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Everything posted by JIN

  1. They replaced the whole thing including the seal rubbers. Also I always park on the street but it shouldn't be the reason causing the problem because my brother's car(93 civic) is outside too and it never happened on his car. Today was pretty sunny so I opened the headlight cap and dried the headlight. The moisture inside is all gone now and I closed the rubber cap again. I watch a couple of days more and if it still happens I have to bring it back to toyota because it doesn't look like a problem on the headlight maybe something else.
  2. Yeah I am sure they replaced the headlight because there was a small mark on it but I can't see it now.
  3. Hi guys. I just had my replacement on my left headlight because of condensation problem as I posted on this forum couple of weeks ago. I have checked my warranty on my car since I bought it from auction so I wasn't sure about my warranty and it was available. Also, my car was demo car and is on the management something which if I pay $120, they fully check my car for the first 3 years. So, I asked for a replacement and it's done in this morning but.... It seems like the problem keeps coming again. I believe there's something wrong with air flow under the bonnet especially back of the left headlight. Could this possibly be happened because I always keep the temperature selector to hot? I normally put the air flow selector on Floor/Windshield and the air intake selector light is on although the fan speed is off. I don't think the problem is occurring because of the air flow inside thogh. Any advice would be appriciated.
  4. Crap!! I am on NRMA and I paid $978.45 with 65% discount on my $25000 worth Aurion SX6. Hire car cover and windscreen options are included. I think it depends on how many years you have driven and your age. Maybe I am getting AAMI next year.
  5. yeah I already removed all the ballasts and bulbs when it happened for the first time because I didn't wanna blow the bulbs. Also installing HID definately would not be acceptable if I have some problems with my headlights so yeah, removing the HID was my first move when the condensation problem came up and I thought it's because of HID but it wasn't. I replaced with original bulbs and it still happens. :( In this case, making the warranty claim is the last option that I have and I will do that on Monday. And I think I am able to get the warranty because I actually turned everything back to original, since I only have done HID and they are all removed now. Everything under bonnet is still same as original. I've done the parking sensor on the back bumper but I don't think it's gonna void the warranty cuase there's nothing under bonnet. Thanks for advice. :D It is possible that it was caused by the HID's you know. If the problem arose after the HID's were installed and you changed it back to the original bulbs, you may have simply just trapped the moisture in the assembly and now it is going through the whole sealed greenhouse effect. When you put the bulbs back, it may have appeared that there was nothing inside the assembly, when it may have just been 'humid' and no moisture was condensed on the front end. Then as it was sealed, the moisture was then trapped, so whenever it cools down, it condenses, and then the cycle repeats. One method I would do to try and help clear it up it to choose a day when it is dry and sunny, remove the bulbs and let the headlight assembly sit with the sun shining on them (the hotter the day the better). Hopefully the moisture will then evaporate and work its way out of the assembly. Maybe installing HID could be one of the reason for condensation problem but in this case I don't actually think it's caused by installing HID because all I did on headlight is changing the original bulbs to HID bulbs. I didn't even push hard for putting the HID bulbs into the socket, it was just like normal procedures for chaning the original bulbs. Also the environment was dry too. I did it in my garage that we always put some foods have to be placed in dry condition even I feel dry in there. Yesterday was kinda hot day and I opened the headlight and let it dry for a whole day. When it looked like completely dried I closed it, and in this morning it's happening again. :( It was really cold in this early morning. Maybe and I hope I just didn't notice the headlights are faulty becasue it's never been cold and raining before. All I can do is ask toyota for a warranty now. :( Anyway thanks for your info again.
  6. yeah I already removed all the ballasts and bulbs when it happened for the first time because I didn't wanna blow the bulbs. Also installing HID definately would not be acceptable if I have some problems with my headlights so yeah, removing the HID was my first move when the condensation problem came up and I thought it's because of HID but it wasn't. I replaced with original bulbs and it still happens. :( In this case, making the warranty claim is the last option that I have and I will do that on Monday. And I think I am able to get the warranty because I actually turned everything back to original, since I only have done HID and they are all removed now. Everything under bonnet is still same as original. I've done the parking sensor on the back bumper but I don't think it's gonna void the warranty cuase there's nothing under bonnet. Thanks for advice. :D
  7. Hi all. I would like to share how I installed parking sensors on 2005 & 2006 camrys which are my parents cars. Click the link below. Parking sensor installation I hope it helps if you have a plan to install parking sensor on your camry. EDIT: All installation info moved to workshop section.
