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Everything posted by LEGEND888

  1. do u feel threatened now haii? hahaha u never know jer... later hai comes with something different. something with toyota badge on it? hehehe. :P
  2. LOL! look at him go! jump on the top of the car a few times and it just bends! GEEZ! thats scary ****!
  3. exactly! its just a revenue raising thing! in WA, the cops had the strike about 2 weeks ago. they went easy on the roads. and they put their marked cars plus they turn on their lights behind the multinovas, so people actually slows down for it. meaning less people getting caught for speeding. by doing this, the government acted real fast. coz they know, if they dont, they gonna loose lots of money from speeding tickets!
  4. Congrats for both!! for ken.......... did someone said bubble tea treat? XD :P
  5. Yaris mate! i got a fren with a yaris, i mean rolla is better. but if u driving in the city, yaris is better. specialy if u are going to handling way. putting all the bars etc. with yaris u can go through round abouts etc easily as u will fit in the middle ( size is smaller) with corolla, u have to fit it in the middle which is quite a challenge sometime! +1 yaris have more fuel economy :)
  6. mines legend888. legend is just like a personal car club. members are just close frens. LOL. 888 is lucky number for azn XD
  7. world so small! i was looking at one of my frens FB pics. then suddenly see some one name shahzan. im like 0_0 LOL! dint know u know alot of my frens too eh? nice2 . hahahahah :D
  8. YOU TOTALLY MEANT CARO! =P~ =D NO ****! lol! hhahahahhahaha! sorry2, u know whats sundays like :P:P XD left over from the night before LOL jk2
  9. ADUH ADUH ADUH! sorry2 woke up this morning, abit blank. sorry i mean curtin car park! ROFL funny! i saw the map etc, including reading the posts which contain CURTIN CURTIN CURTIN, then i still write caro! lol sorry2 i mean curtin! LOL
  10. ARGHHHH! i have to miss out on this one! DAYUM! i wanna come! i wanna come! i wanna come! but besties bday on that day. since 8am all the way till arvo T_T BUT! i might just pop in to carousel at 12 or smt, just say hi, chat abit. then go back to the frens bbq. LOL! have to come one way or another. so yeh... ill come for the premeet, then ill head off. :D
  11. lols she`s goin on a road trip with simo :D <3 how cute LOL. no wonder! i thought, why so early? LOLz
  12. Spotted nellies stivo in freeway this morning. Heading south. About 6.30ish. I bet she dint know I was there, was in the work van. Lol
  13. HMMMM! both is great guy. nice to talk to. not arogant. likes new comers & welcomes them warmly. First time i came to the meet, there were Ken and Jayme. soooooooooo.... its going to be very hard to decide :P:P lol
  14. 1. J e r e M y 2. Kenneth 3. Haiison 4. Simone 5. Ronald 6. Jasseee 7. Jeff ( maybe ) 8. Jayme 9. And1 10. Ruimond 11. Bhavik 12. Zaahid!! (but maybe not saturday, got work, but if theres gonna be bulk cars then i'll make this my first priority) 13. 14. 15. unfortunately, if its happening on sat, i cant really make it. on sunday, yes i can. but anyway, decision is on you guys hand. and more peepz prefer sat anyway :) so yeh, bad luck for me have to miss out the meet if it in sat T_T :D
  15. "Date: ATM its 20th SUNDAY" hmmmm... jer, 20th is saturday. 21st is sunday. so which day is it? :)
  16. Yeah pretty much mate. We're open to newcomers :) yea they really are nice to new comers :P but really do come!! im finished with exams on friday XD so im up for whenever, but friday night from caro to freo sounds pretty good. I'd say yes to utopia, but i dunno what or where that is!! pce :P tag along..n u shall be asian-ized.. BUBBLE TEA :D LoL @ Bubble tea... Good one VF-X! come to perth with the aurion! meaning u gonna be the second indo in tocau.wa! LOL XD ><
  17. Add on to the list. Those of u who can make it 1. J e r e M y 2. Kenneth 3. Haiison 4. Simone 5. Ronald 6. Jasseee 7.jeff 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
  18. i got no exam..... WEEEEEE! TAFE FTW! LOL mauhauhahaa
  19. great turn out today! not a good idea turning up with cheap tyres tho! LOL XD
  20. i confirm i can come to this meet guys! not goin back to my home town! LOL yeh, nandos good, but if wanna go yum cha, also nice :D but long weekend must be extra crowded. i mean, yum cha is crowded on weekend anyway, but long weekend, more crowded? and need booking etc2? what u guys think?
  21. i just love the car AND THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SKILL mate!! TOP!
  22. ANDYS BACK! oh man, i reckon this time, the car will look sexier! SERIOUSLY! XD
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