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this is old and most of you have probably seen it but....

Thought I would let you guys know about my latest project I'm putting speed holes in my bonnet :lol: .

These are some of the materials I've used so far, fibre glass resin, fibre glass matting, hardener to set the resin, scissors and heaps of small paint brushes.


This is the sort of shape I was after but more flush looking.


First off I made a mould of the shape I wanted using thin sheet metal.


Once the mould was made I used aluminium foil as a base sheet which I covered in vaseline to stop the resin from sticking I also did the same to the mould.


What you would normally do is put one layer of fibre glass matting and cover that in resin waiting for it to harden before putting the next layer, but because I'm impatient I put on three layers and waited for that to dry. You should do it one layer at a time and wait in between to prevent air bubbles forming and wrecking the finished product. I added 6 layers in total so I only had to do it twice.


I've also added extra fibre glass around the sides which will be attached to the bonnet from the underneath, because I knew that these areas will be the ones needing the most support.

At the moment I'm up to the stage of modifying the bonnet, I've cut out the area where the vent will be added and have cleaned the surrounding area in preparation. I have also shaped the outer edge of the mould to fit in the hole I've cut.


The next step will be fibre glassing the vent to the bonnet from the underside and then be using a little bit of bog to fill and smooth all the areas to make a flush and clean area for the final step of painting.


OK this is what i was up today

i cut out the 2nd hole

i grinded some paint away near the 2 holes (so the resin sticks better)

i shaped the 2nd vent

taped up the vents

1 because the tape holds it there

2 becasue the tape stops the resin from coming on the top side. (so it should be smooth when i take the tape off)


here you can see the tape and all i do is run fiberglass matt over the tape to join the vent to the hood.


and it glassed


and the big hole that has to be filled.


this is the hole filled


I didn't really have the right kind of environment at home to finish them off anymore and basically this is the only way I have been shown how to do this kind of thing. I just figured at the time it would be easier to attach them to the bonnet and have a solid area that was bigger and more stable for me to work with. I mainly used the bog to really get the finished shape I wanted and to smooth out the area for painting.


This is the first layer of bog I've sanded it back and shaped the area a bit more and will add one more layer just to even it out and smooth the area completly.

looking good at last....

i primed it today and looks heaps better.




this is just primer on the bits that were back to bear metal next week it will get hi-filled


Got hi-fill/primer yesterday just have to leave it for a week to "bake" or dry up.

then will wet rub and reddy for paint......

the hood is looking at not getting paint any time soon as hair line cracks have formed were the fiberglass joined metal...

I'm glad i have left it unpainted this long or the cracks would have been on the top of the paint.


To fix the problem i have to get the di-grinder out and cut it back to were metal meets fiberglass and bog it as the fine bog i will use will be flexible so in theory there should be no cracks in the long run...


fiberglass=no flex,

when you close the hood it flexes a lot it might not look it but it dose.

so when all the hood has moved flexed the bits that cant flex with it (the fiberglass) will brake away from the stuff that can move/flex

These are actually called NACA ducts or vents here are some of the aerodynamic advantages of these



again - nicely done!

but yea how is it now with the flex/no flex factor?

Posted (edited)

again - nicely done!

but yea how is it now with the flex/no flex factor?

i still have not attempted to fix the cracks yet...

Edited by puzzle man
  • 2 weeks later...

  • 9 months later...

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