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Everything posted by RICE RACING

  1. My Kluger is Don Mega, def fastest one here :) and here is my derived kw at the wheels figure on the VBOX3 analysis as a comparison :) *this is real power on road*
  2. To ad my latest to this: I drove from Bairnsdale to Carrum Downs a couple of weeks ago and did 8.6lt per 100km from my driveway to the company I was visiting, on the way home I was stuck in peak hour traffic getting back onto the freeway for a fair while so lots of idling + got lost trying to find turn off lol.. by the time I got back home the return consumption total was 8.9lt per 100km ! (near 600km round trip) Temp of air going down was 18 deg C Return was 4 to 5 deg C (so used more fuel) This was running 91 Octane fuel from Woolies too :) KX-S 4WD version ;) 5000km on odo Mobil 1 0W-40 engine oil
  3. ^ Above is power to the wheels on 91 octane fuel based of my VBOX3 information 1st to 3rd gear test on a 400m run. I spent a long time over weekend calibrating coast down data for the Kluger combined with accel data and other info = actual power delivered to the road :)
  4. Great question, looking underneath the car she has three cat converters (which are quite large, so should be not so restrictive?) the main muffler is the size of a golf bag (read same feeling), and the exhaust in general looks well made so I'm not sure of the performance gains equaling the increase in noise by putting on smaller mufflers. I would be more than happy to test anyone's KX-S 4WD, Kluger fitted with an after market exhaust system though, we can use my data on mine as a base line :) Me personally having had an older petrol 100 series Land Cruiser that I put extractors on and two very small mufflers the increase of performance (seat of the pants) did not make up for the large increase of noise, so I doubt I'd be in a rush to do it this time to my Kluger, which goes great as is by anyones measure.
  5. Today & Yesterday setting various software options my VBOX3 for an upcoming interstate tuning trip I did no fewer than 25!!! 0-100kph calibration tests and 2 full x 0-400 meter tests, combined with a fair bit of stop starting and idle time setting (note: large level of engine heat soak!) my data logger and Lap Top. As a side note the 0-100kph times varied from a best (starting from cold and 10km drive to the first test location) of 7.74 seconds (with a two way average of 7.75 seconds!) on half tank of 91 octane fuel carrying some extra gear to a worst Today *after 10 runs prior setting up equipment* then laying down 8.26 seconds in what is basically the worst conditions to run a performance type test (ran 8.25, 8.26, 8.28 back to back to back no cool down between with hot inlet manifold) *basically on a fully heat soaked engine* and ambient temp of 20 deg C........ after a small cool down driving to the next test location it then ran 7.94 & 15.96 @ 141.92kph time, and on the return run (30 seconds time from first test *turn around and run down other way*) 8.01 seconds & 16.04 @ 140.20kph 400m time. So the Kluger even when in pretty much the lowest quality fuel, the engine having been tested all day, and everything quite hot will still crack a 15 sec 400m time and never do worse than a 8.3sec 0-100km time :o it's nothing short of amazing ! I was expecting to see a greater drop off in performance on the low octane fuel and in the punishing testing schedule. So there it is: Best of 7.15 seconds (two way average) on 5 deg cold morning with higher quality fuel (95 and 98) Below are all normal take off's, just stand on accelerator with no foot on brake etc & gearbox left in D Follow up 2+ months later with 91 oct cheapo fuel of 7.75 seconds 2 way average. And an absolute worst of 8.26 seconds (three way average) on an extremely heat soaked engine, followed up by 7.94 seconds after a short cool down drive, again on cheapo 91 octane. ^ Still faster than a Toerag anyway you look at it ^
  6. I just don't know how some get such bad economy???? Today & Yesterday setting various software options my VBOX3 for an upcoming interstate tuning trip I did no fewer than 25!!! 0-100kph calibration tests and 4 full x 403 meter tests, combined with a fair bit of stop starting and idle time setting my data logger and Lap Top. My Fuel usage on 91 oct was a massive 12.6lt per 100km (over 300+km traveled on this tank). The Kluger is an excellent vehicle for this as it uses so little fuel and is very consistent with the Automatic :) As a side note the 0-100kph times varied from a best (starting from cold and 10km drive to test location) of 7.74 seconds (two way average of 7.75 seconds!) on half tank of fuel carrying some extra gear to a worst today of 8.26 seconds (ran 8.25, 8.26, 8.28 back to back to back no cool down between with hot inlet manifold) *on a fully heat soaked engine* and ambient temp of 20 deg C........ after a small cool down to next test location it ran 7.94 & 15.96 @ 141.92kph time, then on return run (30 seconds time from first test) 8.01 seconds & 16.04 @ 140.20kph 400m time. These things are tough as nails and use bugger all fuel
