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Everything posted by JIN

  1. Thanks guys. Yeah I really like the glossy black mesh part but there's a problem with it. I can see the radiator inside through when it's sunny outside and you see the car with a bit of distance. The flashing of silver colour of radiator frame, under sun, makes the looking of grill doesn't exist where it supposed to be. <_< The light reflection works really badly on the grill. EeeeeeeeeeeeeeK!!!!
  2. Hi guys. I just wanted to upload this pic. I painted my grill in black just the mesh part. Personally I really like it.:) What do you guys think?? hehe
  3. Haha, yeah. I know that looks really ugly. The reason why I was doing it is I just didn't wanna get stuffed the headunit in case of wrong wiring. If I got the wrong wiring maybe I just blow the some fuses from the car(could be worse like ECU damage etc tho) but for the headunit the whole thing would be instantly dead so I didn't wanna gamble on it with 2K worth headunit. If I blow those cheap units, it's just $200 worth so I could just let it go. :D Also, it was my first try to install the headunit and it was a bit tricky because there's no exact wiring diagram for aurion at the moment. Since the functionlaities of most dvd players are pretty similar and there's no big difference for me, so I got the cheap one. :P I am actually wating and saving for better dvd player with good price,functions and looks. I can AT LEAST play the dvds for now although it's ugly.
  4. Well..I thought it wasn't that serious..but if you say so.. HAHA.. I am thinking to block it with black rubber piece so it won't make any rattles etc. only 1~2 CM gap anyway.
  5. OK. Here are pics of the facia with aftermarket headunit. Like you can see, there's a gap between the facia and headunit. The mounting fits perfectly inside, just the front pannel part is a bit bigger than ISO din size. It could be blocked with plastic pieces or rubber tho.
  6. DJKOR is right. Only the Display button is working and other audio control buttons are disabled from I changed my HU. What I did is pretty simple. According to DJKOR, You only have to connect the steering wheel(I call it SW from now on) button harness to the board(from stock stereo) alone but the display button didn't work in my case. So, what I did is I tried to connect some other harness with the SW harness into the board. I put the antenna plug into the board with SW harness and then the display button started working again. I connected nothing about the SW control harness to my aftermarket headunit apart from power, speakers etc(normal wiring connection) Yeah this setup would be messy like DJKOR said because you have to take the board out from the stock headunit and hiding the board somewhere & wiring job really stresses you off but there's no way to enable the display button except purchasing the module on aftermarket HU.. If you already tried with connecting SW harness to the board and it didn't work, connecting antenna plug and SW harness together into the board would be one of the solutions.
  7. Damn...they look hot..Also $450 isn't bad price at all. I really wanna hear the sound... Sigh..I really wish if I was in Bris..
  8. Does aurion make any noise when you start it in cold weather?? Another strange thing for me. I normally start my car at 8~9 degree in the morning to go work and I just drive about 10secs after starting up but I never heard any noise from the engine. It takes about 3-5 mins to warm up the temperature gauge tho. Also, I've got pretty sharp ears to catch any noise coz I normally hear the air intake sound without mod on it but I never heard any such sounds from my aurion. My car is running about 11,000KM. Weird..........
  9. Why are you getting different size of wheels for front and rear? Since aurion or camry is not RWD, it is not recommended to get different sized wheels becoz it would cause serious handling problems during driving. Also, 9.5 sounds a bit too wide I guess.
  10. If you are only concerned about display button, you don't need to buy any extra stuff for it. This issue was discussed in other threads which is Steering Wheel buttons There's a simple(?) solution for the display button working with aftermarket headunit. There's a board from the factory unit and all the wiring harness are connected into the board. Take the board out from the factory headunit, connect the display wiring harness only to the board and hide it somewhere. It doesn't need to be powered, connecting the button harness only would make the display button worked. In my case, I had to sacrifice the antenna cable into the board as well becos the button harness didn't work alone. But it started working when I connected both antenna cable and button harness into the board. Strange... You can buy the module to make all the buttons working but I doubt the module works on every different model or brands. Just have a look at the diagram carefully first if you gonna DIY.
  11. I agree with DJKOR. It is all about personal satisfaction. In my case, I already have Navman so all I needed was the DVD Headunit and the screen. My budjet wasn't that big enough to get the real good one, so I bought a cheap dvd headunit and screen from ebay and intalled them by myself. The wiring job and baffles for speakers were heaps of stress but once it's done, I am really happy with the quality. Because I only spent around $350 in total for the whole dvd units and speakers all around but the system works much better than it's value. Maybe I will change the dvd units again when better one comes up with cheap price. So.. yeah I am happy with my new stereo system although some of the wheel steering control buttons are not working(display button is working tho).
