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I was watching a few clips on youtube and I noticed something strange with my car, when it is put into sequential mode, it goes straight to 4th gear on the dash, whereas that doesnt seem to happen to everyone else's. Does that mean there is something wrong with my car?

Posted (edited)

Nope.. think about it.. you're doing more then 60km and want to switch to sequential mode and it starts at gear 1.. you'll be redlining and damaging your engine.

By having 4th as the default gear it makes it save to switch to sequential mode at low and high speeds.

Edited by funkd

Yea that makes sense, its good to know. Thanks. While I am on the topic, when I accelerate hard from a stand still, my car kinda shudders a bit then goes back to normal, is that to do with the traction control?

Yea that makes sense, its good to know. Thanks. While I am on the topic, when I accelerate hard from a stand still, my car kinda shudders a bit then goes back to normal, is that to do with the traction control?

if you think the wheels are spinning then yes i guess


They do spin, but I am not sure if the shudder should be that bad. Like the whole car shakes.


Umm that is a standard TCS experience.

You can picture it, Tyres spins you dont move forward, TCS kicks in and wheels get grip and accelerates jolting you forward power builds up and Tyres spin again, TCS kicks in and wheels get grip and accelerates jolting you forward power builds up... and reiterate until you ease of throttle or shifts into second gear/ third (perhaps in wet).


Sweet, thanks guys. You just confirmed there is nothing wrong with my car. Thats always good to hear. I have never had a car with a sequential gearbox or any sort of traction control, so I never knew if these things were normal or not.

too much powa!!!

this is with a stock car??? noice!

get some fatter rims and tyres :)

lol, yeah it doesnt help with those skinny tyres these cars come with, even the Commodore and Falcon at least get fatter treads..

They do spin, but I am not sure if the shudder should be that bad. Like the whole car shakes.

Yep, that would be "wheel hop". It's pretty bad when it happens isn't it? I first experienced it when accelerating too hard in the wet, most noticeably on a hill. My Aurion was the first car that I ever experienced it in, so when it did happen, it scared the s*** out of me. I thought my dash was going to fall apart and my engine would rip out. It was only brief, but it was bad. Just need to avoid accelerating too hard that you may spin the wheels.

I never knew about the dynamics of wheel hop, I just always thought that the wheels would spin and that would be it. That's what happened in my old Camry.


I think the correct term is called "axle tramp". I am surprised i haven't experienced this yet as i have almost everything else bad with the Aurion and it's a long list.


LMAO...DJKOR...i'll have to try this out now, but not with the wife onboard.

Back onto the seq' mode...i've had a few manual cars, VR commodore, 2002 magna...and a few modified crowns....and driven plenty of others. For what the Aurion is, i think the transmission is brilliant. Let's be honest, in it's basic form it's a good family car. In SX-6 and ZR-6, it's a family oriented sport model. Compared to either the current commodore or falcon, i'd drive an aurion any day.

Another good point for the seq' shift is where it's positoned in relation to the driver. It's nice and close, especially with the armrest pulled forward...you just flick it with your fingers...it's close to the steer' wheel as well.

hehehe...now i'm off to see if i can get those front wheels hopping!!!

LMAO...DJKOR...i'll have to try this out now, but not with the wife onboard.

Back onto the seq' mode...i've had a few manual cars, VR commodore, 2002 magna...and a few modified crowns....and driven plenty of others. For what the Aurion is, i think the transmission is brilliant. Let's be honest, in it's basic form it's a good family car. In SX-6 and ZR-6, it's a family oriented sport model. Compared to either the current commodore or falcon, i'd drive an aurion any day.

Another good point for the seq' shift is where it's positoned in relation to the driver. It's nice and close, especially with the armrest pulled forward...you just flick it with your fingers...it's close to the steer' wheel as well.

hehehe...now i'm off to see if i can get those front wheels hopping!!!

Yeah, I thought the same when I first got into my Aurion. Actually the first thing that I thought was "where's the handbrake?". The gear shift has been placed in the ideal location. Nothing to complain about there.

Now I probably wouldn't go around intentionally trying to recreate wheel hop. Firstly it can cause wear on drivetrain components and secondly, the feeling of it alone is enough to make you not want to get in that situation again. Anyways, I don't think the wheels actually "hop" like you would think. It's more of a repeating back and forward movement.

Quoted from: http://www.mc2racing.com/tech/20061012a/index.html

1.) Acceleration begins with good grip.

2.) The wheels move forward, toe changes, and available grip is reduced. Wheelspin occurs.

3.) During wheelspin, acceleration is very small. The wheels move back again, toe changes back, and the tire regains grip.

4.) Acceleration begins again, and the process repeats itself.

This rapid switching between grippy acceleration and wheelspin is wheel hop.


Lol maybe I should stop accelerating so hard, but its so much fun in the aurion, the engine just loves to rev. Actually its faster when you dont floor it straight off, depress it most of the way to get you going and then slowly pedal to the metal. No wheel spin if I do it that way, alternatively I can just buy bigger wheels with thicker tires...

I have never had a car with a sequential gearbox or any sort of traction control, so I never knew if these things were normal or not.

The Aurion doesn't have a sequential gearbox in the true sense of the term, its just an Auto 6 speed transmission.


You know what I mean. None of my other cars had auto boxes that could do manual gear changes.

You know what I mean. None of my other cars had auto boxes that could do manual gear changes.

Lol. My old Camry didn't have the gear selector like the Aurion, but didn't stop me from manually selecting gears and down shifting. If you have a 4 speed auto, you can pretty much do the same as the Aurion, just differently. Eg. I would have the selector in drive and over-drive on for 4th, turn over-drive off for 3rd, change the selector to '2' for 2nd, and 'L' for 1st (I never selected that though). Yes I know it is bad for the gearbox (which is why I don't down shift with the gear selector on the Aurion); but that Camry would never give up. After 300,000km, it was still running hard. I swear it ran so much better after I accidentally left it in 2nd and entered the highway up to 115km/h before realising.

But yeah, in essence, the Aurion 'S' mode pretty much does the same as that... just with a little more computer control and smoother gear changes.


I did that on my civic, but I stopped cause there was no benefit. No matter what it was just slow. lol

I think the correct term is called "axle tramp". I am surprised i haven't experienced this yet as i have almost everything else bad with the Aurion and it's a long list.

Lol I might be being harsh but with your problems.. probably the TCS system doesnt work as well!

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