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Everything posted by Taka

  1. Try to flip the DVD screen back up... does it shut it up? I still using the FM transmitter... cheaper than $150.
  2. No u don't want to have TPMS (tyre pressure motoring system). It basically a sensor inside the tyre of each wheel, giving radio signal to the central unit. If there is low tyre pressure sensed - it give error signal on dash. Problem is: 1. Not all wheels compatible with TPMS. 2. Balancing is hard in Aussie tyre shop who does not see them easily (because the unit has to be placed in the right spot first) 3. Changing spare will have the light on (since the spare may not have it). 4. Some people's TPMS is too sensitive. But anyhow they are good units, if they work perfectly.
  3. I am going to take a rest too. There are so many unknown We can only wish we can hear something from Toyota! In the meantime, for the interest of safety, drive safely (around the gravel bend at 100kmh) !
  4. Sorry that I use the word flash memory wrong. I am not a computer person. I think we are talking about a different size of the memory it store. Well 1Mb memory. I was thinking of 64Mb we use in cameras haha. Boleh is right, they store data (mainly the DTC - diagnostic trouble codes) but as sophisted as we hope that is all, and sensor data they store --- just crank angle sensor, o2 sensors, MAF sensor etc and if they were something wrong, they show up as DTC (diagnostic trouble codes). Just the DTC code alone have 1000s of items. They record time and code and store it in the ECU until the mechanics clear it the next check. Some do not show up as check lights on dash. I do know as a fact that some sports car record how many times you exceed a certain speed. They use that as an evidence of car abuse on race tracks. But talking about seconds to second record of steering angle, speed and what happen to the traction control when it crashes...on the move... I doubt it. I really wish I could have those in my RX-8, I really do. So I can analyze my lap around Winton raceway. hehe. EDIT: I know I am not a computer person, but I know that the data I got from GPS race data... I can have 200kb for 20minutes of racing, just for the GPS position of the car taken every 1/5 sec. Calculate speed and lap times. Nothing about G forces yet. So 1024kb is not much. Having said that, only the last 10 sec counts doesn't it???? Hope they have some data.
  5. The Kluger. Cannon Toyota from Camberwell called me.
  6. There is no estimate. The dealer called me and ask me to go to their dealership, refusing to talk about price over the phone.
  7. It was a joke. I don't think there is any needle ticking inside the ECU. Flash memory is expensive. No I doubt even the porsches have that sort of detail data. I have the scan tool in my computer for my RX-8, there is minimal data collected by the ECU in modern Japanese sports car. I wonder how much will be recorded in a family SUV
  8. Discount new cars only refer you to the dealer. Useless!
  9. Actually it is true. Why not force them to be something better! I agree. As a matter of fact, the calibration is in the ECU; so they can work on the DSC as well as the fuel map to get us more power. Recalibrated DSC can be uploaded to the ECU in minutes~! I know because I had a Japanese tuner come from Japan to Melbourne to tune my RX-8 by rewriting the fuel map in the ECU... he told me that any ECU can be rewritten if anyone can get the code (there usually very small difference between cars in Mazda). Just the fact that most people are too lazy to work on it or too selfish to share. But I am sure the ECU across the whole range of 3.5L V6 are using the same code and similar calibration and fuel map. I wonder the Aurion driver have found someone to remap their ECU yet.
  10. I doubt even the most advance ECU in the world will have all the data available. I know as a fact in my Mazda RX-8 there is only recorded any Trouble Codes, any over speeding, and over reving of engines. I doubt there will be much about the speed at the time if it is 100kmh, steering angle or even if traction control is activated (at the time). They only would know if it is working because there is no code recorded in the car saying it is not. If there is such info in the car, there must a hard disc in the ECU
  11. This thread will interest you http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...showtopic=13665 Sounds like you are buying the 1st series Kluger (CVX), there is one that connect to the stock system (wires that already in the car) http://www.vms4x4.com/
  12. They have no data on the skid and the crash is less than useful to Toyota. They should have a Driftbox or something to measure the angle and speed. I doubt there will be record of steering angle or lots of data in the ECU. There will be nothing pin point the incident at the crash. If Toyota is game, should get another test on the Kluger in Wheel's term, measure all the parameter and publish it!
  13. Hi puff. Welcome Yes I think you are right. AWD is harder to get out of grip compare with rear wheel drive car. I can set off the DSC on my RX-8 easily.
  14. The problem is Johny that ESP will not 100% save you. There is no guarantee in life. That is the message I am going to put out to the forums. Wheels magazine portrait the traction and stability control works like magic and fool prove. They have not considered the dynamics of skid and I think that is the problem. Who can assure me that the dirt/gravel tract that they use have even grip across the whole track, particularly where he lost control. Now, that is my point! When there is sudden lost of grip beyond control, no one, including the perfect DSC/ESP/VDC can save it.
  15. Nowadays paint protection is useless as the original paint are very good. I think I stop those for like 8 years ago. Leather is easier - $30 a bottle of AutoGlym from autobarn will protect for like 3 months. No need mate. Save your money.
  16. NOTHING! Is that a good answer? Never trust the rust proof unless you store your car under water.
  17. Met up with the best drifter/strunt man in Melbourne if not the whole Australia today (Kevin Flynn). He did a lot of launch days for Toyota. He works for many makes just not Toyota and he is the one that told me to get the Kluger. When I told him that Wheels has rolled the car while testing the traction control, he seems very surprised? He said, " you sure it is not the driver?" I did not say this... (now he will hate me quoting him )
  18. It is in the small 3" display so I think all Kluger has it
  19. there is already another thread about it
  20. Taka

