Yep - it was an older car.... < flame suit on > Well, let me put it this way for you -- do you know the road I was talking about? have you ever driven on it? I will be the first to say that there is a time and a place to try out your car. And you would be BS'ing everyone if you say you have never exceeded the speed limit. The road Has an Airport on one side of it with 8 ft tall fences, and open paddocks on the other side of it. There are no side streets it is 2 lanes each way divided road with no breaks in the medium strip. The traffic was very light - There were no vehicles on the road for over 2km in front of me. Visibility was perfect It was mid afternoon on a sunny day. The nearest house to this area is a long way away, and I was driving AWAY from them. your post insinuates that I am an idiot for doing this .... I would consider myself to be better than average driver - I have been a member of Car Clubs and have done 4 advanced driving courses. I know how my car handles and know how to handle it. Yes, I do drive Fast at times, but I never put myself or anyone else at danger Whenever I decide to exceed the speed limits, it is never outside of the prevailing conditions. I regularly drive on Highways that have speed limits posted on them that I would Never consider doing - the posted speeds are way too high for the roads even under ideal conditions. < flame suit off > I will be the first to say that some of the speed limits (well most) on a lot of our roads are certainly not right - a lot are way too slow and a lot are way too fast. I have driven on highways at much higher speeds than this - I have done a 640Km trip in 3 1/4 hours at an average speed of 197km/h There were parts of this trip that I was doing much less than the posted 110 speed limit - simply because the roads were not suitable to go any faster. Of course there were parts of this trip where I was going quite a bit faster than 200km/h as well. Oh, just so you don't get the wrong Idea, on that trip, I overtook only 3 vehicles in the 640km, and only passed about 10 vehicles coming in the other direction. I was simply driving within the PREVAILING CONDITIONS. I would never advocate to anyone to drive faster than any posted speed limit without considering the consequences of their actions.