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Phone to my car


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Today, Saturday 5-Dec-2009 at around 13:00 my car speaker (yes car, not phone) rang when I was leaving Sale for Melbourne. After 3 tones, a lady say "hello A..." (not my name but my son's name). I did not press anything and "Hello" back. The lady wanted to speak with A... I said I'm his father and asked her which number she is calling, she told me a very strange number. I said "Probably you call a wrong number", she said "Sorry, Bye".

The story: my phone has not paired with my car and how on earth she called a very strange number and my car picked it up - no other car around, I was running at around 100km/h . My car is a Presara and my phone is a Nokia E71.


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Do you or any of your family members have a history of mental illness?

I'm kidding.

Maybe someone paired the device while you wernt around. Maybe the name was a fluke. Maybe your phone is set to auto answer when paired.

If someone has fiddled with your phone and paired it to your car, maybe they set it to auto answer so they can call you and act like the car has come alive.. sounds like something I would do... But it wasnt me... i swear..

Maybe the person doing the prank call is your sons girl friend and she was nervous and said his name instead.

just maybe.

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Edit: My bad. Re-read post. Answer here is irrelevant. Proper answer in post 6.

Strange alright. Bluetooth does have a range of 10 metres. I've once had my car on and I took a call outside my car in my dining room (car was in garage warming up), and took me a second to realise why I couldn't hear any sound from my handset. Could be someone nearby who paired their phone to your car for fun or something and the name was a fluke. I dunno.

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dont the presaras have some sort of toyota care type thing (like the GM system) that the car has a 'phone' built into it?

Oh yeah, re-read the post and saw he has a Presara. Ignorance has got the best of me. I would have then mentioned that I have heard this exact case before.. because after all it is a GSM number.

My Presara got a call from a wrong number!

How old is your Son. Has he driven your car? Is there any way he could have pressed the call button on the Toyota Link system hence why they were calling back for him?

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Oh, I missed the point when you said she quoted a strange number..

You should have written that number down.. Definitely the Toyota Link...

LOL.... But I'm keeping the prank idea of setting a phone to auto answer on handsfree for later.

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...How old is your Son. Has he driven your car? Is there any way he could have pressed the call button on the Toyota Link system hence why they were calling back for him?

My son does not live with us and he has never used my car or my wife's car. Well, as you mentioned, could be similar wrong call. She told me the number but I could not write down when traveling at 100km/h. My wife can only remember the last 3 digits.


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