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Everything posted by Kenneth

  1. does AHG require full payment prior to the even or do they only need 50% and you pay off the rest on the day itself? The last time i booked they made me pay the full amount..
  2. Kenneth

    PS3 Slim

    quick google search gave me this.. http://www.dtvforum.info/index.php?showtopic=63651
  3. Kenneth

    Evo's 1zz

    i think we will just temp BAN first :P until he hand over the pics..
  4. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=21726
  5. love the fact that you chopped off the centre grill... looks great..
  6. WRONG! :P cruise to burswood. they just opened a new buffet restaurant inside the casino gaming floor. called CARVER. cheap price, lunch $19.95. for club burswood member $14.95 ^^ hahahhaahaha! cheaper than sizzler? plus u can play in casino for a while after that LOL :P:P food @ the new buffet is nothing fancy... on a weekend its very overpriced at 25 - 30 dollars... good for weekday lunch @ 16.95 or so for club burswood member (which is free anyway) but yeh..
  7. when jasee got all his bars, it looked as if the malaysian ZRE has the same chassis as the ZZE. All the bars jason received would fit perfectly in a ZZE
  8. if im not mistaken AEM leaves your maf sitting sideways too..
  9. lol damn ur good at digging up threads arent you guan :P :P
  10. spotted noogstar on risley st near garbo
  11. or a quick search will give you this.. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=1957 good luck
  12. he is just ghey :P xD Just like you Ken. You never come out either. xD didnt u know jase and i....... :P
  13. sounds a lot like matt... chrome rims? altezza tail light? possibly a P plater still? a yellow for what? being sexy :P
  14. sounds a lot like matt... chrome rims? altezza tail light? possibly a P plater still?
  15. i like where the cop goes.. DOUGHNUT! i love doughnut.. hahaha and joins the rest of them..
  16. Just rang them and they say they have nothing. opps just realise someone replied to this :( sob.. thanks rocky and guan! will keep looking will tell u why i need it next time i see u :)
  17. sorry to hear that but looking @ the bright side at least the insurance company paying it out without much trouble. Hrm.. me want glovebox.. wonder if anyone bought the car...
  18. I see where you are coming from but when you have stuff thats abit state specific, unless like you suggested we enforce the state tag before the title or else it makes it bit harder to get things out to the right people. But speaking of which I think we will have to start looking into a more uniform buy/sell sales title :)
  19. kiwi, i tried to add you on msn to have a talk about the issue but seems that it didnt work but anyway i've dropped you another pm..
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