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9/11: this is the truth!

Alberto Michelatti

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some fool said that only people who dont believe the war on iraq is justified make up these conspiracy theories,but i know its you fukin pieces of **** that have racism flowing through your spineless bodies that are so one track minded, even if you were given evidence ie footage of pentagon impact not just flashes of it ,you would still deny it thats how stubborn you racists and bush supporters are .If you cant see that this was to give bush the go ahead on the war on oil then your in a coma

Give me an explation of this "war on oil".

Also princess, theres no need to resort to name calling. Im no racist. Its a simple fact, alot of arabic countries have a very agressive nature about them. Just as australia has a very arrogant nature about it. Im far from closed minded. I think the behaviour of the lebanese youth during the cronulla riots was utterly disgusting, unhuman and cowardly. Does this make me racist? no! because it has nothing to do with race. Just their behaviour. The aussie guys were just as bad! Am i racist because i believe the whites were behaving JUST as badly!? no

So next time you feel the need to generalize about ppl who dont believe these half baked ideas, SHUT YOUR **** TRAP!

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some fool said that only people who dont believe the war on iraq is justified make up these conspiracy theories,but i know its you fukin pieces of **** that have racism flowing through your spineless bodies that are so one track minded, even if you were given evidence ie footage of pentagon impact not just flashes of it ,you would still deny it thats how stubborn you racists and bush supporters are .If you cant see that this was to give bush the go ahead on the war on oil then your in a coma


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all those that think that it was not a plane that hit the pentagon... tell that to the families of the 120 odd people that lost their lives that were onboard that plane. And also explain to the family of my parents neighbour who were driving along the highway alongside the pentagon when the plane came over head.

the reason the hole is not large enough, it because the plane scraped along the ground, you know then funny thing about when metal sheets are involved in impacts is that they deform. You you not expect the hull of a plane to collapse somewhat from a direct impact with the ground?

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some fool said that only people who dont believe the war on iraq is justified make up these conspiracy theories,but i know its you fukin pieces of **** that have racism flowing through your spineless bodies that are so one track minded, even if you were given evidence ie footage of pentagon impact not just flashes of it ,you would still deny it thats how stubborn you racists and bush supporters are .If you cant see that this was to give bush the go ahead on the war on oil then your in a coma


Conspiracy theories, war or anything else. blamming Bush will not help anyone nor will getting him out of office help anyone.

The next puppet is there waiting to be told what to say and do.

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The twin towers had always been targets of terrorist attacks because it was seen to be like a symbolic strike to the heart - Take down the big and famous land mark and people will notice.

They had been bombed before with far less damage. On 9/11 the terrorists worked out a way to really do damage.

The design of the Twin Towers was an exoskeleton type - So the main strutural support holding the floors up was the vertical steel exterior beams rather than depending on the interior pilons only, this technique was employed at the time of building because it would make construction of the towers a quicker process. When the planes crashed into the building, they sliced through the vertical beams on the exterior, weakening the main structural integrity and then gravity did the rest.

Whilst it is true that the US is oil hungry, and the Afganistan/Iraq are the result of this agenda, it also has to be remembered that there are in fact bad people in the world, who would not blink in harming someone they don't like. Monday Morning in Melbourne CBD anyone?

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how bout go fuk urselfs , the evidence is there but they wont show or tell us why in the so called independent commision , which by the way was headed by bushs bum chum ,so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

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how bout go fuk urselfs , the evidence is there but they wont show or tell us why in the so called independent commision , which by the way was headed by bushs bum chum ,so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

:help: What's your problem? Who's being racist? My nutsack is biggest of all FTW :toast:

Chill out its just a discussion :rolleyes:

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Note: There is not a single full stop used within this sentence. Wait...wait wait wait...that could be some sort of code, the old 'Don't use full stops in order to complete a totally different sentence by cross referencing letters from opposing sentences to form a final conclusive sentence.'

so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

"i am terra" (Note the street slang usage on the word 'Terror' which is now 'Terra'. This fits in perfectly with his style of writing as displayed previously within his posts in this thread.

Oh my ***...HE'S A TERRORIST! OH NOEZ!!!


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how bout go fuk urselfs , the evidence is there but they wont show or tell us why in the so called independent commision , which by the way was headed by bushs bum chum ,so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

congrats on a 2 week ban for personal attacks....moron.

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how bout go fuk urselfs , the evidence is there but they wont show or tell us why in the so called independent commision , which by the way was headed by bushs bum chum ,so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

The ultimate keyboard warrior... your a sad little boy. When your off ur 2 week ban, pm me and i'll give you my address. We can compare nutsacks to your hearts content. :wub: cya princess

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how bout go fuk urselfs , the evidence is there but they wont show or tell us why in the so called independent commision , which by the way was headed by bushs bum chum ,so untill i see what really hit the pentagon and find out why the so called terrorists that were flying these planes are still alive and are told who really was flying the planes is out there for all to know i'll know it was a set up and you racist scumbags can hide behind your screen but if i find you at a meet we can argue bout it then see how big your nutsack is then

congrats on a 2 week ban for personal attacks....moron.


