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Everything posted by lylee

  1. just get the apexi power fc from mrs ask YDOIT4 about what he did. it works brilliantly and its gut wrenching power increase of 110nm of torque with headers and clutch
  2. i would like a power FC, maybe santa's elves work for apexi as slaves and know how to build them so i can get one for christmas. well not likely. i definately want one now, because i love the setup of your car :D
  3. good pix as always phil. turned out ok except for the footy at anz stadium
  4. tinted tail lights and put in sportivo exhaust
  5. lol he was sooooo ****** off he wont do that again
  6. new update car has been lowered 35mm eyelids on and painted
  7. looks putrid who ever has that has no taste sorry if anyone on this forum but U G L Y
  8. hmmmm me want power fc maybe sanata is in know know on 1zz engine gear (hopefully) well maybe not ah well definately want one now, see u all on 28th
  9. helps to be in the know ben doesnt it
  10. update eyelids have arrived, spraying will occur 27th of june :D cant wait for it
  11. y cant u bite apple with braces ???
  12. i was there last month was good except for the boiys in blue joining us for 2 occasions :D
  13. gonna be there 100 % if its official
  14. i want to go buttt its the last day of work till i get like 7 weeks off paid holiday B) B) so annoyed
  15. i am currently doing an outdoor recreation cert III training already a barista and i also work at a gym
  16. blue sucks WHITE POWER ! lols [iNSERT GOOD COMEBACK HERE]
  17. this question has been asked to me twice in the last week out of the blue
  18. check out this site http://www.carmate.com.au/
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