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Posts posted by gOODbOYz

  1. Hey Danz, I looked at that option before, I think the side panels are slightly different too. So pretty much you'd need to buy all the front panels off a US corolla to get this done.

    The cheapest (and closest) place to get this done is the Singapore / Malaysia region.

    But I ain't doing all that for projectors!

    Oh, another option involves just buying the projector pod and start getting creative in the for shop with a saw, a heat gun and lots of trail and error! http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/styl...icons/icon6.gif


    group buy any1? :blink: hehe

  2. Yeah, projectors are a whole new headlight pod.

    They focus the beam of the light more, but it may seem dimmer on stock bulbs.

    However having said that, projector lights don't seem to be avialable for our cars. The one in the pic is for the US model and won't fit ours.

    Australia suks .. we always get the left overs from usa/japan...

    why do we alwayz get everything last ... :angry:

  3. Was just checking out the corollas in the U.s on cardomain and this car court my eye .. thought ill share it with u guys in here :rolleyes:

    Its the front bumper of a R34 with the front projector headlights ...



  4. my last set of nankangs lasted 4000km before the tread delaminated...  Would never put them on a car of mine ever again.

    u serious? wat size tyres were you running? were they stock wheels?

    not very good to hear !!! :o

  5. Yes guys .. dun 4get the girls... 11SXi will be bringing her car with a car load of dem right??

    WHAT ABOUT THE GIRLS??????[/  B)

    unfortunaltely no.... i just moved down here and know no girls as yet.... :(

    sorry.... will have my boyfriend with me tho :D

    lol :unsure:

    make him bring the girls :lol:

  6. lol brendon ... ebay


    it's BRANDON! :angry: lol. JOHNNY! :P

    What's wrong with ebay eh?! some good stuff on there ;) ;) ;) And those tyres were in Melbourne for pickup too so i didn't have to pay for shipping costs. I got quoted almost $1000 for them at the shops. foikwehfiusehfaskjfakjhfa :angry:

    Did i type something wrong? lol i dont see it haha

    yeah ebay is good.. i think im gonna search for some tyres for myself.. :rolleyes:

  7. had a set of the nankang NS1's on old corolla 205/40/r17

    tyres had plenty of grip, seemed very good for the price.

    only thing i found with them is they wore out really quickly, 10,000km and they were wearing unevenly even though i had about a billion wheel alightments.

    was almost up for new tyres then

    all in all great tyre for the price

    10,000km is very soon. Any other nankang tyre users been able to get more mileage out of them? How about kuhmos? I've read people saying some good stuff about them on this forum but no one using them? :(

    Seems like nankangs and kuhmos are the only ones with the 205/40/17 specs in my budget now. I just lost a bid for Good Year f1 GS-D2's on ebay... they went for $485 for a set of 4 new ones. I'm so mad!!! :angry::angry::angry: I just learnt how to use the maximum bidding thing... *** :lol:

    lol brandon ... ebay


  8. Goodyear F1's 215/40/17 or 215/45/17. I get about 45 000km out of a set on the front of my Stivo. Great tyre in the wet and dry but when they're bald they make driving in the wet exciting. Prices vary depending who you buy from. I get my tyres at fleet prices.

    I visited 3 tyre outlets and they all said i can only stick with 215/35.. :(

    bc my car is lowered 50mm they said u can try 225/35 but it will most likely hit the guards.. 1 guy told me im better off dropping back to 17s :huh:

    Do you reckon 215/40 would b alright??

  9. I been driving on the Vortex fuel for about 2 weeks ... its much smoother in shifting gears but as for economy its just the same .. 600-610... power dun feel much diff.


    You mean Vortex 98 (98 Octane) or Vortex (95 Octane)? I have been using Vortex 98 and BP Ultimate, don't really feel much difference but it will come down to cost for me.. whichever is cheaper i go for it ;)

    vortex 98 octane... these dayz petrol so expensive .. used to put $50 unleaded for full tank .. with vortex turns out to b like $62-65 ..

    Im gonna be trying BP ultimate next .. :blink:

  10. WHAT ABOUT THE GIRLS??????    bah at you stubborn boys!

    I'm free any night after 7pm and weekends anytime with a few days notice

    Yes guys .. dun 4get the girls... 11SXi will be bringing her car with a car load of dem right??


  11. Just thought i post this for the fun of it guys :lol:

    This is quite good.... by the way, when you forward this in a new

    email,do a spell check & see what gets picked up...amazing!!!

    Typoglycemia : Don't delete this because it looks weird. Believe it

    or not

    you can read it.

    I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg

    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at

    Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a


    are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in


    rghit pclae.

    The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a

    porbelm. Tihs

    is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the

    wrod as

    a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

  12. Hey guys im almost due for new tyres... im currently running 215/35/18 but finding the ride abit rough as the roads around here arent very perfect...

    i know some of you guys are running 205/40/17-18 ... is that the best size for the rolla?

    Just after some decent tyres, not very expensive as im already broke.

    If you guys can recommend the Brand, sizes and prices would be great.. !!

    Thanx in advance members.

    Regards John :)

  13. How much km do you guys get from a full tank of fuel?

    What car and fuel used -  ULP, PULP, Optimax etc

    Average price seems to be about $1.15/ltr for ULP.

    Sportivo owners have to use PULP fuels so that would cost about $1.25/ltr. So it would cost about $75 for a full tank yeah since its capacity is 60ltrs.

    Try do a search on this topic it has been covered ...

    Answer to your question :

    We Average from 550 - 620ks from full tank. :ph34r:

  14. hey guys im gettin this for my rolla

    but ive heard gmax rims are reallly heavy!

    just want to see if you know the weight of the rim vs the stivo rim, ive searched says its 12 KG with tyre? just wanna confirm

    wanna make sure new rims will be lighter than stockkies!

    im gettin 17"

    = )

    Theres a blue corolla that works at caltex in st.albans that has these rims.. looks pretty hot :lol: .. maybe u should go for a drive there n take a look b4 u buy ;)

  15. A Greek and an Italian were sitting down one day debating who had

    the superior culture.

    The Greek says, "We have the Parthenon"

    The Italian says, "We have the Colosseum"

    The Greek says "We had great Mathematicians"

    The Italian says, "We had the Roman Empire" and so on and so on and


    The Greek Says, "We invented sex!"

    The Italian says, "That's true, but it was the Italians who


    it to

    women " :huh:

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