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Posts posted by theDefiant1

  1. Out of a Celica, Camry, Echo and Rolla, the Rolla hatch has the most room in the back, particularly when you flip the rear seats down.

    I bought a whole bunch of things from officeworks, including a chair floormat and the chair itself, and it would only fit into the rolla. It's very versatile.

    And this coming from someone who year ago refused point blank to drive a hatchback!

  2. Back in Perth now after a very uneventful drive (fuel consumption average = 8.5L/100km, lugging a few 100kg in the back).

    Overtook a road train as it went over road debris and lost a bit of paint on the passenger side - will need professional fixing :(

    Just letting y'all know that my access to the net is pretty poor (dail-up sometimes works), and broadband does not seem to be an option ATM. Thank you to those who have PM'd me with info - all answers at this point in time are 'no' as I have to patch the paintwork. I do check emails, so if you need me for anything, PM me and I will be notified.

    Chat to you then!

  3. Another question to keep in mind is how much weight the shelf can handle (keeping in mind have little idea of the weight of the system). The shelf in my SpEcho has been known to shift a little, and once came flying off. I would recommend that you incorporate a junction box so that should the need arise to remove the shelf, it is easier. Can't tell you about the outputs on the unit - I took mine out about 2 hours after getting the car, BUT I do know the dash mounted speakers are extremely weak, and should either be replaced or unplugged from the unit if the unit is replaced.

  4. If you want the scenic route, Bendigo will be dull. EVERYTHING with be a uniform colour of blown due to the drought. That whole area has no water and it's just plain boring

    So I have just been told by someone who has just been there - his words were "Go if you want to look at buildings..."

    Ummmm, no. Not really.

    A few changes to the plans: we have decided to forego Adelaide, and will be heading straight across, albeit at a gentler pace than we have done in the past (We drove from Albury to Perth in little over 2 days).

    The route is now:

    Albury --> Renmark --> Pt Augusta --> Ceduna --> Norseman --> Coolgardie (pass) --> Perth (this does not indicate stops)

    We will stop along the way when we need or want to. So th question changes to "what can be done or seen along the way?"

    One thing I did notice was Alligator Gorge in SA. Looks like a nice stop and stretch). The Bight we have done before, and will most probably do again if it's open. If there aren't any whales Dylan, I will strip down, hop in the drink and quickly do an impersonation of one. Sarah said she would do the Nullabor Nymph streak across the road, but i'm not hopeful. Something about it being too cold.

    If there's anything else you guys know of, please share it - this will most probably be the last journey for a while.

  5. A CV boot failure on an '05 stivo with ~15000km on the clock. No signs of impact damage.

    Why does this happen to me?

    Not to mention this morning I had the car up on the supplied jack, was about to put the spare on (had a slow leak puncture), and that failed too. The convex nature of the door pushed me away (so i believe) before 1200kg of car fell down taking a nice divot out of the concrete floor in the garage. Had to get Bob Jane in for a call out - the car was going nowhere.

    May tomorrow bring a better day.

  6. Ever noticed why the people with cars under warranty that are aware of this remove their front and rear plates or cover them in tape before heading out on the track ;)

    OOooohhhh, i though it was just 'speed tape'

    Actually, I thought it was so that the guys behind you that you've just beaten on the track don't come and fidn you for revenge. I have a vivid imagination.

  7. If I recall correctly, I too spoke to James Sloan at CHToyota, with Mish beside me when he told me a professionally installed TRD CAI will not void the engine warranty.

    He is the head of the parts dept at CHT, so I imagine his word would have to count for something. And anyway, surely if Toyota sells it officially and offers intallation, then they are solely responsible for any issues that arise from it.

  8. S made me shave mine off *sob*

    They were beautiful - all the way from below my ears to the corners of my lips. Heee-yuuuge.

    I do have a photo, but it's a really really really bad photo. Makes me look like a conehead, rather than an ewok.

  9. Ullo all,

    It is time to think about the route home to Perth. This is journey number 6 across the 'bor, and thought I might make my movements public in case I pass someone on the way, and have the opportunity say hello.

    S & I will be heading off towards Adelaide some day between the 24th and 26th of June. Thing is, at this point in time, we don't know which way to go. We have one of 3 choices (that I can think of)

    1) Albury -> Mildura (stop for night) -> Adelaide

    2) Albury -> Bendigo (stop for night) -> Adelaide

    3) Albury -> Adelaide

    Any suggestions?

    We'll spend 2-3 nights in Adelaide. I'm also looking at going on a Warbird Adventure Flight (http://www.warbirdflights.net/index.htm) - anyone done this before?

    Any info on touristy things to do in Adelaide would be appreciated.

    After Adelaide, we'll pretty much make a beeline for Perth - we've pretty much done everything along the way already.

    We NEED to be back in Perth by Saturday 30 June.

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