Problem is that we wont drive very far and get very fat quickly :P

  6. as with all trading forums, if you dont trust the person dont buy it.

    If you cant get a real world contact number from them, dont buy it.

    TOCA is not and should not be responsible for ppl who lose their money, maybe we can establish a "trusted Traders" thread?

    If the person posting the sale item is a new member who seems to have joined for the sake of selling, ask them for the option to pick it up, if they refuse, well dont buy it.

    If you ask the person inquiries and they dont respond, give them time, if they take more than 48 hours (after you post in the thread - which is also why i prefer NON-PM inquiries/bids - keeps everything transparent), a mod should considering deleting the post cos clogs up the forum.

  7. Hi all ..

    Can all corolla sedan owners make themselves known here ???

    I just wanna know who else is out there in a sedan :)

    I'll start a list .. just coz I can ..

    1. eggbert_99 - Black

    2. 1rocky - Blue

    3. rolla_racer -No color specified

    4. Kcorro - Blue

    5. Nek - Blue

    6. Hsien - No color specified


    BLUE is winning!!! YAY! :D

  8. never heard of pho... is it really that good? what other dishes are similar (maybe ill know what its talking about then)

    if you've never tried it before you're missing out!

    I really cant think of another dish thats even close to it, just go out there and try it!

    Theres a Pho Pasteur in Parra (though i reckon its not as good as the Bankstown one), in the Chinatown strip on Church St.

    There are also some really cruddy pho places out there (eg Sydney CBD) that I would totally avoid.....

  9. PHUC DAT !!!!

    hehe, very good

    so what is Pho?

    Beef rice noodle soup. Vietnamese style. :)

    Very nice. Best ones to try are in Sydney I reckon, none of the other states can compare. :P

    mmmmmmmmm pho......

    I reckon one of the best places is Pho Pasteur @ Bankstown.... Pho An just aint the same anymore.

  10. I was really enjoying reading up about Brant until I cam across this page and my confidence dropped:


    Mmmmmm. I’m going to wait a while and see what happens before I get an alarm installed.. thanks for the info though!

    FB :D

    interesting twist..... didnt see that when i looked at the web site a few weeks ago. :unsure:

    Thanks for the heads up!

  11. i think this thread should be deleted....

    When you click on the sites it goes to one site then redirects its seconds later.....

    Does someone have something against TOCA?

  12. Another way to think of it is that the car is technically owned by the finance company until the debt is paid off.

    So when you buy a car thats got debt on it, you make sure your make the cheque out to the finance company as opposed to the person to ensure the debt of the car gets paid.

    Cos if you dont and they bank the cheque in their own name, as far as the finance company is concerned, the car still belongs to the finance company, and if you wanna keep the car pay for it, meaning you will need to invest in several poles and baseball bats and go "clubbing"

    That is why there is secured and unsecured debt.

    When taking out a personal loan, you have a higher chance of approval and lower interest repayment if you take a secured loan.

    If you take an unsecured loan the rate is usually higher.

    Also with insurance, leased/financed cars usually attract a higher premium than cars that a fully owned.

  13. Go to internet explorer properties

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    Right clicking on the Internet Explorer Icon on your desktop and selecting Properties.

    Delete All cookies and temporary internet files.

    Run a free online virus scanner


    My guess is theres a something lurking in your cookies which activates when you come on this site.

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