  8. Ok.. I tried with some holes on the back of the rubber cover last night and it didn't work. Still having condensation in the light in this morning. Seems like I better make a claim for warranty on monday and I am expecting to replace both headlights.
  9. Welcome aborad! :) I believe all of the aurion run on 91 octane regular petrol and that's what the manual says. So yeah. My aurion runs on 91 regular unleaded and having no problems with it.
  10. Mate it sounds like you don't have a complete seal. If oxygen can get in, it means condensation can form, which is basically water. It doesn't need to be that cold for condensation to form, or if you live in a foggy area, once the sun hits fog it will cause dew, again if oxygen can get in, dew can form as well. Do you park you car outside? Try parking you car inside a enclose garage on a cold night, and draw you conclusion from there. I don't know much about installing headlights lights but i was taught some rules about condensation, fog, dew and water on my suvival course a few years ago. Hopes this helps Bondie. Ok. Now I got confused. I searched some information about it from the internet and there are 2 ways that I can prevent this problem. First of all, I have to make the headlights as vacumn status but it sounds like impossible. All I did on headlight is chainging the original bulb to HID bulb in to the socket. All the ballasts and wire stuffs are separated from the headlights so it is the different story and nothing about headlight. Secondly, there are some holes on the rubber cover which is placed back of the bulb socket. I do not know the exact place but there are some holes on the rubber cover which make the air flow so it makes same temperature between inside and outside of the headlight. Also I remember that there were 2 holes at the back of the headlight rubber cover from honda accord I owned before. Sorry dude, I cant offer any more help, my last response wasn't really an Automotive educated response, it was more of a generic condensation rule that may or may not apply in your case. Atleast you know you will never die of thirst in the desert...ha ha.......... sorry dude..........I know............ not funny. But mabey you can ask a panel beating place. Maaan don't under estimate those dudes, they have so much knowledge about various types of vehicles. They are always pulling sh*t of different types of insurance jobs and replacing parts. They helped me out heaps with my Explorer i had. And maybey they have come across the same thing, replacing a customers busted front end... who knows. Anyway all the best dude, hope you get it fixed. Bondie I just made some holes on the rubber cover with a giant needle. Let's see how it works tomorrow morning. Anyway, thanks for your info and there was no offence in my comment. :)
  11. Mate it sounds like you don't have a complete seal. If oxygen can get in, it means condensation can form, which is basically water. It doesn't need to be that cold for condensation to form, or if you live in a foggy area, once the sun hits fog it will cause dew, again if oxygen can get in, dew can form as well. Do you park you car outside? Try parking you car inside a enclose garage on a cold night, and draw you conclusion from there. I don't know much about installing headlights lights but i was taught some rules about condensation, fog, dew and water on my suvival course a few years ago. Hopes this helps Bondie. Ok. Now I got confused. I searched some information about it from the internet and there are 2 ways that I can prevent this problem. First of all, I have to make the headlights as vacumn status but it sounds like impossible. All I did on headlight is chainging the original bulb to HID bulb in to the socket. All the ballasts and wire stuffs are separated from the headlights so it is the different story and nothing about headlight. Secondly, there are some holes on the rubber cover which is placed back of the bulb socket. I do not know the exact place but there are some holes on the rubber cover which make the air flow so it makes same temperature between inside and outside of the headlight. Also I remember that there were 2 holes at the back of the headlight rubber cover from honda accord I owned before.
  12. Hi guys. I am really getting worried of my headlights because it looks like the headlights are wet from inside. Since I installed HID kit on my car, it has never been raining much or cold like last 2 days. and I found the left headlight wet 2days ago after driving in rain. I thought it's because I didn't seal the headlights properly after installing HID so the rain water got into the headlight. So I sealed both side headlights completely last night with seal tape and duct tape but in the morning next day, BOTH HEADLIGHTS!! were wet from inside eventho it didn't rain in that night. It was a bit colder than other nights. Has anyone had this problems? What I think is I actually have to remove the seal and let the air flow because it seems like the different temperature between inside and out side of the headlight causes the water inside of it like the picture uploaded below. Any advices are appriciated.
