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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. http://blogs.abc.net.au/victoria/images/20...ck_rollover.jpg
  2. http://www.chumfm.com/MorningShow/FunFiles...sp?ArticleID=72
  3. I'll be out tomorrow night to pick up and drop off some goodies....
  4. Jason and Jason, joint project, still a DIY! Purcell Performance as far as i'm concerned. 2 brains is better than one, put 2 very resourceful people together this is what you get. btw, i thought wei wei was the Knead it king. :P Maybe that was where Northy got it from LOL
  5. hehe, now now silva, DIY is doing stuff yourself, the mill and lathe aren't CNC (still DIY if they are). from the items you have listed no wonder you guys are worried about hurting yourselves when doing DIY. This is DIY the proper way! :) Turbo is a TD04L out of a 2008 WRX. :) Mate that's certainly not how I do DIY but is moreso what the average person may have available to them(the Knead it bit is to stir Northy LOL) But are you doing this or is Jason doing it?? Cause if Jason is doing it then it isn't DIY then is it LOL
  6. you can't exactly call it "DIY"if you have tools like a flat bed mill etc etc in a shed. It is kind of cheating LOL DIY is using a grinder from Supercheap, a tube of "knead it"(hey north LOL), an ancient stick welder(haha) and a can of silver frost (hehehehe), and some 2nd hand blunt drill bits.......
  7. Do I get a custom title under my name for coming 3rd like you do
  8. Yeah baby 3rd place!!!! Behind the F1 guru's lol. I think i watched maybe one and a half races all season LOL. Well done DHC finally breaking the stranglehold of Supendave!!
  9. I will prolly be flying down as driving the Hilux that far will simply be painfull. Not sure who from QLd is heading down. DHC was keen to drive, superdave will go if he can scab a ride with DHC, northy and I will most likely fly,JC will say he's coming and then pike at the last minute as he has done the last 2 years, Azza may go depending on REC leave from the Mrs, and perhaps a few of the newer members may decide to attend as well.
  10. I was kinda hoping you would say that it was all too hard . . . so much for the car I bought to stop spending money on cars So any guestimate as to what kinda figures may (obviously not going to hold you to anything, just a general idea) be achieved with the quads on a stock motor with, for example, an Apexi Power FC or one of the computers that you listed? I have a feeling this could get dangerous . . . Do I hear the rustle of....... "PASSION FINGERS".......
  11. Well I went to the darker side and am currently building a 2.7L flat 4 VW engine for the back of my Kombi. Aiming for 400 odd NM of torque and about 250hp atw. Bring on your 2ZZ N/A's boys cause you are going to need all the help you can get to "try" and beat the soon to be "angry" block of flats...
  12. I will reserve my judgement till i actually see it running in a car. So what ever happened to the abandoned turbo 1ZZ project from PP??
  13. Do a search for "CES dyno day" and there should be videos of cars there on the dyno.
  14. Yes it's only a car and I will agree with SD on this one. While some of you are creaming your jeans over it the person who owns it just simply sees it as their car or mode of transport. besides when it gets dirty they don't wash it, they call someone like myslef to come and detail it and i charge accordingly........
  15. North's old car has been seen to be this dirty on a few occasions.......
  16. Man do I have to do everything ??? you could always do some investigation yourself... It's not that hard lol I have kings somewhere in pile of papers as for Pedders no idea. give them a call and ask.
  17. There is only about 3 or 4 cars here with FSD's on them and from memory they are all Sportivo's. Currently nil stock in australia as I got the last 3 sets which have already been sold. Anybody with FSD's add a post here to what you think about them......
  18. Kings used to supply Pedders up until about 8 months ago. Pedders now contract someone else to make thier springs.
  19. I work on a fleet of coasters with the 1Hz diesels and wehave buses that range in K's from 120 000 to 380 000 k's. Most of them don't use any oil at all but occasionally we have a couple that may use 100 to 200ml of oil between services. the amount of oil you are using tells me there is a problem. If there are no significant signs of leaks then my guess would be either rings or headgasket leaking. both of these should be easy to identify.
  20. I'd go with the kings personally. have heard some stories about Pedders springs re quality.....
  21. you aren't looking at the disc with the wheel off are you?? because the disc is a floating type in other words with the wheel off you can move the disc on the wheel studs.
  22. I'm only 34 points behind should the "daves" stumble badly and i pick Mark Webber for fastest lap, Pole and position plus winning team LOL Yeah right as if that would ever happen LOLOL
  23. Pretty sure it wont fit as the Celica has a different intake manifold to the Corolla and a few other things are different as well.
  24. oh yeah baby!! C'mon North you can do it(in the voice of Rob Schneider from and Adam Sandler movie)
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