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Everything posted by DHC09

  1. Good on ya mate... See F1-mini league players are Hard! :P
  2. Not that I know of.. but i'll check with them. HUD are usually green because the human eye is most sensitive to green. Just called them: And the answer is no. He said the HUD is best in green as with other colours such as blue or red is very hard to see if at all. I've actually tried this already in an attempt to display the shift light LED on the HUD screen; which didn't really work.
  3. DHC09


    See post #1 for updated pricing and more GB options. A group of 6 is now $110 including interstate express post!
  4. DHC09


    OK we may have a new buyer to replace simo; SWTIVO? 1. saintz01 2. dannywss 3. SWTIVO? 4. 5. Now, I have asked for a quote for just 3 units and it would only cost an extra $10 each, so it'll be $130 ($120+ $10 express post) to you door. If all three of you are okay with this you'll have them by next week. As mentioned earlier, the non group buy discount price is $150 express posted to you. ALSO: all three of you have PM. Please replied by either PM or here ASAP so I know when to order and the right amount.
  5. Sure can. Put you name down on the group buy list
  6. Move the unit closer to the glass last night and it seems to be in a better viewing position now :) With the shift light it works well to hide the HUD unit from view.
  7. DHC09


    :) the current list 1. saintz01 2. Simo 3. dannywss 4. 5. Just 2 more and I can get this off the ground, which then should take about a week till it gets to your door.
  8. Wrote up the install guide :) Also played around with it tonight and had a new setup with the shift light
  9. Installing the HUD is very similar to the installation of the shift light written by 'theDefiant1', in fact I'll be stealing some of this pics from his guide :P The instructions in the manual that comes with the kit is very clear (its also in Mandarin if you can't read Engrish :P) The following is the way I went about it and include some tips: 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 to remove the cluster. Link 2. Splicing the 3 wires: You will first need to find wires 2, 4 and 9 Pinout 2 = ground > HUD wire – Black Pinout 4 = ignition > HUD wire – Red Pinout 9 = speed signal > HUD wire – White Run the wires to the dash, heres how I did mine: 3. Placing the HUD unit and HUD screen:This bit is a little tricky, so have some patience. i. Find a suitable place to sit the HUD unit and turn on the ignition. You'll see the numbers light up and reflect off the glass. ii. Now sit in your normal driving position and (if you can) get someone to position the screen where you can see the numbers through it (Remember the screen goes inside the car :P). iii. Mark/note where the screen should be (eg with a bit of tape) so you know where to fix the screen later. iv. Clean the window. v. Remove the protective clear plastic off the HUD screen (the side with the QC sticker) vi. Stick on the glass. Note! ITS VERY EASY to get air bubbles so use a credit card or the like to scrap on the screen. (I found going side to side worked alot better than going up n down) vii. Turn on the power again and adjust the position of the HUD unit to make sure you can see the numbers through the screen, and fix into position. Should look like this when its all done: 4. Put everything back in place 5. Calibrating the HUD: This is prob the most important part of the install, and read the manual first. i. Find a flat road with no cars where you can drive at 50km/h for a bit ii. Press [menu] till speed lights up and press [set] iii. 50km/h will start flashing iv. Drive at a constant 50km/h and press [set] Its very important to maintain 50km/h bout 5secs before AND after you set the speed, as a slight incorrect calibration is compounded when reaching higher speeds. It took me a couple to tires but managed to get it spot on in the end. Now you can go on to set up the clock and speed warnings etc. :) Thats it! Enjoy!
  10. Dave That is mine but I was away missus obsv driving (were is u place) I'm at Coopers Plains :P
  11. Happy Birthday SD. Your all grown up now :P
  12. Is this place really gone to the hole? Just saw the board stats and" Most users ever online was 938 on Yesterday, 05:04 PM Guess everyone is just looking and not posting (which is not really a bad thing)
  13. This was bought up in the GB thread: I will be writing up the Install guide tonight when I get home from work. Its very straight forward. As with cops: from the outside you won't be able to see the holographic numbers even at night. The only thing you would see is the glow from the display unit. Cops have seen this on my car on 3 separate occasion on RBT road blocks both day and night, and none of them had a problem with it. In fact one cop was asking me bout it and thought it was a really good idea I told him the correct word to use here is uber :P
  14. All the info is in the 1st post. It displays the speed, and time (when under 10km/h). Other features include alarm clock, speed attention & warning (adjustable), and brightness & volume adjustments. And no the shift light seen in the pics is not included. There's a new group buy at the moment, so put your name down if your really interested :) oh ok... then i guess im not really interested in it.. im more interested in the shift ligh. is it yours? if so would you be able to tell me a bit about it please? if you pm it would be better. i would just like to know about it. and whats it worth what it goes up to what car it car be fitted to etc. thanks mate We had a GB of the Shift-I awhile ago link
  15. DHC09


    I will be writing up the Install guide tonight when I get home from work. Its very straight forward. As with cops: from the outside you won't be able to see the holographic numbers even at night. The only thing you would see is the glow from the display unit. Cops have seen this on my car on 3 separate occasion on RBT road blocks both day and night, and none of them had a problem with it. In fact one cop was asking me bout it and thought it was a really good idea I told him the correct word to use here is uber :P
  16. DHC09


    I replied to your original post in the other thread. :)
  17. All the info is in the 1st post. It displays the speed, and time (when under 10km/h). Other features include alarm clock, speed attention & warning (adjustable), and brightness & volume adjustments. And no the shift light seen in the pics is not included. There's a new group buy at the moment, so put your name down if your really interested :)
  18. DHC09


    I can have it sent to your door anytime you want. But the price for individual units is $150 (express post to your door included). If I can get a group buy of at least 5 units it would be $110+interstate post (usually $10). Currently I have 2 interested buyers so just 3 more: 1. saintz01 2. Simo 3. 4. 5.
  19. I guess u can cut the wire near the unit and install a 3 pin socket/plug there, then u can easily unplug it and hide it somewhere. But seriously half the sado bogans wouldn't even know what it is :P
  20. DHC09

    JOKES !!!!

    A very shy guy goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting at the bar. After an hour of gathering up his courage, he finally goes over to her and asks, tentatively, "Um, would you mind if I chatted with you for a while?" She responds by yelling, at the top of her lungs, "NO! I won't sleep with you tonight!" Everyone in the bar is now staring at them. Naturally, the guy is hopelessly and completely embarrassed and he slinks back to his table. After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes. She smiles at him and says, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I'm a graduate student in psychology, and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing situations." To which he responds, at the top of his lungs, "What do you mean $200?!"
  21. DHC09


    Theres a link in the 1st post. Anyway here it is again, theres pics on posts 1 and 9 :)
  22. Bahrain this weekend! Team: Ferrari Driver: Kimi, Kimi Pole: Kimi Fastest: Kimi
  23. DHC09


    The first GB is done.. If we get more ppl (about 4 or 5) we can get a second one going.
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