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You've got to be kidding me! this is the stupidest thread ever. who are these ppl that come up with this cr@p?! i was awake and watching 9/11 as it unfolded. i saw the second plane hit live on TV. All these conspiracy theories is not unlike sherlock holmes trying to figure out what a particular smell is in a room by analysing the air molecules when all you have to do is turn around to see the pile of sh!t on the middle of the living room floor. This is all nonesense and the world has gone MAD! See what too much X-File does to everyone? My mum was right - too much TV rots your brain!

Edited by qkslvr
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You've got to be kidding me! this is s stupidest thread ever. who are these ppl that come up with this cr@p?! i was awake and watching 9/11 as it unfolded. i saw the second plane hit live on TV. All these conspiracy theories is not unlike sherlock holmes trying to figure out what a particular spell is in a room by analysing the air molecule when all you have to do is turn around to see the pile of sh!t on the middle of the living room floor. This is all nonesense and the world has gone MAD! See what too much X-File does to everyone? My mum was right - too much TV rots your brain!

Exactly. We all know it was Jar Jar Binks. He's not as stupid as we once thought.

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Touchy cause a bunch of inbred numb nuts decided they *** instruments of justice. Can someone lock/delete this thread, and give this dumb ***** italian an e-spanking?

Edited by OZROLA
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lol hahaha... i just saw this thread... i don't know if i should laugh or laugh harder lol... ppl getting fired up over nuthin... personal attacks... terrorism... me blowin up towers (**** i shouldn't have said that... wat i meant to say was bush blowin up towers)... wat's happening to this world lol

now just to be fair you have to leave room for doubt... i mean it's very possible that bush blew the towers up... but it's also very possible that terrorists blew them up... the only people that know for sure... the only only people credible enough to verify exactly wat happened are the people that took part in the attacks...


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some fool said that only people who dont believe the war on iraq is justified make up these conspiracy theories,but i know its you fukin pieces of **** that have racism flowing through your spineless bodies that are so one track minded, even if you were given evidence ie footage of pentagon impact not just flashes of it ,you would still deny it thats how stubborn you racists and bush supporters are .If you cant see that this was to give bush the go ahead on the war on oil then your in a coma



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and for you guys that think conspiracies are not real....

heres 3 real conspiracies..

1/ The Assasination Of Julius Caesar

In October, 45 BC, Caesar returned to Rome, and celebrated a triumph over Gnaeus Pompey,one of the two sons of the defeated former ally and Consul who bore the same name. By this time Caesar already had considerable power and was dictator in all but name,coins were issued with his image,and the Senate was constantly voting him new honours (the right to wear the laurel wreath and purple toga and sit on a throne at all public functions for example)

By February, 44 BC Caesar had been named dictator perpetuus. On February 15, at the feast of Lupercalia, Caesar wore his purple robe for the first time in public. At the public festival, Marc Antony offered him a diadem,the traditional symbol of a king, but wisely Caesar refused it,for Rome was a republic.This did not stop speculation amoungst many republicans in the senate who thought that Caesar was indeed setting himself up to be Emperor.

Despite his general popularity and many great achievements, there remained a group of disaffected citizens. Most were former Antony supporters who had been pardoned and given positions of responsibility by Caesar.These formented this imperial speculation which in turn led to bitter conspiracy.

On March 15 (the Ides), 44 BC Caesar attended the last meeting of the Senate before his departure to lead a military campaign against the Parthians.Up to sixty conspirators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Brutus Albinus, and Gaius Trebonius, came to the meeting with daggers concealed in their togas.The moment Caesar took his seat, the conspirators surrounded him. They began to petition him to recall from banishment a certain Cimber. When Caesar arose they struck Caesar at least 23 times as he stood at the base of Pompey's statue.Famously,Caesar last words were supposed to have been, Et Tu, Brutus ? as his friend put his knife in.

Unfortunately,the conspirators had not planned for anything after the assasination and they fled in panic,they were eventually hunted down and were either killed in combat or by their own hand.

A conspiracy story so good even Shakespeare couldn't resist retelling it.

2/ Nero Fiddles As Rome Burns

On the night of July 19th, 64 AD, a fire broke out in Rome among the shops lining the Circus Maximus.The events are best described by the historian Tacitus who was living there at the time.