  13. Sigh...any aurion meetings in NSW? I wish if i was in WA.
  14. Oh I see what you mean. I can get a lot of them from my work place tho. How do they work anyway? I took the back bumper off because I didn't want to cut any wires if there were some wires passing where I drilled. Back bumpers of some other cars got filled with forms and I wasn't sure the bumper of my car is empty or filled with forms. :P
  15. Thanks guys. Yeah, I connected the power cable from the main sensor unit with the parking white(yellow?) tail light which is turned on when you reverse. So the parking sensors work only when I reverse otherwise it's gonna kill me by beeping whole time when I drive in city something. Also I was about to do the documenting for installing parking sensors but I forgot to take photo pics on some stages so I just uploaded some pics. :P I have to install some more parking sensors on my parents car (2camrys) tonight and tomorrow night so I will try to make a guide in installing all the steps included. I am pretty with DJKOR about the looking inside as factory. I don't like the look if something doesn't look like factory except wheels or some other exteriors but I had to install this because I had some bad expriences of reversing. One of them is, when I had Honda Accord(1994), I stopped in a parking place and did some paper works in the car about 15 mins. After that I was reversing to leave and I could hear a lady yelled at me. There was a small child at the back of my car and I almost hit him because he was so small and out of sight. The baby was about 60CM tall that reaches about the badge of car at the back. The reason why I installed the sensors is, it would not only be helpful when you are parking but also it might help to prevent some safety issues. Also, the height of the back sight that I can see from the room mirror is a bit high (It is much higher than honda accord1994). Maybe I am not getting used in spoiler on the boot. I would really recommend to have parking sensors if you don't have one because you can prevent some accidental scratches or dings on the back bumper. My parking sensors only cost AU$25 and 2.5 hours to install them. BTW, what is the magical yellow stick?? Also, does installing parking sensors void warranty??
  16. Hi Guys. I just installed parking sensors and it was pretty fun. Tossing the cable into the car from trunk and arranging all the cables were the hard part. I've got 4 sensors on the back bumper only because taking the front bumper off is really hard for me. Has anyone done 6 or 8 sensors on both front and back bumpers?
  17. Unfortuately not, but I can see the HID is much brighter than the original one and I can even recognize the brightness. Also I emailed BOSCH Australia and I got reply today. They replied that they do not manufacture any kind of after market HID kits. It means all the BOSCH HID kits on the markets are not genuine. Although my HID kit is not genuine one, I like it.
  18. Woot..I didn't expect to hear this one. yeah. Maybe its not the genuine one but who cares? It's ok as long as I like it and the quality of the HID kit is pretty good and satisfiable. Plus they are really affordable price rather than thousands of $$$ HID kits, aren't they? Also my ballasts look like ok. If they have some problems later on, it is my responsibility to take the risk. Installing any after maket parts, if they are not the factory one, there is always risk that you have to take. Maybe you are not lucky enough to get the normal one instead of faulty one. :)
  19. That's good place to put those ballasts in. Here are pictures of where I put the ballasts in and I am now worried of one of the ballasts position which is infront of engine hose and under the coolant hose. Wouldn't that place be too hot to put the ballast in? Any possibilities of disorder because of high temperature?
  20. Hi DJKOR. Thanks for your info. You had pretty same problem as I had. Well.. I actually broke the one of the plastic tab which lock the globe. I taped the back of globe after fit in with duct tape so it should be ok tho. BTW, where did you put the ballasts? The ballasts were a bit bigger and thicker than I thought and I was having hard time to make a decision that where I put those ballasts in.
  21. well...I got the kit from someone my work mate knows and I paid $200 for it. I installed the kit last night in my garage and haven't gone out yet. but it seems like much brighter than the original bulbs tho.
  22. Hi guys. I just installed Bosch hid kit last night. Has anyone had difficulties on installing Bosch HID kit? It took me 3 hours to install it because the globe size does not perfectly match with the bulb socket. The problem was that the socket clip(?) from hid golbes is plastic and it's too thick to fit in the original socket. So I was just keep cutting the plastic edges of the hid bulb clip to make it fitted which took the most of the time around 2.5 hours. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you guys.... I will put some pics later on if I can get some helpful pics from the internet. Also, how do you guys take care of the bulb power plug with the kit? As a diagram below, everything is exactly same except bulb type. The power plug from HID kit seems like just 2 wires. What I did is I just plugged those two wires into the power socket and taped with duct tape. How did you guys install them if u did? Well.. I think I should buy a socket for the plug from repco or supercheap auto.
  23. I was considering to get extra key&remote because I bought it from auction and only one set of key&remote came with my aurion. I think I have to get another set anyway just in case of losing it. :(
  24. Thanks DJKOR. I went to the nearest Toyota service centre and ordered the paint and owner manual. It costs me AU$21.55 incl. GST. I was also considering to get the extra key and remote control so I asked the guy about the price. Guess how much?? It's $270 for the remote !! and key is $70. $340 in total but I am not sure whether it's including key cutting and remote adoptation or not. I think I MUST not lose my key set.
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