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Everything posted by DHC09

  1. Spain Results Pts: 1. RAIKKONEN Ferrari 10 2. MASSA Ferrari 8 3. HAMILTON McLaren 6 4. KUBICA BMW 5 5. WEBBER Red Bull 4 6. BUTTON Honda 3 7. NAKAJIMA Williams 2 8. TRULLI Toyota 1 Team Pts: Ferrari 18 McLaren 5 (-1 Kov DNF) Pole: Kimi Fastest lap: Kimi DNF:(-1pt) R. ROSBERG Williams +25 laps R. ALONSO Renault +32 laps R. BARRICHELLO Honda +32 laps R. KOVALAINEN McLaren +45 laps R. DAVIDSON Super Aguri +58 laps R. BOURDAIS Toro Rosso +59 laps R. PIQUET Renault +60 laps R. SUTIL Force India +66 laps R. VETTEL Toro Rosso +66 laps Round Score: Boz 40 :o (+19 missing points from Malay GP) DHC 36 Super 36 Silver 32 Mopp 29 Micky 23 North 21 Perth 15 Round 4 Standings Boz 108 :o DHC 100 Super 95 Micky 85 Mopp 77 SB 74 North 73 Perth 40 Note to Boz and Perth: your picks are now expired. Will need to repick for next GP. :( IMG tags are not allowed anymore :(
  2. I'm heading up to sunny coast tonight for the long weekend. So you boys have fun.
  3. DHC09

    JOKES !!!!

    A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again. The nun once again said, 'Father, remember Psalm 129?' The priest apologized 'Sorry sister but the flesh is weak. Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. It said, 'Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory. Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.
  4. I'm sure most of us locals wouldn't mind taking interstaters in our cars. They can be the designated camera person / filmcrew B)
  5. Leave a bit later and take a slight detour..... Lucy will love it!! Who says im taking lucy? :P But yeah won't be able to make it on the Fri, so have fun boys. Maybe i'll go by myself after the usual Thurs meet :P
  6. In all my time of driving up and down the M1 I have never seen a remake of Wangan Midnight (search in wikipedia if you don't understand). And only losers on their P's driving mummy's car do it anyway. As for the meet, being such a new thing it is trying to be held every year. Last year was in Sydney and since the majority of interstaters, nay all but one or two, were from Queensland, hence why it is being held up here this time. If the Victorians, ACT or Perth people want it next year they will need a good turnout this year :P 4000km from perth to GC..thats going to be interesting.. i will see if we can hv a GROUP transport on the train down to syd or smewhere closer.. then we will head up.. but yeh ;) i will hv a chat with the perth boys That'll be one hell of a road trip B) You guys can call it the Gumball 4000 Rally except you wont be able to go at 300km/h :P :P
  7. how do you remove the rear license plate screw... i tried but it just wont unscrew! its soo fricken tight! LOL you should have PM'd me, I don't usually check all the threads all the time. Anyways... Mine came off rather easily by hand. Try a longer screwdriver or one with a better grip.
  8. I wont be able to make it on the 2nd either cause going up to sunny coast that night. But will be able to go on the Thurs night if you guys want to change it ;)
  9. Ok boys, the break is over. It's on again this weekend: Spanish GP Team: Ferrari Drivers: Kimi, Hamilton Pole: Massa Fastest: Kimi
  10. Click here to find out what it's like to be rick rolled: Gigiddy LOL nice one.... you just Rolled TOCAU :lol:
  11. How often do you wax the pussy cat? ;) ;)
  12. Yup thats right. When we go on cruises we usually have multiple stops along the way, so there's no pressure for ppl to keep up with the pack and just take it at their own pace.
  13. Yup, that was some action packed night. Heres my reaction, going into that hairpin 1. Woo this is a tight one; 2. Wow theres a huge branch on the other side of the road; 3. WHOA DAMN!! an upside down Lancer in the ditch :o 4. Got out my flash light and getting ready to call the ambos 5. Amazed that the driver was walking up to my car to say everyone is fine That bloke was pretty lucky to get out of that unhurt. No skid marks eh? Looks like the furry-sic Lancer went kamikaze into the wall We only joke about the a55 up Lancer here because everyone was okay, but remember theres no point being a hero or an idiot up there. Nate: remember to bring a flash light next time, calling out into an empty car was funny tho :P Azza: Don't be stereotypical :P He wasn't even a hardcore azn ricer boy :P :P
  14. To all the pikers that didn't show up, you guys missed out big time 1. 99% of the road was bone dry and debris free 2. No Traffic 3. The TOCAU search and rescue team was deployed 4. Saw some upside down action (thats all i'll say for now :P)
  15. I'll still be heading out, and see whats what... the rain seems to be fizzing out :)
  16. Sounds good. The weather seems to be holding up fingers crossed
  17. :lol: this is great, those cheerleaders are hawt too :D Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  18. Yup all ready to go. HUD is lit, tire pressure is set, CB is charged, camera is mounted and camber is adjusted
  19. I hope you have been folding your clay as you go. Once the clay becomes dirty/spotty you need to fold it, which then exposes two clean sides. The clay will have trouble picking up new "crap" when its dirty. I usually fold it after going through 1 or 2 sections, depending how bad it is.
  20. I'll be out tomolo instead of tonight too. Need to make some adjustments for the main event tomolo
  21. Speaking of old vids and drugs I gotta post up this one :lol: Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  22. OLD.... maybe even a repost... but still amusing
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