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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. haha... you two... umm... cup
  2. well ive been here most of the day and everyone being lame... i think cos its monday they have to do a bit of work... even jason hasnt spent the day here... wait till wednesday or thursday, then itll go off again :P
  3. what am i supposed to associate with x.o? im going to go with OX...
  4. hi michelle... where have you been? i had a good weekend, cept i got a cold :(
  5. i think we all know whats draining my power... its this friggen carputer... i stuffed the settings up yesterday and told it go on standby on 'ignition off'... so it was sitting outside for 2 hours on standby. flat battery :( i think its alright... but im going to buy another battery cos ive got some crazy corrosion happening on my positive terminal... whats the highest capacity battery i can get that wont stuff anything and wont be too big for the alternator for about $150?
  6. mate i know nothing about strut braces, but seeing as im bored i checked ebay motors for you... this guy reckons his honda one will probbaly fit other makes... so maybe you'll know if it fits... Cusco strut brace hope that helps you
  7. ok fine after watching that video it looks worth it... he's one of those carwashers that puts his heart into it... not one of those pimply little bastards who wash em at those car wash cafe things... now im not saying they are all bad, there are heaps of car detailers who are like this guy, but last time i got my car cleaned by someone else, it was just a crap finish :(
  8. white! go white and we can go halves in a spray can :)
  9. sounds like an alright idea... im sure i could get something similar in sydney... gotta save for a house one day... but not yet! mods first!
  10. with my unlimited money, im sure that can be arranged.. dylan that sucks man!! dont tell us its just the three 1zzs heading up!? COME ON GUYS THIS WILL BE AWESOME!! AWE-SOME!!
  11. haha i just read through the thread on AGT... good to see silva and northy churning things up over there!! i am so pumped about this... seriously im not going to get over how good this is going to be until its happened... fastest 1zz time here i come... maybe...
  12. well you have to buy a GPS receiver first. i just use a USB thing with a long ***** cable so you can position it in the best location... then you have to download the GPS programs, which you can get for free from a number of sites... the problem is getting your hands on maps. they are very difficult to download, especially australian maps... you might have to buy them.
  13. or just coz you never do any work...
  14. http://www.kleinbottle.com/images/hats-&-s...ct28-05-529.jpg looks like petrol was pretty expensive in that last pic...
  15. well ill be there... im even putting off trying to get a job in june, so this if im successful i dont have to ask for leave so early... lets just hope i can afford to get myself up there... i agree with you azza, it'll be good to meet and get to know more about the mazda guys, and put some more names to faces. its going to be great!
  16. lets hope this site doesnt get into a mess like that... i love this forum, and if anyone tries to mess it up for me, im going to be well p1ssed..
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