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Everything posted by eggbert_99

  1. :D :D :D we should organise a sweep of the castlehill area. I'm intrigued now. it's almost toooo hollywood! :D mate, count me in pls, since i live in the area this is why dennis! :) hahshshahshahah .. you step in that one !!!! ..
  2. Since when is that a problem .... yeah .. we got carried away ... but still so amusing ... Very very slow day in the office .. and petes love life is a hot topic ! hahahhahaha
  3. we will just have to wait n see what the range really looks like ...
  4. Hmmm. Cigarettes have been taking lives for many many many decades legally. either way it's a complicated issue with good and bad points on both sides. but my point is; who is to decide whether a a particular person should have a baby or not. it is not up to the would-be parents? no good can come from forcing un-ready teens to have and raise kids. and that is my view on the matter agreed it cant be good for unready parents ... ... but you cant compare ciggies and this drug Ciggies affect the user .. and its the users choice to consume the drug this drug affects an unborn baby ... who has no say in the decision or choice ..
  5. that was the for the sedan ... i know .. coz i got it ! :)
  6. Finance ... (GO GE Finance)
  7. hahahhaa ... that just made my day ... :D :D :D we''ll have to tie her left leg and her right arm behind her back ... then its over to pete to turn on the charm .. :P
  8. man .. i come along to these to get away from wife ... its like school .. have to ask for a "leave pass"
  9. orrite orrite ... can you imagine pete's face when he comes back online and reads all this !!! .. hahahahha the makings of a classic !!! so back to the hunt of the above mentioned girl
  10. alright ... enough pickin on pete ......................................... ahhhh what the hell .. 1 more and this is her DAD ....
  11. we should go all out ... petesdreamgirl.com.au hahahah
  12. Couldnt help myself ! ... plus we might get told off by the moderators if we keep posting there <_<
  13. Ill do the same with the weather shields .... so now u gotta come .. otherwise im sure they would sell like hotcakes ! :P
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