  7. Rotary or ****el cycle is rated as 1.308lt for a two rotor, but NO ONE acknowledges the ****EL CYCLE means its a 3.924lt engine ! This is because for any of the firing chambers to come around and do another bit of work it takes 1080 degrees of crank shaft rotation and NOT 360 ! like Mazda claim in their low capacity rating of the engine lol 360 degree's only is applicable to a two stroke 720 degree's to a four stroke 1080 degree's to a ****el rotary engine That little nugget of information in your brain cell now means the 13B rotary engine = the following 1.308lt two stroke (true if you only count 1/3rd of all the chambers that make up a working engine) 2.616lt four stroke (again if you like ignore to other 1/3rd of the chambers left yet to contribute to a full operating cycle) 3.924lt ****el rotary (only true capacity for it as all firing chambers have completed one lot of work!) ^ Thus you can say the engine is like any of the above (especially if you want to compare fuel consumption per capacity) but only one is technically true from an engineering point of view. IMHO for Mazda to go and teach the world of how the ****el rotary engine cycle works would be a pain so all they do is say its the smallest of the 3 options without paying respect to the basic fact of all the other operating principles count EVERY power producing separate chamber *piston face* in their motors. The basic fact that you measure 3 individual faces on each rotor in a mazda rotary when checkign the health of the engine means even the most simple minded person can see that what I am saying is but true ;) 654cc per face and 3 faces per rotor you go do the basic math :) NOW Why are rotaries popular? Cheapness ! They are a cheap device, very very simple, very durable as a racing engine, nothing comes close to them in this department (only Japanese manufacturer to win the 24hr LeMans race to this day) in club racing in this country you cant get a cheaper form of front running car, and in the FD its the ultimate sports car money can buy which combines looks, Porsche killing endurance race pedigree (4 times 12Hr victor undefeated! battling against the worlds best manufactures and their iconic models). CONS? Many! can be fragile use lots of fuel relative to power output and actual displacement (see engineering description/explanation) low on power (normally aspirated are asthmatic and inefficient) proven low amount of time between rebuilds when used as a road car (non racing use) V's piston counter parts As a racing engine they are pretty much unbeatable on a semi normal budget (cheap and can make great power if no restrictions are place on them), if your not talking about something of F1 level of technology applies to it, but IF your talking about competing on a level playing field of same method of aspiration (normal of turbo) inlet air restricting (modern racing air inlet limitations), true capacity equivalence, rpm limitation (modern piston engines rev much more and thus make more power), then the ****el rotary engine is pretty much stuffed in every measure you care to apply in a Apples to Apples comparison. The only thing it can win on is costs, but again there are some real stonker piston engines that are very cheap that obliterate the rotary sadly nowadays. The humble 13B rotary engine has beaten many a competitor as Mazda apply it to the RX7 FD it was unbeatable as proven in genuine production machine racing and even won as late as 1999 against even more advanced machines like the Ferrari F355 and a mountain of other less well thought out sports cars (Polrite Bathurst 3 hr production car race). Its reign started way back with being the first Japanese car ever to win the touring car championship here in 1983, The 12hr wins with the FD *ultimate Mazda rotary car* and the still un-rivaled LeMans outright win.... Sadly in todays word where everything is isolated and compared to the finest detail the principle does not stack up to others, hence why none else bothers with the concept as they don't want to go broke making inefficient cars lol, but as a sports car its undeniable the mark the rotary engine has left and in the FD, its a full on legend that beat all the other superior piston powered cars from its world motor sport debut in 1992 to its final victory in 1999 with the same model of car lol....... they are so good that they are baned from modern production car racing in this country !
  8. Interesting reading for the rotary buffs and kluger enthusiasts out there: 2008 Royal Auto that landed today on my doorstep Tested by Ernest Litera (RACV's chief vehicle tester) Tested New RX8 GT 170kw, 1379kg sports car... VBOX figures: 0-100 = 8.5 seconds 400m 15.9 seconds & Fuel usage 14.5lt per 100km ^ I am so happy I have my SP RX7 and my Kluger, thought it an interesting comparison and shows how the great the Kluger is at near 2000kg and its 200kw 3.5lt V6. When I did all of my performance testing I think my figures if I look back on the previous pages was int he high 12lt range?
  9. Hey, I noticed the exact opposite, mine changes down gear very consistently when you demand more power via increased throttle input (but my Kluger is also stupidly fast *proven VBOX3 analysis*, much quicker than factory claims or other magazine tests) so I don't know if I just got a freak one or not? But am amazed with the way it performs.... I find the auto changes spot on when it either D or the other mode (lol I know my car well hahaha). Maybe it could be a software control thing you can ask the dealer about?
  10. Hi There, No I was more than satisfied with the performance validation tests I did on my Kluger and have not been doing any performance "tests" of that type, I like it too much to give it a hard time, most days when I get in it to have a drive its just cruising along and enjoying the car and the scenery hoping she will stay as new forever :) Cracked the massive 4000km on the odo a few days back :D planning a big road trip to Qld next month (sick of flying) so if that goes ahead will take some snap shots along the way and do a little write up of the journey if people are interested. Yeah the Mobil 1 0w-40 was pretty expensive, but I like the stuff so what price do you put on giving the best to a car you like so much ? ........ I forgot about the price I payed for 3 bottles now, but I'm sure my engine will be better for it long term so I don't mind spending that bit extra.
