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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Yes I need money and time for that though bill :( Fixed signature for you btw: Kebab eating = 50% Guy, 40% Stomach, 10% Garlic Sauce
  2. Your wife is gorgeous dude. Kudos and muchos congrats! You = g.0.d in my eyes :D
  3. Well as stated above we've all been pretty busy unfortunately, both with personal and work issues. I see mick0082 leaving work everyday looking like I do: Pi55ed off, tunes cranked and hankering for beer.
  4. Damn straight! Now that's intelligent flaming! Yeah Freaky you flame that dude for being gay and weird looking! All they needed to say was 'he veered off the road and up onto a gutter'. lol
  5. When you're new to places it's generally boring because you don't know where everything is lol. Canberra has a night life. You just need to find it lol.
  6. Ooo la la senor... Muchos esperanda!
  7. All Kings get de-throned lol. Look at what Arthas did to his old man hahaha.
  8. Awesome. Did I mention that the Orc's on this game 'speak like 'dis! In a rough as guts pom akkcent?! and day cawl 'dere wargroups 'Waaaagh!'s' lmao. They are insane. I don't think I've ever seen a bloodraged orc off WoW load himself into a cataput and be fired at a castle haha. And yes I know i'm king but don't care lol. Warhammer!!! Unleash the NEEERRDD!!!
  9. Enough dirt has been dug up anyway man. I don't think we need an actual thread like this as it'll draw attention in the wrong way. I think if we kept posting issues under the corolla section that should suffice enough. Sometimes it's best to let the snake slither instead of smashing it with a shovel ;)
  10. www.warhammeronline.com it'll be on there dude. Games Workshop concieved the Warhammer universe way back in 1983 man. They have much older roots than Blizzard lol (and to be honest, much better storyboard people and artists. everything is so gloomy and well written). Blizzard have ignored the calls from many people about things with WoW that needed changing (class balances...like, warlocks are just impossible to beat atm). Plus the majority of the new armor sets that came out of Outland is just lame. They are all remodlled and recolored old sets, like I'm wearing a full armor set on my Paladin that is just a blue and gold version of Lightforge. Where's the creativity? They are just so lazy these days man. All the armor looks sh!t now, all the weapons are sh!t (I can't find anything to suit Coro in terms of a 1h mace or 1h sword that is fast and has spellpower on it. How the heck am I supposed to tank more effectively?) I reckon Blizzard may have picked up the shovel and are now digging their own grave. Warhammer goes back 2 decades and some, and the Games Workshop are very meticulous and cautious about their image. WoW for me now = a MMORPG 'cartoon-esqe' fantasy time filler Warhammer looks like it will = Gritty, gripping, fun, atmospheric and most importantly 'involve' people at lot more. Can you imagine doing massive online battles on a huge battlefield instead of lame **** instances and raids? Picture scenes from Braveheart as an example man...I think that's what Warhammer will also offer lol. Watch the trailer and look at the site!!!
  11. Marianne de Pierres wrote a series of novels called 'Nylon Angel'. It's about an assassin chicky in 'post nuclear war' Australia (whole world just recovered from self annihilation). Anyway lol, you know who controls everything? Even the government? The media. I sure hope it never turns out that way. I hate those Current Affair shows. Over exaggerate and badger people to create false senses of security and spread misinformation. At least Naomi Robson vanished...but the war has only just begun...
  12. Waaaaaaaa???!!! Dude! Noooooo!... Oh well you could always gimme your gold ;) Im just getting started. Im up to level 57 for my warrior, gonna hit the magical Outlands very soon. :D I've seen the trailer, I've seen the gameplay man. It looks unreal. Everything that seems to be missing from WoW seems to be in Warhammer lol. The High Elves actually look all magical, the Dark Elves actually look DARK and evil ffs (unlike the Blood Elves who look angelic all bar the green eyes), and if you put a Chaos Chosen next to an undead warrior, hell, you'd just laugh at the Undead man. The Chaos look f off scary lol. The Dwarves are little psychos and have battlerage etc (if you watch the trailer there's a little dwarf taking on a massive orc and he's going mental lol), and the 'paladin' type class (Warrior Priest) heal very well AND do a crapload of damage if they build up enough momentem, ie: The Warrior Priest is just as formidable as the Warrior class itself. If you let a Warrior Priest reign free and try and dps down others they'll come through with Divine Inspiration and smash the crap out of everything, doing an insane amount of melee and aoe damage man. And and and!!! You don't look like a retarded clown!!! All the armor will be customizable in terms of colour etc (I mean, it's Warhammer, it's derived from those little minatures you paint, the customization HAS to be there). Fark...as you can tell...i'm really excited about this
  13. http://www.framesrx.com/frames_image.aspx?...;Image=03ABE053 My new glasses
  14. I'm meh. I dunno, still writing music and clinging to fruitless dreams lol. Hows about you guys.
  15. We drive stivo's because they're faster and have leather, climate control, 'adjustable read seat for.......' j/k lol welcome dude
  16. Hey Phil, I'm sick of WoW and Blizzard with their inability to roll a decent MMORPG. When Warhammer online comes out I'm heading there man lol. The poms always know how to make those things heaps heaps heaps better.
  17. Ah old msn. It keeps me logged in for some reason. I woke up to find a sh!tload of people had spoken to me lol. I'll call you today mate. Cheers for holding it for us lol.
  18. Yep. Through my experiences I'm never taking my car back to toyota ever again. Hope it works out for you mate.
  19. Built up mucus and infection bad...syrup good. Man I've been that out of it that I only just realised that you and your bro have my intake for me lmao. I can only 'just' remember talking to Bill!!!
  20. Sorry dude just saw this. Go to 'Dickson' lol
  21. had some bad sh!t go down mate sorry. family friend was diagnosed with lymphoma so we're visiting him as much as we can :( Sorry again mate.
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