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Everything posted by Dead

  1. I take it back... Jacqui sh!ts all over Kate Beckinsale...
  2. Lack of funds, and the fact I didn't think I'd have a place to stay lol. Turns out I had like 5 places including yours to stay at haha.
  3. Bah dyno's mean nothing to me Sam. 1/4 mile times speak for themselves. That's my motto.
  4. That's because you're damn sexy Rob HAH lol that's the funniest f**king thing I"ve ever heard man hahahaha
  5. BE COOL haha. It obviously helps if they're interested as well I guess. I could see the signs as she would always want to talk to me when I was in there and vica versa.
  6. Hahaha, quick or the dead man. Be yourself and be cool. Don't show nerves haha. If you're a smooth ***** you'll usually come across looking good.
  7. Good work Rob!! :D You'll have to teach me your ways. Seriously just be yourself man lol
  8. Going for coffee tomorrow with said Video Store chicky (aka Jacqui)...
  9. Won't be there :( Although could be taking the Video Store girl out ;) Jacqui..........
  10. Mission Complete people ;) Number had. This is also a real mole. Although she is fake in many areas.
  11. Baahahaha, that's the spirit
  12. Yes. You can be the biggest slut in here and get away with it. Guranteed.
  13. John Howard is actually the last of his kind in an extinct race of monkey known as the 'Galapagos Monkey'. They were the closet resemblence to human beings before being wiped out by infighting caused by the telling of bad jokes. It now makes complete sense why John Howard talks like this: "A...a..a..a..a...a...a..a..a w..w...w..w..eelll...l..l..l..l..l. I th..th...th...th...th...th...think...th..that.." And so forth. Unlike regular members of the monkey family where they utter, "OOO OOO AHH AHH" noises as a means to communicate, the Galapagos Monkey managed to take this to a new step and attempted verbal communication through the English language. There were some Galapagos Monkeys that were very fluent in the way they spoke English, however John, being the last of his own kind, alas cannot speak proper English to save himself. Note: There have been no talks of putting John into a protection program, and classifying him as an 'endangered species' due to the fact that he's a f*cking idiot.
  14. Woa. It could be buying power maybe. Then again that's x-force themselves. Wouldn't expect they like giving discounts though. Hehehehehehehehehe "flange" OMG :o you're dirty baDboyz Hahahahhaha, dude that's the biggest laugh I've had today...oh man. I've got tears in my eyes. Your reaction ahaha. I'm off home man...talk to you lata haha.
  15. Shhhhh lol. Dude how awesome! Sonic! OMG!
  16. Nothing wrong with you sam you fool. She sounded like a compelte b!tch. Fark her...(not literally obviously). Sounds like a run of the mill Paris Hilton type. I'm being serious when I say this to, if Paris Hilton offered herself to me I would say the following..."I would rather make hot passionate love to a cheese grater...fark off". Bah, you're happy now anyway man so to hell with her haha.
  17. They're are games in excel?! LMAO
  18. I would have said, 'My 'Y' button is broken...I'll save it in "L" for Lame a55 retard slut whore ok? No probs' Dude that's harsh. I've never had a bad knock back. The only knock back I've had recently was a girl who simply said, 'I'm kind of seeing someone else at the moment...but you never know' and even then I gave her my number instead. So...I dunno, kinda hard for me. Hmmm.
  19. Azza what are you up to besides playing on microsoft excel all day? Haha, nice one Sam. Come on. What do you want us to do?
  20. Dude you're second hahahahaha I cawwwnt believe thet I'm first! I feel like Pete.
  21. Woa. It could be buying power maybe. Then again that's x-force themselves. Wouldn't expect they like giving discounts though. Hehehehehehehehehe "flange"
  22. I cannot believe David Tench was made by Andrew Denton. He's better than that. Oh my ***. 1. bADbOYz 20-April 06 1830 18 5.31% 2. Blue_Stivo 1-August 04 4387 11 3.24% 3. kym11m 3-August 06 51 8 2.36% 4. MRROLA 8-August 06 21 5 1.47% 5. grima88 29-August 06 51 5 1.47% 6. Saiya 2-February 06 981 5 1.47% 7. gOODbOYz 11-January 05 791 5 1.47% 9. IZZ-FE 11-April 04 2272 4 1.18% 10. OH84BY 11-February 06 3657 4 1.18% 11. midnight 13-August 05 40 4 1.18%
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