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Everything posted by RedSportivo

  1. Im selling my sportivo if you like not on revs or anything like that~! Still Original parts and all Pm me :)
  2. As long as its gear changing smoother and gripping on better then before job well done! Congrats :_
  3. Spoted a black sportivo on humehighway in warwick farm yesterday, Spotted another black one in Liverpool part humehighway, every sportivo ive been seeing is black!
  4. Lol rather weird debate the sportivo is a faster and quicker car at the end of the day, ZRE owners dont take anything to offense But Shotgun125, at the end of the day your buying the car your driving it its up to you its not what other people reacon the best way for you to chose is go look at a number of sportivos and compare them to a brandnew factory ZRE, people can keep giving you there opinion all day & night but its up to what satisfy's you remember you buy to satisfy.
  5. Welcome to the forum that is a nice car you will meet alot of people here with similar car's and use can share your thoughts between each other in the corolla forum !
  6. Theres a few advertised on ebay, for about 350-400 dollars but i bought one from a local store here for 300 dollars just do a bit of hunting :P
  7. Selling Toyota Aurion ATX, 80,000 kms 6 Months Rego Log Books Service History from toyota 14.5k

  8. Before i would drive in lift more then normal! But dont want to wreck the car so driving it easy Lucio im a p-plater im always gee'd for a race come open near me :P
  9. Uhmm Im interested in the sway bar how much where you after cheers and if any one has the Buddy Club rims im in need of 4 stud version thanks mate.
  10. Personally i would ring every wreckers in the state i can find off and try get one for 300-500 dollars and pay a mechanic or what ever he wants to change it... A freind of might bought one about 8 months ago 350$ from a wreckers and hes been using it ever since prefectly fine.
  11. Hey mate could you pm me a foto of the rims im very interseted and where are you located thanks
  12. Spewing! So whats going to end up happening with you and the dude going to repair his car or your going to use the p-plate and no shoes reason him :P ahaha smart thinkingg he must be spewing But sorry for going off topic keen to see what the cars going to end up like
  13. Sydney taxi drivers are the worse freakin driver to come across this country -.-, cant go for a drive thru the fricken city wthout atleast 5 minimum jumping infront of u nearly accident all of them are just dam idiots i think ive gone nuts at about 20 of them lol. and they all look at me like its my fault and drive off lol
  14. Anyone want to buy a 8 week old husky? White Blue Eyes

    1. .gorgz


      Where are you located and how much you after? is it male?

    2. RedSportivo


      Was a female sold it for 800 was microchipped and all i miss it but i still got the other sister :D

  15. Sorry for double posting but it just takes its practice and you have to change at the right RPM at the right time 95% of the time i land it in lift, but i did always try it and i kept trying till i can master it. A freind of mine has a type r i often race him, if i dont land in lift where a head to head kind of thing or he wil even beat me depending on his changing but if i land it in lift ive always got a car on him so there is a big diffrence. edit: Also a previous freind owned a sportivo which made me want to buy mine and he had a quickshift not sure what type tho i think it was a TRD one, And he would land in lift no problem any tme.
  16. My freind ran a 14.1 o.0 but with cai and exhaust system.
  17. I was about a inch away from getting that, it works out over 4 years if you have payed it, me and the dealer worked out to be ill be paying only $1400 on interest but then again i also thought 28grand an Ascent in the long wrong its a waste of money ! i rather get a nice levin for that much! but its good for te people that are on a tight budget
  18. Congrats looking great keep up good work
  19. Someone was telling me for sportivos you leave the stock ecu in place and connect the Powerfc to it is it true or it was a lie, and the ecu gets removed and powerfc installed sorry for stupid question im just reading to mcuh about them thats starting to confuse me.
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