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Status Replies posted by Pah

  1. MOFO of a boss. 8 yrs and 2 months and all of a sudden my services are not needed at work anymore. But no the useless c**t that started 3 months ago remains.

    1. Pah


      hit up fairwork australia and see what your options are

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Well after putting up the Chrissy tree @ work and driving the truck in the Xmas parade tonight im feeling all kinds of festive! but im signing off for a few weeks as im about to head off to Toyota in Japan and holiday in Hongkong on the way back. so be good and safe everybody and play nice :P

  3. Why is it that the wet weather brings out the stupid in some drivers or maybe they're just stupid.

  4. where do I find my watched threads?

  5. Must have word with the Mother, her Levin ZR is filthy as! :(

  6. Must have word with the Mother, her Levin ZR is filthy as! :(

  7. MMM, I want a lowered, white ZR6 with black 19" rims :P. Saw one few days ago. White is actually a very sexy colour when you know how to mod a car

  8. The new Mazda 3 Skyactiv 113kW with 6.1l/100km is looking mighty tempting right about now...

    1. Pah


      we have a 2010 mazda 3 it averages 8.5 around town on the central coast and went to 7.2 on a recent trip to vic

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. body clock didn't get the memo on daylight savings,still struggling :(

  10. Just got rego papers in the mail, gone up $50 damn you RTA :(

    1. Pah


      i agree with that its just a way for them to make back all the money from claims they have paid out

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just got rego papers in the mail, gone up $50 damn you RTA :(

    1. Pah


      yeah it was $396 last year for rego and $447 this year

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Oh yay, massive dent in the side of my MacBook. Devastated. Pics when I get home.

  13. Wow closest i've ever came to crashing the Zr6 on the weekend... i dislike sheet ice.. i dislike 3 sections of it even more.. espcially coming down a steepish hill into a pretty tight left hander... i like my mates awd GTO coupe but if i never see it's B pillar a few metres off my bonnet again that will be just fine with me lol

  14. How do you upload a profile pic? I know it will be easy but I just can find where to do it

  15. is E10 really that bad? :O

    1. Pah


      I wont even use E10 in my lawn mower let alone my car :)

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. it's so hard to balance work life and social life.. ahh :(. how do you choose which one takes priority??

  17. it's so hard to balance work life and social life.. ahh :(. how do you choose which one takes priority??

  18. Hey peeps! Just posted some new pics of my aurion, with its new wheels. Please check the album out on my profile and tell me what you think of the new shoes. Thanks. <3

    1. Pah


      Looking good mate nice choice of wheels

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. I hate you cold & flu. Worst feeling ever :(

  20. grr.. these rats or whatever in the roof are making one hell of a racket tonight! Suggestions for killing methods other than traps and ratsak? (safe for renters lol)

    1. Pah


      Sniper rifle with night scope would work :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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