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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. your always in for a chance ! ...
  2. this is slowing down ... where is mickey !!!
  3. wow .. was 2 days without a post .. tom... getting nervous yet !!! ...
  4. hahahah thats twice in a row ... even mike couldnt do that again if he tried ! .. heheh
  5. good stuff !!! ... thats it .. verbal abuse for you and bill !!!! ... its 4 days !!! .. close to a whole week !!!!! ... hey is movie world n that open on the weekdays ??? i presume so ... hmmmm maybe take another day ?? ....or not
  6. hahah .. look who is hijacking now heheheh no seriously .. SEDANS !!! .. come out .. where ever you are !
  7. xoom bill sucks !!!! ... common mate !!! ... how much more name calling do we have to do to make you come along !
  8. sounds like oh84by cept for the turbo .... heheh .. unless they have done someting we dont know about ... Spotted NSW Blue street North Syd preface lift stivo parked outside greenwood !
  9. Azza - its really a mirror image ... hehehehehehhe ... common .. I know there are more sedan owners out there .. ive updated my first post with a list ... just coz I can ... heheh
  10. not just relationship builder between clubs .... but within our own club . !!! .. if a bunch of us come up we can truely call ourselves a national club ... if you get what I mean ....
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