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Everything posted by Kenpo

  1. my name is Tim and i'm not white ;) sos john and tommy and others i cant think of names :P But come on. Troy of all names sounds the most Aussie or non-asian... I hope So glad you said that. I'd imagine Johnny would have cried if there wouldn't be enough food.
  2. OMG OMG OMG!! I just remembered, yesterday I think.. or last week? Can't remember what day but but I saw a ROLLS ROYCE parked on Sydney Rd in Brunswick. My first reaction was... wtf is that car doing here? Then immediately opened my window and yelled out IT'S A ROLLS ROYCE!!!! =O PS. I had to change my pants in the car.
  3. I have a 21st that I'm ditching. lmao Also ditched a 20th last week :P
  4. Deadset. You guys are gold. Food... ah, imma just give up.
  5. Yea you're right. It'd be best if the people with no clue how to get there would meet up earlier. If anyone wants to pre-meet Saturday night, The carpark behind the McDonalds in Broadmeadows would probably be easiest to find. It's also not far from the freeway so it wont take longer then 15-20min to drive to the meeting point in Sunshine.
  6. Kenpo

    Little Rants

    Weird.. Most people try alcohol before they drive.. I mean come on, not even once..? Oh I had a sip of Smirnoff about 4-5 years ago.. That's it though
  7. Welcome to the forum mate & to Australia! We've got a Kluger for a family car and it's awesome. As for the rolla, there are seriously too many of them in Melbourne now. Hahaha, I'm going to cop it for saying that.. nevertheless, they're an awesome car!! Anyway, how north are you talking? I'm in Roxburgh Park and we usually have our meets out to the west in Sunshine. This Saturday night we've got a meet happening. Check out our thread for all the Victorian meets whenever you can.
  8. Kenpo

    Little Rants

    Is it good for my health if I say that I have never eaten 'Mi Goreng?' Also.. I never get hangovers. But hey, that could be because I never drink alcohol! :lol: B)
  9. No excuses buddy! Tash is willing to drive from Bendigo!!
  10. HOLY SH*T. Is it just me or is there somebody in front seat?
  11. There are about 3-4 of us up north, but 2 are hondas and the other guy doesn't talk on the Forums.. I don't meet with any of them so I drive alone there. If i'm for meeting you somewhere before hand. Plus, seeing as your name is Troy, it seems like I wont be the only white boy in the 'crew' anymore. (LOL at pancake parlour.)
  12. Well if you know Essendon, then you should know Broadmeadows? I can meet you at broady if you like and we could go from there??? Or.. to make it easier for you, I can meet you closer to your area. Sunshine Ave? Just off the Calder. Really easy to get to the meet from there. Edit: I said 'closer to your area,' then realised you still need to drive over 120km on the Calder anyway Could we organise that as a pre-meeet meet or something like that? I'll be coming over from Mitcham (near Ringwood, pretty much the opposite side of Melbourne for those who don't know), and wouldn't mind meeting up with a few others and then heading there as a convoy, what do others think? Well I'm only 1 man.. but because I'm up north, not Tash style north.. but still north, I am willing/can drive to either side of Melb. Troy if you need someone to show you where to go, I'm pretty familiar with the eastern suburbs so it wont me hard to meet you anywhere you want. As for Tash, Probably best if you can just check in google maps how to get there. You travel down the Calder Freeway for about 1hr 30min, then turn right into Sunshine Ave. Follow Sunshine Ave and it'll turn into McIntyre Rd after you pass the Western Ring Rd. Keep going down that rd till you reach Ballarat Rd. Turn left into the first st after Ballarat Rd, should be a massive carpark. We'll be there ;) Edit: Man.. I could be the ultimate undercover cop. Not against any of you guys, you're all awesome :P
  13. Well if you know Essendon, then you should know Broadmeadows? I can meet you at broady if you like and we could go from there??? Or.. to make it easier for you, I can meet you closer to your area. Sunshine Ave? Just off the Calder. Really easy to get to the meet from there. Edit: I said 'closer to your area,' then realised you still need to drive over 120km on the Calder anyway
  14. I was just waiting for this reply. B) Yes. Without a doubt. Food is Awesome. AND HEY. Will we be seeing you this weekend? Most likely. I would have been there for the last one, but didn't make it because I had a date that night. Kicker is that she didn't show, and instead sent me a txt message saying sorry she couldn't make it, by that time it was too late to get over to where you guys were.<_< Oh shattered. All good man, last week was a little all over the place anyway. Can easily make up for lost time in a minutes ...and best of luck with your date in the future ;)
  15. One of my mates always told me that the 380 is the Aurion of Mitsubishi. Nice car man & welcome to the club! B)
  16. Yes. Without a doubt. Food is Awesome. AND HEY. Will we be seeing you this weekend?
  17. Holy crap. You can turn numbers off now too?! I'm so behind in technology... :rolleyes: fark ur sig trips me out man... It's almost as awesome as a rolla isn't it? nah lift trips me out 10 times more times that by 2 with saturday night hamburgers :P LOL. It always comes back to the food. :D
  18. Holy crap. You can turn numbers off now too?! I'm so behind in technology... :rolleyes: fark ur sig trips me out man... It's almost as awesome as a rolla isn't it?
  19. Holy crap. You can turn numbers off now too?! I'm so behind in technology... :rolleyes:
  20. Now because I can't design for sh*t, I gave one of my graphic designing friends a call. He told me he could come up with something and send it to me. So I can chuck it up here as soon as I get it :D
  21. Makes me want to be a Police Officer even more now.
  22. Sounds like an awesome idea man. I'm interested!
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