  11. I hope you all realize that the rates of tax on LPG are changing soon, and the cost of it is going up similar to petty Its funny how the price of LPG has gone up so much in recent years! when it has nothing to do with crude oil prices either lol..... Its all a pretty big scam if you ask me, con people into changing onto LPG or CNG then pump them in A tax wise to make up for lost revenues lol. Gas totally roots any engine, unless the more is made with very very hard valve seats and special valves then they will not last much past 100,000km before vanishing, its hot running (so say good bye to towing reliability) and you need to run a colder spark plug due to the excesses heat, I know lots of old boys who have run multiple gas powered/converted engines over the years and not a single one looks or feels nice after a long period of running on this crap. The distance you get is much lower The power *in reality* is much lower You need to be a Taxi and do 750,000km and change you oil every 2 weeks to see any benefits from it in cost saving and then throw your car away if it was not specifically designed to run on gas. IMHO if it were worth while ALL government vehicles would be running on GAS? go add up how many are running on GAS you wont find any/many lol cause its a false economy unless your a Taxi service.... thats teh facts boys.
  12. Filled with Premium 95? from Woolies servo (36psi tire pressure) went to Morwell hill climb track. Round trip from here was exactly 312km and I averaged 9.3lt per 100km sitting on steady 105kph speedo indicated or just over 100kph actual speed, did three full throttle over taking passes (up to 130~kph or so to clear traffic) but apart from that simple cruising at just over sign posted speeds all the way. This journey also consisted of 6 passes through towns (there and back) and about a total of stopping at 8 sets of traffic lights all up from memory. The first and last 15km of this journey from my place to bairnsdale is quite hilly in nature and this always uses more fuel (10.8 is the norm for 30km round trip)... So yeah can comfortably say with lots of confidence that you will easily do well under 9.5lt per 100km on flat land without needing to drive like a homo at 85kph to save fuel lol..... IMHO its not worth annoying other road users no matter how much petty costs at the pump. p.s. My ride is a KX-S Kluger AWD with 2300km on odo running Mobil 1 0W-40 engine oil temperature outside was 5 deg C going there and 17 deg C on way home, the little green worm on the same sections of road did read lower on return journey because of the 12 deg C higher ambient temperature).
  13. You can see your 144.1 meters v's my 121.65 meters to reach 100kph and 7.45 seconds on that particular run listed (stock engine oil). I vote you go change your engine oil to Mobil 1 0W-40 :) I found a .2 to .3 second gain :D over genuine Toyota oil :D Good result BTW :D It takes a bit of self control to not test the Kluger all the time lol
  14. Agreed :) Cold air = more fuel usage all round Pressurized air box = more fuel usage all round The Kluger is more than fast enough as is for pretty much anyone who is semi normal. If you want to improve economy then pre heated air to the engine will help over making the air cooler, trust me I do this for a living :) ........ when you get to summer you will notice just how much less fuel your Kluger or any car will use, it promotes better fuel atomization. The Klugers air feed is sealed and from the high pressure zone in front of the engine its intake is also of a suitable size for a 270bhp NA engine as well, its pretty neat that way its been done and pretty much SFA will be an improvement over it. Air filter gains losses are one of the sinlge biggest fallacies you will find on the intergooleyoutubeweb of porn resources. I have dynoed 320rwkw car with and without air filter attached and it made not a fraction of a killowatt difference to the output. I have even done this in small scale RC tests with a data logger with a clean filter and one caked up with a hell of allot of dirt and it made near zero difference to the AFR ratio or the speed at the end of a straight despite showing an increase in resistance to flow. If someone wants to donate me a K&N filter I will run a back to back test with it on my VBOX and post the results ..... but I would not hold my breath on seeing any gain that will be jaw dropping :)
  15. Best most accurate speed measurement device on the planet earth V's Toyota getting gay with kids speedo out put display
  16. Gotta say its not my cup of tea, but biggest reason is greater inertia of all that weight located as its centroid is further out from the center and thus consume power to accelerate and more force to stop. I thought 19's were big i must be old You would get more ground clearance though
  17. the kluger "Lacks Territory's handling finesse"...whos he kidding, the territory has the turning circle of an oil tanker... I personally have never driven a worse car than the Terrorist! it was a total heap of dog *****... and thats after about 3000km of analysis + I don't get paid by Ford to give a favorable review lol
  18. Oh yes I hate them with a passion
  19. You blokes are scaring me about taking my car in to the dealer full stop! I don't like anyone touching my cars as none of them will do the same quality as I can but I don't want to not do the first check up? I might just tell them I got it done else where out of town and fill in the book myself, when you see all the pimple faced apprentices in those dealerships it really gets your heart rate up :(
  20. Mine has a bit more clearance since I took off all the under body plastic crap :) you maybe can tell in the picture :) I live on a farm and have taken it up and down the shooting range and around the back paddock (quite steep, places where the old 60 series will not go without engaging the manual hubs) and she does very well indeed, its quite impressive for a soft sports car come van with leather seats lol, about the only thing that limits it is the size and position of the fuel tank but its pretty good for what it is. If I find my self on the track with camera handy I'll take some pictures of the increased clearance
  21. Profile pic of the Kluger with a terrorist in the back ground lol
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