Now started the most terrible and destructive fire which Rome had ever experienced. It began in the Circus, where it adjoins the Palatine and Caelian hills. Breaking out in shops selling inflammable goods, and fanned by the wind, the conflagration instantly grew and swept the whole length of the Circus. There were no walled mansions or temples, or any other obstructions, which could arrest it. First, the fire swept violently over the level spaces. Then it climbed the hills - but returned to ravage the lower ground again. It outstripped every counter-measure. The ancient city's narrow winding streets and irregular blocks encouraged its progress.

Terrified, shrieking women, helpless old and young, people intent on their own safety, people unselfishly supporting invalids or waiting for them, fugitives and lingerers alike - all heightened the confusion. When people looked back, menacing flames sprang up before them or outflanked them. When they escaped to a neighboring quarter, the fire followed - even districts believed remote proved to be involved. Finally, with no idea where or what to flee, they crowded on to the country roads, or lay in the fields. Some who had lost everything - even their food for the day - could have escaped, but preferred to die. So did others, who had failed to rescue their loved ones. Nobody dared fight the flames. Attempts to do so were prevented by menacing gangs. Torches, too, were openly thrown in, by men crying that they acted under orders. Perhaps they had received orders. Or they may just have wanted to plunder unhampered.

Nero was at Antium. He returned to the city only when the fire was approaching the mansion he had built to link the Gardens of Maecenas to the Palatine. The flames could not be prevented from overwhelming the whole of the Palatine, including his palace. Nevertheless, for the relief of the homeless, fugitive masses he threw open the Field of Mars, including Agrippa's public buildings, and even his own Gardens. Nero also constructed emergency accommodation for the destitute multitude. Food was brought from Ostia and neighboring towns, and the price of corn was cut to less than οΏ½ sesterce a pound. Yet these measures, for all their popular character, earned no gratitude. For a rumor had spread that, while the city was burning, Nero had gone on his private stage and, comparing modern calamities with ancient, had sung of the destruction of Troy.

By the sixth day enormous demolitions had confronted the raging flames with bare ground and open sky, and the fire was finally stamped out at the foot of the Esquiline Hill. But before panic had subsided, or hope revived, flames broke out again in the more open regions of the city. Here there were fewer casualties; but the destruction of temples and pleasure arcades was even worse. This new conflagration caused additional ill-feeling because it started on Tigellinus' estate in the Aemilian district. For people believed that Nero was ambitious to found a new city to be called after himself.

Of Rome's fourteen districts only four remained intact. Three were leveled to the ground. The other seven were reduced to a few scorched and mangled ruins."

Opinion is divided as to whether Nero ordered the fire started but many historians believe he did.The fire not only consumed the poor quarters of Rome but the marble villas the affluent and wealthy lived in which ordinarily would have been fiercely protected.Tacitus tells us that "Nobody dared fight the flames. Attempts to do so were prevented by menacing gangs. Torches, too, were openly thrown in, by men crying that they acted under orders. "

It was the obscure new religious sect called the Christians who were to be blamed by Nero and he set about their persecution with a gusto.

As Tacitus tells us "For people believed that Nero was ambitious to found a new city to be called after himself. " and sure enough out of the ruins the depraved but artistically minded young emperor built himself the Domus Aurea (Golden House).This new palace which was built in the heart of Rome on the most expensive real estate in the world at the time was comprised of a series of villas, pavillions,and open porticos to enjoy the artificial views. In the centre of the grounds, which included forests, an altar in a sacred grove, pastures with flocks, vineyards, and a man-made lake. Nero also commissioned a colossal 37 meter high bronze statue of himself, dressed in the manner of the Roman sun-*** Apollo, the Colossus Neronis, and placed it just outside the main palace entrance.

3/ The Gunpowder Plot - A Conspiracy Within A Conspiracy

Ever since Henry VIII broke away from Roman Catholicism and made himself head of the new Church of England in the 16th century England had experienced violent swings in religious policy.Queen (bloody) Mary had gone back to Catholicism and persecuted English protestants then Elizebeth had swung back to protestantism and persecuted the English catholics.By the time King James the VI of Scotland became King James I of England and united Britain under one monarch catholicism was still being sub but an uneasy policy of pragmatic tollerence appeared to have been adopted.This did not stop some catholics from hoping that one day Britain might embrace Rome once again and it didn't stop some of the more militant young catholics from attempting to take action that might precipitate this desired outcome,as we shall see.

Robert Catesby had called his cousin, Thomas Wintour, to the house of his friend, John Wright, in order to lay before the them both his plan to blow up the King and the House of Lords at the next Opening of Parliament.With the King, the Prince of Wales and most of his leading ministers dead, they would seize the young Prince Charles and the Princess Elizabeth and raise a general revolt to return Catholicism to the land.

From the Spring of 1604, the group of conspirators grew in size from three to thirteen as Guy Fawkes, Robert Wintour, Christopher Wright, Thomas Percy, John Grant, Ambrose Rokewood, Robert Keyes, Sir Everard Digby, Francis Tresham, Thomas Bates all joined in the plot.

