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Everything posted by Dead

  1. I wish I could cruise more. Everyone is soft in Canberra. Or choosing wine or something lol.
  2. That sir is a camber plate. I'd say these have track rated springs in them.
  3. In Facebutt, no one can hear you scream. Muahaha...
  4. I'm in the ACT. Mine definitely weren't lowered by compressing the spring at the front. They were assessed prior to them being lowered more down here in Canberra. The guys at the suspension shop claimed that it would be something internal within the shock, or the springs themselves that are making the noise due to the stiffness. I asked specifically if it would affect their performance, abilty and lifespan. I was told it was annoying more than anything and that they are functioning fine.
  5. Greasing the pillowball joints proved ineffective for you then? The knocking isn't a bad thing. It's just annoying. Keep in mind that we have track rated springs as well (I know mine are lol). The guy at the suspension place down here wanted to put tein springs in it to soften it up more. He found it annoying to drive. I told him if I did that I'd grow man cans if I went softer, so I refused his offer. Personally, I love being able to dart around corners now.
  6. lolcats! (Whoever made this lolcat is at risk of flaming by the grammar nazi's...)
  7. learnt isn't even a word... <_< Learn \Learn\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Learned, or Learnt (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Learning.] [OE. lernen, leornen, AS. leornian; akin to OS. lin[=o]n, for lirn[=o]n, OHG. lirn[=e]n, lern[=e]n, G. lernen, fr. the root of AS. l?ran to teach, OS. l[=e]rian, OHG. l[=e]ran, G. lehren, Goth. laisjan, also Goth lais I know, leis acquainted (in comp.); all prob. from a root meaning, to go, go over, and hence, to learn; cf. AS. leoran to go . Cf. Last a mold of the foot, lore.] 1. To gain knowledge or information of; to ascertain by inquiry, study, or investigation; to receive instruction concerning; to fix in the mind; to acquire understanding of, or skill; as, to learn the way; to learn a lesson; to learn dancing; to learn to skate; to learn the violin; to learn the truth about something. ``Learn to do well.'' --Is. i. 17. Now learn a parable of the fig tree. --Matt. xxiv. 32. 2. To communicate knowledge to; to teach. [Obs.]
  8. I'm eternally grateful that people both appreciate my artwork, and also ask for it. Without people like you and Tayles my art would be nothing. I love my masterpieces. They're gorgeous to me because they're brutally honest.
  9. I'm looking at them in two different contexts. The other thread seems to be enriching the fact that people are lazy with the way they type on the internet (a mere observation on my half). This poll was set out to determine whether or not the vast majority on Tocau are fanatics of 'cool speak'. 'Cool speak' shouldn't be confused with sheer laziness with typing, more so, the subject in question strives to conceive a word which is not too indifferent from it's host (ie: cool = kewl). Note that although the spelling is indeed incorrect, the tonal qualities of its sound are still retained. It's my belief that the subject attains a creative glow within themselves upon doing this as it breaks tradition. They love Anarchy. If we observe todays youth then we would see groups, not individuals. The groups feed off each other in order to appease the following: 1. Their appearance (which mostly involves long fringes and alternate clothing) 2. Their taste in Music (constantly scrutinized weekly so it seems) 3. Ensuring that they continually fit with each other in order to commune best for the greater good of their chosen group 4. Making sure that their Anarchy g.o.d is satisfied at all times (this would most likely resemble a 'half man / half goat' entity carrying a Kisschasey album and a vast array of fake tattoos outlining how much pain they feel because they are alive and can't be with their chosen partner) This, of course, is a mere observation on my half though. I don't love or hate anyone because of their beliefs or ideals. That would be just wrong mmkay.
  10. Clearly the second option is for you, because you'd be sawing your legs off before you condoned the use of 'kewl talk lik dis yo' on tocau.
  11. I'd consider this, a quenching of my curiosity so to speak. Is Tocau being overrun with grammar that makes your eyes hurt just looking at it? Now be honest. Come and play. Discuss. NOTE: My web browser is being difficult at the moment, so a poll can't be set up. EDIT: Ahh... there we go.
  12. I actually like it ridiculously stiff :S (Feel free to make a joke about that dude lol)
  13. Very well said. I dont even bother looking in club lounge lately. There's just no point. I must be getting old, I dont understand a word most people post. You must unlearn what you have learnnnnnnnt...
  14. smart (those stupid smart cars)
  15. dibs on your rims :) I was actually informed by BC Australia that they were/are being brought back in the 17x7 size. I've contacted them again to be sure however...
  16. This thread will not die...
  17. I wanted balance essentially. Which is why I opted for the following. CAI Coilovers TRD Strut brace 17in rims It's nice and pokey in a straight line, and lethal through corners. I could be selling it next year, but I think it's managed to bite me again. This car is like a seductress. In saying that, headers and a 2.5 inch system would be next on the list. Great write up Bill. /bow
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