    New Kluger

    I hope your car will be securely sHipping from Japan in April ;). BTW love "Eight Ounce Gold" in your avatar.
  21. Ha I have heard that many times in the rx8 forum before. After cooling down a bit... it is just an accident that concluded that there is still times that VDC cannot control all troubles. I want to see if there is any video evidence of what happen. So far we only have the driver recollection. Even the day I crash my RX-8 at Phillip Island I had video evidence of it..
  22. Interesting comment from Ged when he got attacked from the Wheel mag site Jeffoz comment: Ged's comment back:
  23. ESP = Electronic Stability Control in car, not ESP = Extra-sensory perception, a paranormal ability http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP The car CANNOT anyway in the world know what you think. ESP is a very simple system, sensors to sense wheel spin/and yaw sensors and it either apply brakes or cut fuel to suit it. The new BMW X6 will have different torque application to each wheel. That is just slightly more complicated. What makes me laugh is one person in the ford forum http://www.fordforums.com.au/printthread.php?t=11206821 "I'm not blaming Toyota specifically, but give me a rational reason why the kluger did flip and why the ESP didn't intervene when it should have and why no other similar vehicles rolled over during test and i'll shut up!" He did not read the article and treat the forum like conversation in the pub. He did not realise that his misunderstanding has gone in the public world (google). Don't embrass yourself. Post something clever. I will speak on behalf of all the Mazda Rx-8 drivers who enjoy his car on the race track with the most advance traction control in the middle priced sport cars. Generally there is 3 ways you can engage in situation when you need a traction control. I have the opportunity as pre-order buyer of the car to test the car on race track before it launches back in 2003. They showed me DSC with this moves! ONE: step the accel pedal too hard. In RWD cars, the wheel spin and you have oversteer. TO CORRECT: Take fuel off via computer, apply brake to the outer rear wheel. TWO: Take off the accel pedal too quick. It will also create overspin. TO CORRECT: Apply brakes, Electronic brake distribution (EBD) may come in play to control the braking (to make it uneven across the wheels). THREE: Brake too hard and turn. TO CORRECT: EBD will control most braking and ease off where the one locked. But still it can go sideways. It just happen to stop without spining out far. I have a video demostrating how it works. The link is down atm. I have educated the RX-8 group of owners about DSC and I don't think there is another group of owners will know about it more than us, especially Ford owners, and perhaps the Wheel editors. I doubt anyone of them races their cars with DSC. I have emailed them about this. Testing the car with ESP/DSC/VDC outside the capability of the car itself is not appropriate, especially there may be wrong input from the driver that make a spin of no return. BTW - I have stated by the car flip and I will say again: The car flip as stated in the article, as I understand is that the car skid/spin slideways on the gravel to the grass, hit a bump, poped both inner tyres, and the car centre of gravity tipped over and there is a roll. People in ford forum. Copy and paste.
  24. Download the pdf file. It is a good read. It said somewhere that the Kluger had a 270 degree turn.
  25. Well said Mrbishi, Tae, we have anti-roll bar. No anti roll bar in the car will 100% stop a car from rolling... haha. The fact that it rolled is due to the fact that the car is sideway and the tyre catching the tyres.... then the tyre pops out of the rim and the car rolls.
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