The original plan had involved digging a tunnel from a rented house situated near the Palace of Westminster under the Parliament building but the going was slow.In March 1605, Thomas Percy was able to use his connections at the Royal Court to rent a cellar right under the House of Lords itself and the tunnel idea was shelved for good.Guy Fawkes, disguised as a servant, was able to smuggle into the cellar 36 barrels of gunpowder over the following months which he disguised by covering it with coal bags and wood stacks.

The stage was now set.The conspirators had only to wait for the day of the State Opening of Parliament on November 5th 1605.

It is believed to have been Francis Tresham, who worried about his brother-in-law, Lord Monteagle who would be in his seat in Parliament that day,wrote a letter that many believed would spell the end for this grand plot.On the evening of the 26th October Lord Monteagle received an anonymous letter.

My lord, out of the love I bear to some of your friends, I have a care for your preservation. Therefore I would advise you, as you tender your life, to devise some excuse to shift of your attendance of this Parliament, for *** and man hath concurred to punish the wickedness of this time. And think not slightly of this advertisement but retire yourself into your country, where you may expect the event in safety, for though there be no appearance of any stir, yet I say they shall receive a terrible blow, the Parliament, and yet they shall not see who hurts them.. This counsel is not to be contemned, because it may do you good and can do you know harm, for the danger is past as soon as you have burnt the latter: and I hope *** will give you the grace to make gooduse of it, to whose holy protection I commend you.

Lord Monteagle immediately showed the letter to Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury and Secretary of State. Though rather slow to act, the Privy Council eventually had the vaults beneath the Lords searched on the 4th November, first by the Earl of Suffolk and late the same evening by Sir Thomas Knyvett. Composed to the end, Fawkes coolly let the officials into Percy's cellar. Of course, the gunpowder was quickly discovered and Guy Fawkes was arrested.

All the conspirators were executed bar Francis Tresham who died in custody and to this day effigies of Guy Fawkes are burnt on bonfires across Great Britain every November 5th.

But there is a conspiracy within a conspiracy here.The Secretary of State, Robert Cecil, a machiavelian character,is believed to have let the plot mature almost to fruition before exposing it.Some say that he even allowed the conspirators to get as far as they did having watched it develope for months.The anonymous letter merely being a test of loyalty for the catholic peer,Lord Monteagle.His reason ?

Cecil who was anti-catholic himself was able to instigate a new purge againt British catholics and King James I would decisively come down as a protestant monarch,even comissioning the first bible written in English which bears his name.

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and for you guys that think conspiracies are not real....

heres 3 real conspiracies..

1/ The Assasination Of Julius Caesar

In October, 45 BC, Caesar returned to Rome, and celebrated a triumph over Gnaeus Pompey,one of the two sons of the defeated former ally and Consul who bore the same name. By this time Caesar already had considerable power and was dictator in all but name,coins were issued with his image,and the Senate was constantly voting him new honours (the right to wear the laurel wreath and purple toga and sit on a throne at all public functions for example)

By February, 44 BC Caesar had been named dictator perpetuus. On February 15, at the feast of Lupercalia, Caesar wore his purple robe for the first time in public. At the public festival, Marc Antony offered him a diadem,the traditional symbol of a king, but wisely Caesar refused it,for Rome was a republic.This did not stop speculation amoungst many republicans in the senate who thought that Caesar was indeed setting himself up to be Emperor.

Despite his general popularity and many great achievements, there remained a group of disaffected citizens. Most were former Antony supporters who had been pardoned and given positions of responsibility by Caesar.These formented this imperial speculation which in turn led to bitter conspiracy.

On March 15 (the Ides), 44 BC Caesar attended the last meeting of the Senate before his departure to lead a military campaign against the Parthians.Up to sixty conspirators, led by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Brutus Albinus, and Gaius Trebonius, came to the meeting with daggers concealed in their togas.The moment Caesar took his seat, the conspirators surrounded him. They began to petition him to recall from banishment a certain Cimber. When Caesar arose they struck Caesar at least 23 times as he stood at the base of Pompey's statue.Famously,Caesar last words were supposed to have been, Et Tu, Brutus ? as his friend put his knife in.

Unfortunately,the conspirators had not planned for anything after the assasination and they fled in panic,they were eventually hunted down and were either killed in combat or by their own hand.

A conspiracy story so good even Shakespeare couldn't resist retelling it.

Thats a conspiracy in the sense that people conspired to kill Caesar, NOT that there was a conspricacy covering up the incident or trying to blame it on other people. Basically every rebellion, coup, uprising, mutiny and takeover in history is classed as a conspiracy. 9/11 did involve some conspiring by the bombers (whoever they are), but what the conspiracy theorists claim is the real conspiracy is the government trying to cover it up and blame it on the Arabs

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