  12. Probably too late now since it all all back together (I understand not everyone can take their stereo out in under 2 minutes), but all you need to have plugged in is the steering wheel control harness. It would work fine with just that plugged in, plus since the steering wheel control is independent of your head unit, would not cause interference that way. Without seeing your exact setup I can't really make a judgement, but having the original circuit board plugged in parallel with another head unit (power and audio) isn't exactly the best. It may just be a board, but with power applied to it, it has the potential to create interference for your aftermarket head unit. That would explain the noise you had. It may be good now, but anything can happen. Yeah I actually tried just the wheel control harness alone but it didn't work. Wierd... So I tried to pair with antenna cable and it worked. another Wired.... Also the noise, it only happened for the first time when I tried to pair with speaker connector. It was the first try to boot my head unit up so I guess it was just about booting up and reset stuffs from the head unit. The noise wasn't even noticeable tho. So I changed pair with antenna just in case of making that noise again also I never turned the radio when I had factory unit. It works fine now without any problems so I am happy. :D Anyway the idea of putting display circuit into the head unit makes me thiking it is really wired every time I see the factory unit sitting in my garage...
  13. Hey! those grill look fantastic! Have you installed them on? Can you take a pic when it's done? Cos I really wanna see how those two grills look like when they are on. I am thinking of painting the mesh part in black of my grill. HEHE Anyway great job!
  14. Hi. I think you better contact argie. He is a member of this forum as well and I got the grill from him. It costs me $165 incl. postage with insurace for upto $200.
  15. lolz, more likely to start from a truck or van? lolz hahaha... that car, wont go anywhere ey... wouldnt even go into a car park building ROFL Try reversing...wont happen if the winds blowing from behind you. I wonder if that has LIFT. Eh....I thoguth that thing was going to fly soon...
  16. Hi guys. I installed the aftermarket head unit couple of weeks ago and the display button is working fine. Like DJKOR said I took the board off from the factory headunit. It is a bit bigger than I thought (pretty same size as the main fuse box cover), so it was pretty hard to hide. I actually had to sacrifice the radio becos the display button plug itself doesn't work alone but it works fine when I put another plug with into the board. For example, DP(display button) plug+antnna plug or DP+one of the speaker set plug(I actually left all the original plugs just in case). Wired... When I made a combination with speaker plug, it made bad noise from the speakers so I put the antenna plug with it. I wrapped the board up into the anti-static bag after putting the two plugs into the board, and I hid the board underneath of steering wheel. It was a bit tight to hide into that place but accidentally(?) it fitted. To sum up, the aftermarket headunit and the display button work fine and I am happy with it. It really made me tired and was a hard job for me tho. Anyway Thanks to DJKOR.
  17. Thanks guys. Here are some pictures of how I removed the grill. remove the screws and clips from the top of the grill as the pictures below. (I am not sure about push type clips becos I removed them long time ago and forgot to put them back before I removed the grill. :P) Here are pictures of the bottom part of the grill. There are some kind of hooks at the bottom part of grill, so...you know what to do when you see it.:P
  18. ROFL. But yeah; the more and more I see the grill, the more I like it. My first reaction to seeing these grills was that it was too open at the front. I kinda like it now. haha, nah i'm just teasing him... maybe, we'll see tomorrow.... i'll add some eye lashes and a tongue to the front of his car tomorrow, just to finish it off, hahahaha.... :P nah, i like them type of grills, i want a pre-facelift stivo grill on my car... :D Hey gerry! HAHA I will see you tomorrow man. XD
  19. Somehow the matt colour looks pretty good too becos some part of bodykits are matching with the matt colour. well... I am thinking about painting the mesh part in black. hehe
  20. HAHa yeah. Actually 2 more. All my parents' cars are camry. :P only my brother's car is honda tho.
  21. Hello JIN, Can you please give us a quick rundown on what is required to Remove original Grill to do the replacement. Does the bumper have be removed etc. Thanks Derek. Yo udon't have to take the bumper off. You have to take the two screws and 3 clips(2push clips, 1 pull clip) off from the top of the grill. After that just pull the grill from the body. That's how I removed the original grill.
  22. HaHa Thanks. Yeah it really does. I really love it! Should I paint it in ink black? or just leave it like that?
  23. Hi guys. Argie sent me the black grill and I got it delivered today. I LOVE IT!! Thanks heaps Argie!! Here are some pictures of it. hehe Before After
  24. Hey guys. Thanks for the infos. Actually I got the facia from toyota couple of weeks ago and I forgot to upload the picture. :P One strange thing about it is, it is categorised in TRD parts not in normal aurion. Also When I installed it with stereo system, it's got a bit of space on both side of the head unit. I will take a photo pic tonight so you guys can have a look. Here are some pictures of facia I purchased. I don't know which one is part number but at least you can have idea what to buy. :P
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