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Everything posted by da68za

  1. fj comming here Website Finally they are bring it out here , have emailed toyota and will see what they say ... Seen these everywhere in the states last year and have wanted one ever since ... Lucky too , was very close to buying a jeep wrangler as its about the only other 4WD we like ...
  2. da68za


    seems to me that this thread is turning into a racist rant as well ...
  3. Great link , i would give my lefty for some of those star wars sets from 70/80's .
  4. The stock unit jams a lot ,,, iv found that if you only put 5 disks in its stops jamming and works fine ...
  5. I agree.... Everyone's entitled to their own choices/actions... Also the guy is from the UK, so their laws may differ from ours (just a guess). c'mon if australia permitted us to drive around without the cat, don't tell me you guys wouldn't do it... Everybody knows that cat converters were only legalised to make VL exhausts smell like the bogans that drove them ...
  6. Yes and if it is like the unit in the is200/300 lex it will be nothing but trouble .......
  7. The one thing in this world i cant stand is people stealing my sh%t .... Not much you can do now though , or you can always booby trap the next one with a dye pack under the seat
  8. There's something about the image of an old granny in a loud modded car that I cant help but laugh at. I didn't , was cringing from how much she was riding the clutch ....
  9. i doubt grandmas drives a MODIFIED rolla... :) so... An 85 year old granny bought my 94 civic vti of me . It was lowered with exhaust and engine mods , she loved it and couldn't give me the money quick enough .
  10. Only problem now is ,,, you cant buy a trigger nozzle for love nor money .....
  11. The air car coming to a dealer near you soon Visit Website .. Best thing it doesn't use any petrol at all ..
  12. Need to rename this thread to , how to get killed saving petrol ...
  13. That one of the things i like about it , no hi-tech just old school racing ...
  14. They make some nice wheels , speedy ...
  15. Is the floor pan bent at all , does not take much to bend one these ...
  16. With the rego i would wait till it runs out , then change it over ... Don't know about the pits or not as never having done it myself , but knowing the RTA nothing would surprise me ... Oh and the police are going to just love those red neon's ......
  17. Toyota have the best motor , has been a good series so far . If it wasn't for a pair of sneaky dodges they would of won the daytona 500
  18. I did i take it that is why KptzS Heinz Fredrikkson has been erased from the forum ??? LMFAO er, rob isnt banned ? or erased ? LOLS... if KptzS Heinz Fredrikkson is banned... its gonna be like T_T ... so who got the right info? Agghh he is now known as dead . Me bad ,,, should have looked harder and not been in a hurry.
  19. Thought some of you might be interested in this thread . Its all about a guy digging in his backyard to find an old WW2 bunker ..... Warning ,,, very long thread ,,, last count 126 pages ..... with some epic replies .... link here
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