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Everything posted by juvenile

  1. 1: Nix19 2: Hiro (maybe, would meet up part-way at Richmond) 3: juvenile ( depending on work)
  2. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/271074117869?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  3. Proof will be in the pudding for sure, don't like the blue one much either.. Car will have to be clean ALL the time to keep these looking right I think.... Also pics just don't cut it sometimes :)See how we go, plus I need to find the one set to keep because looking at a second car and don't want to be wheel whoring for two cars..
  4. Thanks gents, yeah Thomas is spot on on the specs ;) I love these rims and love the tucked looked, they suit bagged cars but I'm hoping I'm low enough to achieve the look i want, the problem is what size tyre to go for , most people run 205/40/18 which is ideal for spacers but I won't be running them...
  5. Holy crap, 350 users reading this topic... Big news Guess I'll be receiving my letter shortly
  6. Just picked up the car, new gearbox seal,battery for remote and looking at my rims thinking how much I'll miss them...
  7. hahaha I didn't know we had warning points.. Any Richards on here ?
  8. Well your call out should be on record, that's something. What was the guys reaction when it happened ?
  9. Well after telling you what rims they are,and your reaction Luke,I think you've given me a complex Now i'm scared to post them up.... Still trying to decide on a tyre size so maybe next week....Nervous yes...
  10. :D thankyou and thanks heaps to Noodlez.. Rolling shot, that should shut me up
  11. WOW so clean and so ummm beige :D oh yeah and so much potential.. AWESOME buy
  12. juvenile

    SPAM Thread

    Nothing on TV today
  13. juvenile

    SPAM Thread

    How do I get a love box ?
  14. 3-5kw atw when combining with cat back Thanks for that Ben..New TRD items added .. 1st post
  15. Looking forward to pics, what colour is your car ? black ?
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